Happy 4th birthday Trig Palin!

I hope Trig is having a great birthday away from his evil adoptive mother. I also wonder what new version Sarah is going to come up with regarding the birth of Trig. Once she said he was born in Wasilla, then Anchorage. Later she said she was a month early, then six weeks early. Damn woman can't keep her lies straight anymore.

Sarah posted this picture recently on Facebook. Ever notice how she always posts an outdated picture of Trig? Also notice how it looks like he is trying to get the hell away from her. More recent pictures of Trig shows he looks like Levi which makes it impossible for Sarah and Todd to be his parents. Possible scenarios for Trig's parentage:

Sarah and Todd
Sarah and Levi (statutory rape)
Bristol and Levi
Bristol and Keith Johnston (statutory rape)

Spitting image of Levi and Bristol.

Also recently there was a gathering of the Heath klan. Everyone is there except for Track who is in Afghanistan and Trig. Where is Trig?

Surely they could have kept him calm long enough for a photo. Sad he has to miss out on family gatherings. If he is in an institution that is very sad because that is the mindset of the 1950's. Special needs children were sent away never to be heard of again. Only in Sarah's case she brings him back only for a political opportunity.

I see mafia don Gino is holding little Tripp and acting like he is his daddy. Makes me throw up. I hope Levi sees this pic and beats the shit out of Gino.

Going off topic here but Britta who is Track's wife is in the picture too. She is holding little Kyla.

Sarah is standing behind Britta and I have to say she looks like hammered shit.

Kyla is a very cute baby. I notice her hair is brown which is odd because Britta and Track's hair is blonde. Makes you wonder if Kyla is really Bristol's or Willow's.

Special thanks to Allison at The Palin Place for finding the family pictures.

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