I missed last week..computer trouble plus a lot of other things going on.
I'm now convinced Levi is not Tripp's father
Anonymous Apr 10, 2012 02:23 PM
People who fail to attain any type of stable employment after several years have little maturity. But that's what happens when one has a fool for a mentor/lawyer and no parents. We can all honestly say that now can we?
Tax Day
Accente Apr 15, 2012 09:37 AM
LEt me break this down to you ... if it not the law to declare , no one needs to ... its called privacy ... so yank ... " yeah lets see how much money every one is making so i can know so I can make everything I don't agree with an issue even if it is within the law " is frankly stupid
Did Shailey Lawes Tripp write this?
Anonymous Apr 16, 2012 08:20 AM
I suggest you both turn off your computers.
There is no blog twisting your arm to go to the site and read it. There is no site paying you to read it.
You are making the choice yourself. You don't like it -- don't go there and read them. You don't like the BS - then why are your participating and commenting. I'm sure the others on the sites would not miss you.
Happy 4th birthday Trig Palin!
Anonymous Apr 18, 2012 06:55 AM
Trig is held by his father in the group picture. And no offense, but there's no different from Gino carrying Tripp on his shoulders and sunny posing in pics with him.
Trig travels with Sarah when she goes to Arizona. There have been pictures captured of him on a plane. Why wouldn't he travel with his mother? It's kind of ridiculous to think he isn't a normal part of the family, that he doesn't attend family functions, or doesnt live with them. And it's pretty insulting to ALL adoptees to call Sarah his adopted mother or keep mentioning he is adopted. Who the hell cares. He has two parents and a family who loves him. There is no difference between adoptive and biological families.
Anonymous Apr 18, 2012 07:18 AM
Why am I a troll or stalked for writing things other people have written and simply stating things Ive seen publicly on the internet? You are a hateful person if the above indicates your level of happiness. I feel for you. Todd is Trig's father and Sarah is his mother. Point blank.
Anonymous Apr 18, 2012 06:58 AM
Trig looks like anyone you want as well as other DS kids. There have been a number of outsiders comment on possibly lookalikes. Wooten, Gino, Todd, Man #3 on the train. The list could go on as we see what we want to see. The power of suggestion is dangerous and is the one reason Trig truth has been ignored by the media AND the reason closedminded bloggers aren't anywhere close to the truth. When you believe one theory without giving any thought to another, you will hurt your side in the long run.
AnonymousApr 18, 2012 07:23 AM
AGAIN, Why am I a troll for pointing out things that YOU obviously don't want to admit? It is not a secret that there are several different people Trig has been said to resemble. FACT. How can you refute ANYTHING I said above when you're not an insider and know nothing? Get a clue or a life and move on. You closed-mindedness isn't welcome amongst the mentally stable.
I've literally said identical statements as regular and beloved politicalgaters and because I'm not her/him, I get maligned and they are fawned over and agreed with. The reason there's so much confusion is because people start taking their blogging friends, who have no connection to any inside stuff , seriously.
It's odd that you seem to trust people who don't even live in Alaska and ignore Alaskans who are a hop, skip and jump away from everything, not that that makes THEM an expert. The only person who has sense in this matter is Floyd, who has said, unless you're a deep insider, you know nothing. Meaning, unless you're Sarah or Todd, you really know nothing.
Anonymous Apr 18, 2012 07:00 AM
Yes, a baby who's fixated on a huge bunny beside him really looks like he's desperate to get away from his mother. You need a reality check.
Anonymous Apr 18, 2012 07:27 AM
How am I a liar? I'm not the one spreading false propaganda for no reason except to be a d**k. And it's funny how you claim other people's lives aren't worth anything yet you're HERE, arguing moot points about something that you will never know anything about. Sad news for you. Do you have life regrets, because I do not and have never had any regrets. I suggest you reexamine your life and what it is that's making you so unhappy that you feel driven to aimlessly attack an anonymous person.
Smile and have a nice day. I need to get back to work.
Anonymous Apr 18, 2012 07:02 AM
DAMN dude, Kyla really is the spitting image of Track. I remember seeing a family picture from the mid 90s and thinking Track and Willow looked like twins, both of whom look(ed) like Todd. Though I see Brittas eyes in her too.
Anonymous Apr 18, 2012 07:30 AM
How am I different from every single person here overanalyzing a simple photo and fabricating some stupid lies to further confuse people? Oh that's right, I don't live in a fantasy world filled with lies. Therein lies the difference. Get a life.
You need self-reflection badly. You cannot even realize your insults directly apply to you.
Anonymous Apr 18, 2012 07:46 AM
You all do realize that one of your beloved bloggers has admitted to asking a "friend" to drive by Bristol's Arizona home to take pictures and check things out. You basically virtually highfived him, as you do others who creepily report things I would never dream of publicly writing about, despite learning about them far earlier than said bloggers. (Things meaning the pregnancy of a young woman who isn't publicly known or maybe pictures belonging to a man, who attended a wedding, they don't even know but because the pics show Sarah, they must be newsworthy). I could easily prove many things and opinions wrong. I value loyalty and privacy in life so I'd never betray other people, regardless of knowing them of not, or regardless of them being famous.
I work closely with celebrities in my line of international work. I could easily sell info on Angelina Jolie for example. It's called respect and dignity.
The hypocrisy here and elsewhere is astounding.
Anonymous Apr 18, 2012 07:51 AM
My point: If you're going to live a life of constant judgment, at least judge things you personally know. I hope you understand that concept.
Anonymous Apr 18, 2012 07:27 AM
How am I a liar? I'm not the one spreading false propaganda for no reason except to be a d**k. And it's funny how you claim other people's lives aren't worth anything yet you're HERE, arguing moot points about something that you will never know anything about. Sad news for you. Do you have life regrets, because I do not and have never had any regrets. I suggest you reexamine your life and what it is that's making you so unhappy that you feel driven to aimlessly attack an anonymous person.
Smile and have a nice day. I need to get back to work.
Anonymous Apr 18, 2012 07:30 AM
How am I different from every single person here overanalyzing a simple photo and fabricating some stupid lies to further confuse people? Oh that's right, I don't live in a fantasy world filled with lies. Therein lies the difference. Get a life.
Kris April 19, 2012 10:16 AM
You belong in an effing institution! Todd is holding Trig. His head is partially blocked by Chuck Heath's head, but you can definitely see him. But I guess it's more fun for delusional people to imagine that the Palin's stuck Trig in an institution somewhere. Every dark thought that Palin haters have about the Palin's is just something that you all are projecting onto them. It has nothing to do with reality. Why is it so important for you guys to believe that Sarah didn't birth Trig? And that Bristol and Levi must be his parents. Do you know how effing insane that sounds? And now you have Bristol or Willow as being Kyla's mom?! What is your obsession with switching parents with these kids? Haha I can't believe there are really people like this in the world. It's effing scary. And now Gino is a mafia don, because he's Italian? These stereotypes are insulting. What is Gino's sin, that he fell in love with Bristol? He's been more of a dad to Tripp than Levi ever was. He should be admired for that, not ridiculed. Get an effing life, dude, because the Palin's are happily living there's. You've got 10 effing members on this blog. Effing pathetic. Haha Glad I stumbled upon it, though. It's always fun to mess with Palin haters.
Trig's birthday was yesterday and Sarah didn't bother to wish him a happy birthday on Facebook or Twitter
Kris Apr 19, 2012 09:53 AM
Palin haters always talk about how Sarah uses her son, Trig, as a prop. And now you're upset that she didn't wish him a Happy Birthday in public? You can't have it both ways, y'all. But since you all have split personalities, I guess you can.Reason #1 not to vote for Mitt Romney for anythingAccente Apr 20, 2012 03:34 PMreally .. u think this will stick .. slow day ? ... looks like you had your hands tied behind and used everything else to hit the keyboard
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