Bristol's blog
Anonymous Mar 26, 2012 06:23 AM
Shouldn't you be addressing this question to the Johnstons, none of whom have jobs or a way to get good jobs. How many times has Mercede said she will start online schooling? SAD people. Bristol's had her stable job for awhile and her siblings all have their stable paths. You're bitching about the wrong people being grifters, especially when it's not the Palins who SOLELY RELY ON grifted dollars.
Anonymous Mar 26, 2012 07:02 AM
The Palins also invest in real estate and other things. The money won't run out. The Paoletti money won't run out. The do not only invest in Alaska.
Anonymous Mar 26, 2012 06:16 AM
Bristol's not the one who publicly trashes the Johnstons. She doesnt trash Levi or Sadie on facebook, which is something I can't say about Mercede. HOWEVER. I have saved ALL of Sadie's ill words about Bristol on facebook and will use them if needed. Bristol ignores Mercede as she should. Anyone who knows Mercede Johnstons knows that being ignored is what she hates most. I also have screenshots of BRistol's old and new facebooks to prove Bristol has never referenced Mercede OR the Johnstons.
She uses it to keep in touch with friends and family members, and share fun things, which is how most people utilize it.
Anonymous Mar 26, 2012 09:10 AM
This is Bristol Palin herself @ 6:16AM. Please note the IP address for future reference.
Thanks for visiting Bristol! BTW where are those screen shots?
Anonymous Mar 26, 2012 11:04 AM
Wow Dis Gusted. Bristol has NEVER spoken ill of the Johnstons. She once politely answered questions about Levi's "aspirations" to be mayor and followed up with saying he needs stability. She has never referenced Sadie in public and was downright kind to her in her book considering their past association.
I will forever repeat this because it's worth repeating. Why did Mercede's most recent Ex, the guy who broke up with her last November after dating her for a year, immediately start acting friendly to Bristol and crawled back to all the friends Sadie used to have but abandoned her due to [Sadie's] immaturity? Sorry for the run on, but no wants to address this fact.
I am not criticizing Mercede. I do not know her personally. I have merely spoken on the phone with the people I reference who were once close to her and supported her through the last several years, up until January 2011. This girl needs help. She is more lost than even her brother. Speaking from someone who's seen it happen, Mercede will piss off the wrong person one day and she will get hurt, emotionally. The wrong person will throw all her sh*t back at her and she's be even more lost and broken. Strangers cannot help her. Her lesson will reach her with even more friendships ending and more romantic relationships fizzling abruptly.
Or someone who cares for her will show her the light by telling her to go to school and make something of herself, honestly and maturely. BB, CP, AP, and TP all tried. (none of those are public names)
The way YOU can help her is to stop kissing her a*s. Support her as a person, but don't coddle her and fawn over her. Her excess vanity makes her worse. You claim Palin is narcissistic and needs attention to live. Mercede is equally so. It's all in her own words and rewrites of history.
Anonymous Mar 26, 2012 11:05 AM
Why don't you not fabricate lies? Start there.
Anonymous Mar 26, 2012 04:31 PM
I will not violate Bristol's privacy by publishing what she writes privately. However, if people continue to make stuff up claiming she bashes people and is downright malicious, I will use what I have wisely behind the scenes. Not that she can't prove herself innocent at any time to the people who matter anyway. You all don't matter, which is why she ignores you largely. I'm sure you hate being ignored.
"However if she writes any disparaging remarks about Levi and Sadie Johnston I will make a screen save of it and send them to the judge in Tripp's custody case."
...IOW, you WILL follow her blog, because otherwise you would not know if/when she does that. ;)
Top 15 Most Dangerous Conservative Politicians and Government Officials to watch in 2012
Anonymous Mar 31, 2012 10:00 AM
Now do the most dangerous democrats.
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