Why I will vote for Barack Obama again

Barack Obama inherited a mess from the Dumbya administration. A deep recession and two wars. No way in hell was he going to get all the problems fixed within four years. Right after he was sworn in I was attending a coin show and heard two dealers talking and they said it would take at least eight years to clean up the economy.

I don't agree with President Obama on everything he has done, such as ordering air strikes on Libya, and cowtowing to the Republicans on health care reform. But right now he is the best we got, considering what a mess the GOP candidates are-Bachmann, Gingrich, Perry, Cain, Paul, Romney. So many misstatments, scandals, poor records etc. If one of them gets elected I may have no choice but to move to Canada.

President Obama has done a lot of great things, however. Repealing DADT, knocking out Bin Laden and his deputy, reversing the ban on stem cell research, cracking down on illegal immigrants. And he will have the troops out of Iraq by the end of the year. I never believed that was Dumbya's wish.

If your smart you will vote for Barack Obama in 2012.

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