Republicans are amblivient towards sex abuse victims

Joe Paterno who is a Republican and is buddies with George H.W. Bush Sr. and was a good friend of Gerald Ford knew that his former assistant Jerry Sandusky is a pedophile and did nothing about it.

Michele Bachmann, Mike Huckabee, Rick Perry and Sarah Palin believe a rape victim should have to carry a baby that was concieved during a rape to full term.

Sarah Palin tried to charge rape victims the cost of rape kits while mayor of Wasilla.

Tim Pawlenty pardoned a sex offender only to have the offender abuse his daughter.

Mike Huckabee also had a hand in getting a sex offender clemency, who had raped a distant cousin of Democrat Bill Clinton. This sex offender would also re-offend and commit murder.

Current PA Governor Tom Corbett approved a $3 million taxpayer paid grant to The Second Mile, the charity ran by accused pedophile Jerry Sandusky while the investigation was going on.

Sarah Palin's father Chuck Heath protested the firing of an elementary school principal who refused to fire a teacher accused of sexual abuse.

And the Republican Party is supposed to be all about family values. Sounds like rape and sexual abuse are family values.

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