Troll comments December 4-10

Comparing Barack Obama and Sarah Palin

Anonymous said...

Wow. There areso many lies in that I don't know where to start.

- Obama was NOT a professor. That is a high ranking title
- 3 Palin kids did not dropout. Track graduated on time and Willow is completing HS early. Bristol chose a different path but because you're so judgmental I willgive you that one
-stop slandering Curtis, a noble man.
- you have NO idea what the obamas marriage is like. That said, you have NO idea what the Palin marriage is like.
- you ignore all the good things purposefully: the way both families enjoy each others company, the way the adult palin kids visit their Parents home everyday

-you touch on biology, as if one can ultimately control nature.
- the bus brakes incident did not involve Track. Willow is not a vandal. Why don't you actually speak to the party throwers, 3 boys who didn't even get in trouble.that may have been IMs most ignorant post.

I love how people say posts like these bring trolls out. So, you bascially just said decent, truthful people are trolls and people like you are ignorant haters who'll believe anything? Yep, you just said that.

-every parent brags about their kids. Why wouldn't she?
- you ignore that 3 of her kids have jobs (mundane, everyday jobs) they enjoy.

Again, you're comparing 2 different kindsof people and ineffect disparaging a whole host of people who choose to live a certain way, a way that makes them happy.

This blog post is unAmerican just because of that.

December 5, 2011 5:19 AM

Sarah calls the President a phony while sporting her worst wig ever

Anonymous said...

She's evil because you don't like her office xmas tree, she occasionally wears wigs when she can't get to a salon, and she speaks HER opinion?

Uh. You're all deranged and unhinged. Please never leave your homes.

I have other words for all your states of mental health but I will leave it at this: you are not bettering the country you live in with petty attacks. You're adding to the problem.

December 8, 2011 11:56 AM

Anonymous said...

To Anon 11:55

Uhhhhhh, which is why she is well-received everywhere she goes and why her home is forever filled with bustling activity and warmth. You hate that she is perfectly able to hold civil, normal conversations with equally civil people. You're pissed because her following holds civil, mature conversations and you sound like lunatics who know no boundries.

You hate that her words for President Obama are dead on. You hate that she only refutes him professionally and not personally, something you refuse or can't do with her. Your only fuel is personal attacks, activity decent people don't respect.

You're so transparent. And it's sad.

December 8, 2011 12:06 PM

Michelle Duggar miscarries

Anonymous said...

You ought to be ashamed of yourself. You are not God, and if He didn't want Mrs. Duggar to get pregnant she wouldn't have. May God forgive you for saying such a cruel and heartless thing during their time of grief. I'll be praying for you and those like you who can't put aside their vitriolics long enough to have a little sympathy.

Oh and yes, God *did* create menopause. And obviously Mrs. Duggar HAS NOT gone through that yet, or she wouldn't be able to get pregnant. Hello??????

December 8, 2011 10:45 PM

That one had to have been Sarah. Vitriolics does not exist in the dictionary.

More proof that Sarah was not pregnant with Trig

Anonymous said...

I'm not entirely sure why people equate this with Sarah. 90 percent of America forgot about Sarah Jan 2009. If someone meets her randomly they treat her as a normal person, which is what she is.

Here's what is funny: every politician has their critics. Palin is the only one with such a violent hater base. Palin haters are typically irrational assholes. The funny part. Compared to EVERY other politician, Sarah is a paragon of virtue. She also has significantly less power on every level. Even obama and his wife has affair rumors. Look at how controversial stories about everyone else get squashed by whoever is hired to threaten the agency.

Step away from all this for a minute. Really look at how you're being perceived. It aint pretty.

Keep calm, find perspective.

December 10, 2011 7:41 PM

It is also with great sadness that I have to inform you readers Clarissa is no longer following my blog.

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