From FOX News
Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has not decided to flex her political muscle and endorse a Republican candidate for President yet; but she has picked a favorite quarterback, Tim Tebow.
Sunday on "America's News Headquarters" Governor Palin said she is impressed with Tebow's fearless bold display of his faith. "He knows that Jesus is going to rock your world when you give it over to him and he is bold about it," Palin explains.
Tim Tebow has attracted unprecedented attention on and off the football field for his unorthodox skill-set and his frequent expressions of his faith on the field. In fact, it's such a phenomenon that a new word has been created to describe his expression of faith: "Tebowing."
The Urban Dictionary defines "Tebowing" as a gesture "to get down on a knee and start praying, even if everyone else around you is doing something completely different."
As far as Governor Palin is concerned, Tebow is a model for us all, "(he) knows that the son of GOD should be honored and praised and Tebow does that and I respect it." Lucky for the current GOP presidential field, Tebow can't run for the Presidency foranother 11 years. The Governor does not express the same level of excitement for the current political field of GOP presidential candidates.
We all know that everything Sarah touches turns to shit. Tim will probably lose the rest of his games now that Sarah has declared her love for him.
Sarah should apologize to Tim.
Personally I like Tim Tebow, as a person. And he is a nice piece of eye candy as evidenced in the picture above. He does practice what he preaches, unlike some RWNJ's such as Rick Perry, Michele Bachmann, Rick Santorum, and Sarah Palin. However he could turn it down a notch in declaring his faith because it turns people off to Christianity. Some of my agnostic and atheist friends tell me that they actually like Jesus, but do not like his followers, hence this bumper sticker:

I also do not think Jesus cares about football games. God gives people talent but it's up to the person to use their talent wisely. If Tim did not practice or work out, never watched any film on his opponent, ate junk food, smoked cigarettes, did drugs, or drank all the time, of course he will lose.
As far as his football talents, I think the Broncos would be better served to have him as a running back. Just my opinion.
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