So Sarah Palin when are you going to apologize to President Obama, Gabby Giffords, Levi, and Jews?

Last week Martin Bashir used some colorful language in response to Sarah comparing the national debt to slavery.  He has since apologized.

However that is not good enough.  Her slush fund, I mean PAC sent the above letter to NBC demanding Martin be punished.  Of course they are not going to tell her the disciplinary action.  It is an HR issue that will remain confidential.

And Sarah you have made many derogatory comments about President Obama and your rhetoric almost got Gabby Giffords assassinated.  Plus your blood libel comment offended the Jewish population.   When are you going to apologize for that?

You called her grandson's father a deadbeat.  He even apologized to you three years ago for comments he made about you and Todd.  When are you going to apologize for that?

And you insinuated that your mayoral opponent John Stein was living in sin and a Jew.  When are you going to apologize for that?

Bristol you just called Tripp's father a felon.  He apologized to you for criticizing your family, before you dumped him.  When are you going to apologize for that?

Todd you lured Shailey Tripp into prostitution.  When are you going to apologize for that?

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