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How can the Palins keep affording to buy properties without any PAC money?

Dorothy KilgallenJan 18, 2012 06:07 AM

There's a Forbes article called "What Sarah Palin Really Earns: Less Than You Think" and though it's a little outdated (published 7/7/10), the info is well sourced:

"But an investigation by Forbes of Palin’s income since she left office last July ... plus a review of her finances from a source with access to her business records, suggests Palin made a far smaller advance and that her earnings over the past 12 months were at best $10 million.

"Palin’s biggest source of income since leaving office is her 'Going Rogue' advance and royalties. Neither Palin herself nor her publisher, HarperCollins, would comment on what they are. But a publishing industry source who knows the terms of the deal said Palin’s advance was 'nowhere near $7 million.' A source inside Palin’s camp says the number is closer to $2.5 million.

"How plausible is this smaller figure? Last October Palin made her final required financial disclosure during her term as governor. In the first 6 months of 2009, while Palin was still in office, she listed $1.25 million in income from the forthcoming book. It’s standard practice in the publishing business to give an author half of their advance upfront; the rest when a manuscript is delivered.

"Palin’s publisher, HarperCollins, reports 'Going Rogue,' a bestseller, sold 2.2 million copies. After subtracting the estimated advance, Palin’s take would be $6 million. That’s a windfall, but hardly the birth of a financial juggernaut ...

"A second source of income for Palin is the Fox News Channel, where she began appearing in January as a commentator. Her first year income from the network is reportedly $1 million (which the Palin insider does not dispute). Palin will also earn income from an Alaska-themed series on the Discovery Channel. For that, she’ll reportedly get $250,000 apiece for each of 8 episodes.

"Palin’s speaking fees are reported to be $100,000 per appearance. But Palin has done fewer than a dozen speeches in which she has made even close to this number, says the Palin insider ... Palin’s take from speeches since leaving office, then, probably hovers at $500,000."
As for her Arizona house, this is from HuffPo, 5/23/11:

"An anonymous Delaware-registered limited liability company paid nearly $1.7 million cash for the 7,900-square foot property earlier this month."

If you're going to blog about Palin (or anything else, for that matter):

1. Get your facts straight. It took me about two minutes to find out that the AZ house's purchase price was $1.7 million and not "like 5-7 million."

2. Give credit where it's due. The info, pic and documents re: Bristol's house came from PoliticalGates' recent scoop, yes ? SAY SO ...otherwise it looks like you dug those facts up.

Dorothy KilgallenJan 19, 2012 07:25 AM


Read the whole post dump, dump, dump ...

The h/t to Politicalgates was added after I posted my comment.

You've obviously mistaken a dump for your brain.

Don't sleep on your side, Levi. You'll wake up with skidmarks on your pillow

Dorothy I added that h/t before you commented so shut the fuck up

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