Bristol bought her home along Lake Lucille on July 29, 2011, while she was in LA filimg her unreality show:

Here is the tax assessment for it:

Bristol claims it's a fixer upper but it looks like it doesn't need it:

Since she bought this house in July 2011 it's obvious she had no plans to stay in Hollywood. Once again she lies.
Also she defaulted on the property taxes on the house she bought in Arizona. Not surprised considering she is spending all her money on houses.
How did she get all this money to buy these two properties not including the condo in Anchorage. She made $267,000 for lying about abstinence, got at least $300,000 for DWTS, several hundred thousand dollars for her photo shoots, which Levi should get a cut of since Tripp was in them, and the book deal. Can you say SarahPac?
Sarah and Todd bought some property as well. They bought the property near to Bristol's which is separated by two empty lots on Aug 25, 2011 under the name Iron Investments. That address is 325 W LAKE VIEW AVE WASILLA. Who did they buy that house for? Track and his family?
How can the Palins afford to keep buying properties. Sarah bought the Arizona pad for like 5-7 million, and the new home that was featured on SPA.
Sarah got paid 2 million for SPA, then there is her salary from FAUX News. She also got 12 million for Going Rogue. She charges $100,000 for speaking engagements but those are drying up. Then you take out the taxes. Alaska has no state income tax but she is going to get hit on the federal. So you figure about 25% total for taxes that still isn't enough to buy all those big properties. Where did the money come from? Her PAC.
Big thank you to Politicalgates for their sleuthing.
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