Troll comments Aug 16-Sept 1
Anonymous September 2, 2012 3:23 AM
Liberal hate blogs: lowering intelligence should be their mission statement.
I've never seen so much ignorance outside these blogs.
What's the point? Can you really not see how immature you are?
What's sad is, you will write this off as a troll/hate comment, when the majority of Americans and humans in general would not approve of your behavior. Though I only say that because I run in circles with people who accept all humans as flawed, who don't judge those they don't know or based on biased sources, and don't stoop to libelous, personal attacks to win some political arguments.
Anonymous September 2, 2012 7:53 AM
Yet you're the one who basically lives for hate and spreading propaganda and lies?
Who's batshit and who has some disability? Though I cannot discern this since I do not know you (sign of maturity). I can only assume thing from your daily ignorant statements and immature, indecent droppings, all of which makes you and your internet friends appear crazy. At least I am sincere and cordial. You're downright nasty for no reason.
IT's called maturity. Anyone can disagree with anything. Disagreeing doesn't give anyone the right to be nasty or libelous. Dear Olivia, I am praying for you child. You deserve better than what you allow allow yourself to be.
Anonymous September 2, 2012 7:44 AM
Wow. You're such a sad person IF you truly read ALL that into a simple concept. I'd feel sorry for you if I gave blackhearted people any brain space. Not worth it. You will forever find something in the world to be sour about despite how wonderful life is and how much fun you could be having if you'd just let go of irrationality.
Anonymous September 2, 2012 8:02 AM
Wake up, You can't even be civil to civility. I sincerely hope you don't have children. If you do, and you're teaching them it's alright to judge people before they meet the, or if you're teaching them to judge people at all, they're going to find themselves hurting in the future. That is just cold hard truth.
It's ironic that your alias is "Wake up america." By this, I'm going to speculate that you have grown tired of democratic games, as well as republican ones. I am going to speculate you voice very strong anti-Obama sentiment due to his deceptions and lameness as a President.
I don't assume anything about you. I am merely stating things that come to mind when I think of someone who might write "wake up america" and the rational reasons they might write that.
Bless you. Everyone comes full circle in the fight against self-hate. I know you'll one day be at peace within yourself and no longer hatefully judge others.
And "pol," yes you could assume I was being insincere. It's just that I do not like seeing such unnecessarily hateful people spew nasty, distorted responses to a person's rational comment. Is that not what's wrong with politics? I merely said I don't give these people concentrated brain space, and went on to state my well-wishes for them. But it feels good to know there are people waiting to pounce and rewrite my nice thoughts.
AnonymousSeptember 2, 2012 7:41 AM
Do any of you actually know how to be happy without spreading hate, lies, or bias? Have it ever dawned on you that all it takes is a couple google alert deletes and blog deletes to rid yourself of the people you obsess over? You're literally acting with perfect hypocrisy when you say to Sarah go away YET you continue to stalk her via the internet.
It's just interesting how little Sarah pursues the media and you still ACT like she does so often. Her life is full and positive yet very little makes the media. Sure she has a job where she gives her personal opinion. That's no different from your blog where you give yours.
Haters/trolls need to grow up.
But it's great you pay homage to whom you call trolls. It highlights that there are decent people in the world who don't judge people they don't know.
Rumor has it Bristol and Gino split
ha i have one goal in life and its to meet bristol and gino and tripp, a happy family. love you trio so much! the cutest family ever!!!
does anyone know if bristol show is coming back on?
btw i love how tripp calls gino daddy!
Hey Todd Palin want a glass of water to wash down that foot?
1. Tripp protects people. Last year, Willow took them to a bounce house and a random boy was being rough with Trig . Tripp said to the boy, "don't touch him!" Tripp, while a sweet little boy who prays for his uncle overseas and is loved by all, is a typical boy and if he sees someone's not being treated right, he will step in.
But I Think Todd probably meant that Track and Trig were playing around and Trig had enough. Who knows though. Definitely not anything an outsider can judge. When Bristol and Tripp saw Track off when he left again, Tripp and Track had the sweetest moment EVER! And Tripp LOVES Kyla. I mean, Bristol did watch her semi frequently so he saw her a lot I presume.
Why are you a liar? Listen to Sherry J, a woman you probably blindly love just for her last name, when she condemned haters for attacking her family about the names she gave her children and the names of her grandkids.
So stop. You look evil and it's disrespectful, not to mention ignorant.
You need help. Try volunteering at a charity. It will make your self-hate go away.
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