Welcome to the world Breeze Beretta Johnston!
AnonymousSeptember 13, 2012 6:08 AM Because they're young and act married out of neediness. Remember, these are people who said months ago that things are BORING with just the two of them. That is the saddest thing imaginable, two 20 yr olds saying life is boring without a baby. And when Sunny posts screenshots of Levi writing he wants to cuddle all night may be sweet to her, but it paints a picture of a boy who seems to feel incomplete without a partner with him. No wonder he's always been the doormat and his girlfriends have been the pants-wearer. Cuddling is fun and all but even Bristol is independent and there is life outside kids. Every mother needs her hobby or resentment will germinate at some point. Levi's interesting. Typical redneck who didn't care for school growing up, always hunted and used it as escape, hasn't seemed close to mom since his sister would complain about not receiving help from him for mom's needs, probably took the divorce hard which would explain his need to lash out at others' families that are still together. He became a father right after his father walked out on his family so his identity was further tied to his girlfriend's family, despite the incessant fighting and instability of the relationship from the start. That would explain his great hurt at the inevitable breakup. He thought he could take his newborn out and be a father away from said baby's home. That illustrates naivete. 1. No new mothers let their baby out of their sight and around people easily who said mother has never gotten along with. He's just a kid so subsequent actions shouldn't be harshly judged, but they shouldn't be forgotten. I know a 3 ye old today won't see blogs from now in 18 years, which is obviously positive but I sincerely hope both parties keep both books from the kids. No kid needs to read those lies and fabrications that were meant for public manipulation. And no kid needs to know his parents are liars. Though with all the love he's shown, I doubt it will matter. Tripp will see how much he was loved from his mother's family in his first years. He will look backin pictures and see the great bond he has with his uncles, his aunts, his Nana, his Papa, his doggie, and he will no doubt construe how much emotional pain his father put his mother and maternal family through. On the contrary, I'm sure he'll see the same for his other family. Though he might wonder why his father never behaved maturely and buckled down and started living a mature life THEN, when his son needed him. Those are things Levi has to live with, knowing he chose the wrong path. But Tripp is young and just at the stage where kids start forming actual memories. All that drama won't matter, as long as no one's stupid and keeps pursuing media as an outlet
Anonymous September 13, 2012 5:53 AM Levi's bullied? Really? Because to me, NO human should ever be given a pass for wasting 3 years of their life that was spent trashing others. Objective observation. Yes, the media pitted the two against each other for headlines and THAT continued to destroy Levi's relationship with his son and Bristol, but remember, Levi did NOT have to pursue these trashy opportunities to voice hate and superficial info he admittedly knowns nothing about. And given how there was no public negative mention from the Palin about him (other than at the end of that year with Sarah saying he's lost- true), it makes him all the more ridiculous. All he had to do was get his GED THEN, get a job, and LEGALLY file to see his son. That is not hard and isn't that expensive. But he's young and shortsighted. I just hope Tripp isn't too hurt by his lies and words. Because what Tripp sees daily is NOT what Levi has described. Sure he's a typical boy (Oh how I miss those years. really) But Tripp is one of the most blessed children in the world, apart of an amazing family. And yes, Levi has grown to mirror that and will only add to it. The average judge fights hard to stop custody cases from going to trial and that is why courts highly recommend the two parties settle things without legal intervention. This is no different. This is between 2 kids, not angry, older adults with huge grudges. Both parties have said negative things to date and BOTH have some justification for such things. Neither has shown one deserves full custody over the other though. If they did do the legal route, I think it would stop at the phase where the two parents sit down and chart out a parenting plan. Tripp has a wonderful foundation already. Levi's input will only be a positive influence I imagine. Bristol needed to be reassured that Sunny personally knows that she has no say in Tripp's legal situation of life. The two girls had a civil facebook chat RIGHT BEFORE Levi saw Tripp, where Sunny gave Bristol Levi's number. This is why these things aren't meant for public discussion. Outsiders know nothing,as they're not mindreaders or a member of either party. It took Levi THREE years to START the maturation process from kid to adult. For the first full year of Tripp's life, Bristol was living privately (notice after her 2 intro interviews in Feb and May 09, she fell off grid), working steadily and trying to ignore her ex's stupidity and his path to making him an asshole. It's all there. Ever wonder why Levi says to just ignore his past and think about him now? That is why. I just hope he's being a decent role model for his sister, who could use one, as she's a sadder state of loserville (basic observation by looking at her OWN words and seeing people leave her out of frustration). To Sadie, I know you're a kid, but it is not "normal" to solely live for a nephew and niece. You need a life of your own. I don't care that you still live at home. You're 20. That isn't weird. But I sincerely hope you've stopped lying and are actively creating a life for yourself, as your brother has FINALLY done. I hope youre currently living a life opposite of what I imagine you to be. I have faith you've started to mature in the last few months. And btw, until you outsiders develop a way to read minds and know a person's feelings, please, be adults and dont write ignorant things or judge those you don't know. The world needs no more hypocrisy and double standards. I merely observe and reference people's direct comments. I don't put words in people's mouths and I don't assume stupid things out of hateful bias.
Anonymous September 13, 2012 7:48 AM Stopping pitting people you don't know against each other. That is the very reason things have escalated to where they are today. The media sought Levi's inane, superficial opinions and he stupidly answered their questions, further driving a wedge between he an Bristol and making her distrust him even more than when they were just a high school couple. The blog wars need to stop. They're more pathetic than "mom wars" I see on facebook. People are not to be judged, and parenting is not to be judged. Sunny will soon learn what it's really like to be a mother and not just a babysitter. Bristol went through that. Levi soon will too once he's around a child around the clock for the first time. Let these people live their lives and start rewriting them to erase their past negative actions. These are not your puppets to snark about and denigrate based on superficiality and ignorance. It's TELLING that 2 kids like Sunny and Bristol have a civil conversation and come to an understanding that is followed by quality time between father and son and you, adults who should know better, cannot behave with the same maturity. At the end of the day, the only two people who matter most to Tripp are his parents. Any extended family is icing on his cake. There isn't a more blessed child than Tripp, given the negative circumstances of his conception and the actions of his father that spurned the actions of his mother. But none of that matters. What matters are the irreplaceable smiles on his face daily, the bond between he and his precious uncle Trig, the love between he and "his girl" Kyla, and the first meeting of his sister Breeze. You all don't matter. So I suggest you stop hating.
First pics of Breeze Johnston
Anonymous September 13, 2012 9:33 PM
Krusty got a new blog but now it's set to private
Anonymous September 15, 2012 4:26 AM
Anonymous September 15, 2012 4:26 AM
Isn't it irresponsible of you, am intellectually-limited "adult" like yourself to make up a fictional C&D order, continuously write libelous blog posts, continuously post your nonsensical and hateful opinion, and hypocritical for you to accuse others of stalking?
I never actually seen you answer these questions before given your penchant for opining on things. I've only seen you throw out the weak insult that comments like mine are written by 'bots.' I feel sorry for you.
I hope you're learning how to be a human in school. But given how your maturity doesn't seem to be improving, I will just continue to group you in with the people on my prayer list. People who need inner peace and guidance.
Bless you. From one neighbor to another.
By the way, it is comical how you reference this "Palin derangement syndrome" and write at least one post a day exuding pretty advanced symptoms yourself. You need a life and a heart.
I never actually seen you answer these questions before given your penchant for opining on things. I've only seen you throw out the weak insult that comments like mine are written by 'bots.' I feel sorry for you.
I hope you're learning how to be a human in school. But given how your maturity doesn't seem to be improving, I will just continue to group you in with the people on my prayer list. People who need inner peace and guidance.
Bless you. From one neighbor to another.
By the way, it is comical how you reference this "Palin derangement syndrome" and write at least one post a day exuding pretty advanced symptoms yourself. You need a life and a heart.
My favorite quote (screenshot) from Sunny will always be: (from last November) "I don't want kids for a couple years. Ill just enjoy everyone else's. PLus, Levi's a big baby , I have my hands full with him."
Perfect and typical.She took a risk withi BC and got pregnant. She had the foresight to know once Levi sees Tripp more, she will feel left out in the parenting worlds since Tripp isn't hers. Don't blame her. Alaska's boring and like she said, she and Levi are lost with kids.
Sad. I hope they find a hobby because no human's life should fully revolve around another person.