Ann Romney channels her inner Sarah Palin

From Politico News Sept. 20, 2012 Ann Romney is showing her dark side when asked in on a radio show in Iowa and has a message for the Republican Party: “Just Stop It!!” t is quite a switch from her speech at the Republican National Convention where she appeared to our softer side, and said she was speaking from the heart. On that night, she tried to give the nation a picture of her husband as Mr. Fix it, and if anyone can fix this economy “Mitt can do it and he will not fail”. The sales pitch didn’t work very well, and critics said her speech didn’t make the sale.

Tonight, both Mitt Romney and Ann Romney are in Iowa, trying to appeal to the left over voters who haven’t already made up their minds. Within the last week, Romney’s campaign hit the rocks and sank with the release of a video tape of a private fundraiser that occurred in Boca Raton, Florida at the home of a very wealthy hedge fund manager, Marc Leder.

Ann Romney told her fellow Republicans to “Just stop it” and how lucky the party should feel that Mitt Romney is their nominee.

Peggy Noonan a long time speech writer and a woman who has been in Republican races since Reagan wrote that “it is time for an intervention” in the Romney campaign. B

illy Kristol another conservative and editor of the Weekly Standard wrote that Romney’s comments at the fundraiser were “arrogant and stupid”.

The knives have surely come out against Mitt Romney because his campaign is crashing in a downward spiral. But Ann Romney topped it off with a stern warning to the GOP and some pretty cutting remarks to conservatives:

 “Stop it. This is hard. You want to try it? Get in the ring” in a very tense, and terse tone she admonishes those who dare criticize her husband.

“This is hard and, you know, it’s an important thing that we’re doing right now and it’s an important election and it is time for all Americans to realize how significant this election is and how lucky we are to have someone with Mitt’s qualifications and experience and know-how to be able to have the opportunity to run this country.”

 How lucky we are to have Mitt Romney. “It’s nonsense and the chattering class…you hear it and then you just let it go right by,” she told Radio Iowa. “…Honestly, at this point, I’m not surprised by anything.”

The chattering class? Is that like the people who’s votes you are trying to get? Now we are in a chattering class? Exactly, how low on the class rating system is the chattering class. When we get a copy of the audio we’ll post it here, unfortunately it is not yet available.

What is it with the 2012 Rich Republican FLOTUS wanabees? Ann is a bitch. Callista Gingrich is a bitch. Anita Perry is a bitch. Marcus Bachmann is a bitch. ANNtoniette makes Barbara Bush look human. And that is no easy task. Laura Bush never acted like this. Neither did Nancy Reagan and Cindy McCain. And on the Democrats side Hillary Clinton, Tipper Gore, Teresa Kerry, and Michelle Obama were much more likeable.

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