Troll comments Aug 26-Sept 1

A day which will live in infamy

AnonymousAugust 29, 2012 6:27 AM


Dude, get a life. Most people do not revolve their lives around ONE person.

Besides, I'm thinking history will probably show that BOTH parties used a vastly inexperienced black man and an equally inexperienced woman to win an election.

It's time to stop being blind. It's also time for the small number of Palin haters on the blogs to STOP making one woman their whole lives and acting like she is the end all be all.

You create your own hell. You could have everything Mitt Romney has with hard work. There are 20 something millionaires; there are teenage millionaires, good, nonpublic people who work hard.

Get a life outside this hate you project onto the internet.

Anonymous August 29, 2012 6:31 AM

Chris Christie is a REAL leader, someone who doesn't play games, unlike EVERY other candidate. Someone who doesn't hide behind a man like Axelrod. He says things because they're true. Look at his support of Camden's new NON-UNION police force being instituted.

Thank the freaking heavens a nasty place like Jersey has him. Thank God he's unafraid of being REAL.

By the way, just because YOU ignore it, doesn't make it go away and not exist. So own up and admit your precious team of lefties is seriously flawed. We have a worthless Senate and a lame President. It's been proven many a time and even democrats and huge celebrities are taking notice.

When Roseanne criticizes you as a President, it's time to face facts.

AnonymousAugust 29, 2012 7:03 AM

Dude, shouldn't it make you happy that Sarah Palin, a name that once made ALL headlines, can now walk around EVERYWHERE without being recognized? She lives for herself and her family, while trying to support honest, selfish people running for office. She knows she couldn't win a big political race. She's not stupid. She just still has hope that the more and more people will let their blinders fall and see Pres Obama for whom he is AND isn't.

It should tell you something that there are more successful teenagers in Alaska than successful, happy middle aged people on these blogs. It's called living for yourself, without Government dependency FIRST. THEN, helping others.

Democrats MUST learn this.

This one deserves a post all its own

Another reason for Sarah to hate August 29

Anonymous August 30, 2012 12:33 PM
The only dysfunction I see is through comments left here by ignorant people. Keep on lying about people you don't know. You look ridiculous to the rational and sane.

Think about it. You're sitting here trashing strangers and commenting on things you know nothing about and Sarah and family are welcoming her sister in law back to Alaska and enjoying their full lives.

I couldn't imagine being you.

Anonymous August 30, 2012 12:36 PM
Learn to spell my friend. Though your self-hatred projected onto Sarah is what turns people away from you. I know you're probably jealous of Sarah's full life of love and family, but you could have it all too. There's isn't anything anyone in this country can't accomplish. There are millions of good, responsible republicans and democrats alike who live the dream.

You should start. Bitterness looks bad on you

Anonymous August 30, 2012 12:50 PM
She and John are friends. Why wouldn't they be? She helped him in 08. It's just that economic woes, something Obama has worsened, basically decided the election for the democrats. There's no reason for long-lastingtension between the McCains and the Palins. Once they all came out of their slump from the 08 loss, life went on. It's sad there were stupid teens who capitalized on their loss but Sarah's a strong woman says everyone around her. She knows truth and she knows who the slanderers are. Those people will receive their karmic desserts.

Note to all you nasty, ignorant commenters: if there are contradictions about a politicians, there are liars out there having fun at said person's expense.

Don't judge someone unless you've walked a mile in their shoes. But who is truly justified in judging at all? None of us will EVER know a person's inner feelings rr reasons behind their actions.

It's best not to feed the lies with more lies. You're jealous. I get that. I was once a 13 yr old who witnessed this behavior. Sadly, until recently, Sarah was always the shy girl in class who never joined in the typical catty behavior of teenagedom.
That would explain her naivete and assumption that the media would not slander her family and give them the same respect as Obama's, despite is kids gracing the DNC stage.

But, when all is said and done, she and her family are just normal people living life to the fullest with no regrets, living lives in the company of family and close friends. They live true and compassionately, giving back privately to people whom mean something.

THAT is fact. Accept it or just get your own life. I hope you're not religious because God would damn you for most of your blog posts and readers comments.

So it is very predictable some internet strangers are beyond jealous.

Anonymous August 30, 2012 12:51 PM
Wasn't McCain at some RNC party last night?

You really are stupid and need fulfillment

Anonymous August 30, 2012 12:30 PM
I love how you freely express your immaturity every single day. As long as your keep your bitter, ignorant opinions on this website and out of polite society, the country will continue to flourish.

Funny how Sarah is far happier than you've probably been a day in your miserable, petty life.She actually has the family most people dream about and the good friendships you're probably jealous of. And she stays true to these people

Anonymous August 30, 2012 12:52 PM
Rattletrap, well, considering you're probably one of the haters who lives to slander people, I wouldn't trust your perceptions.

Stars earn Stripes is failing so hard right now

Anonymous August 31, 2012 7:53 AM

LOL. You write good fiction. But it's sad how easy it is for you to showcase your ignorance. Get a life. Stop the libelous comments. You probably live in some drafty desperate for attention secretly craving the close family Sarah has (proven). You want a sister like Molly who is excited to let Heather's son live with her during the school year (proven). You dream of a sister like Heather who helped Sarah out by trying to sway Bristol away from her ex-punk loser boyfriend by letting her live in Anchorage. You crave the adventure they all have, you crave the abundance of family time.

Just admit. Then you can start to achieve it for yourself instead of making yourself and your political friends look like sad little people desperate for something.

Anonymous August 31, 2012 7:58 AM

I bet you $1000 that the average person talking down the sidewalk has no idea what Sarah Palin's parents' names are. Heck, I bet you another $5000 half those people don't know her husband's name. I say this because my colleague, a Sales VP, asked me what her husband's name is.

YOU and ONLY YOU make these people your whole life. And that's just sad. The average hollywood celebrity talks of their trolls as if theyre their motivators. They speak of them as if the trolls are just unhappy, permanently celibate goons who don't have a life. See Kirstie's twitter. See Rosie's comments. See Roseanne's comments. ALL famous people have jealous haters trying to bring them down by hateful words or slanderous statements to get to them.

None of the trolls look mature.

Just remember that.

AnonymousAugust 31, 2012 7:47 AM

Nice slander there. It's sad you're projecting your unhappiness on others. It really is true. Kirstie is correct when she recently tweeted, "if you have haters, you're doing something right."

Hate is a form of jealousy. No other definition for it. Theres no rational reason people like you here would choose to continually make crap up about strangers if you were happy yourself or you weren't jealous.

It's also sad you just rewrote other people's stories to leave your hateful comment.

Because I have faith in people, I believe one day youll get better and stop hating. Until then, happy making your political party look like petty assholes.

Anonymous August 31, 2012 7:44 AM

I feel for your parents who have to claim you (or do they?)

It's sad an 18 yr old can get along with anyone. her best friend at school IS a liberal from SoCal (her parents love Willow - verified with names). willow is also friends with the gay male in her class.

You're all adults and you're less mature than a teenager. Again, praying for your parents.

Anonymous August 31, 2012 7:55 AM

1. You just insulted millions of men with your hate. (and proved youre probably a virgin)
2. There is ONE more episode, a two hour one.
3. You just insulted military ops by indirectly trashing some of them.

Keep talking. you're feeding the liberal stereotype and it ain't pretty.

Todd Palin has a new "job" (and it's not a sex one)

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