Troll comments Sept 23-29

Tonight Bristol Palin will roll around on the floor, shake her tits and dry hump Mark Ballas 

Anonymous September 24, 2012 5:21 AM
Bristol was one of the few people (I wont say star because she doesn't see herself as one and doesn't care about hollywood) who didn't act like the typical overthetop skimpy dancer. Though she has been working out so maybe she's gained the confidence to really dance. Who knows. Dancing's hard.

The producers have no say in who stays. This is one show that is a popularity contest. The judges really don't even have a say in the end. Thing is, unlike like last time, Bristol's fellow competitors are THEIR seasons faves and half are winners. Last time, most of her seasons stars were boring or had no real fanbases. It won't be shocking if she leaves tonight or next week.

And all the stars' fans are already creating their accounts to vote. Can the bots outdo them? Each person has diehards. It will be interesting. Who knows whether Kelly M has the fans, or if Pamela Lee can do better than season 10, or if things are different for Sabrina (her last elimination was dwts most shocking event EVER to date). We shall see. It truly is a tossup and that is why these specific people were selected.

Like Kirstie says, "eff my hate trolls. They're just people who need to get laid." She's right. They are the people who desperately need lives. A sane person doesn't spend their precious time hating on strangers.

I bet Sarah, Todd and Tripp were spotted around at offroad races the past weekend because they're coming to the show tonight. 

Do you have a life? Do you have a heart? I suggest you grow up.It's never too late.

-Sending you nice thoughts to soothe your hateful life


(And yes, those are my thoughts, posted by Anon. It wouldn't let me post any other way.

Reesa aka Kristy or Bristol/Willow/Sarah I have my blog set up to where Anons can post.  You should know that by now.

I love how in your attempts to attack her, you insult a number of other people on dwts and in general. Probably a good thing you're too cowardly to use your real name, as it would suck for you to be branded the nasty human being you illustrate yourself to be daily.

You've got a ton of growing up to do. I know you're young, but here's some advice. Mature adults don't trash, slander, or hate on people for differences of opinions of for any other reason. 

At least you have the capability of recognizing hateful posts an immaturity. Now if youll just do some self-reflection and label yourself a hater/nasty person, you can move on and be happy.

Meanwhile, Bristol's out with her friends, having girls night with her dwts pals, and you're being a bully

The fact that ANYONE believes this athlete is a virgin boggles my mind. I have seen him at parties around FL before I moved to the midwest. One of my best friends hangs with him consistently.

But It's definitely within SPHASH's character to use him to trash people she doesn't know.

I think everyone with a working brain can tell SPHASH is a bully and jealous ahole who was raised by wolves, but the immaturity in this post really set a new low even for her. Good thing the subjects sphash attacks know whats real, have people who know them, love them and doesn't attack people to feel good.

Haters never learn and their subjects only get stronger by remaining above the fray and hate.

Krusty wants Timmy T for herself.  Here are the cover photos she has on her Facebook:


You're making a huge judgment call without knowing the specifics regarding any of those cases. It's typical of small communities to WANT to start families young. There are people who only aspire to being parents, with hobbies or parttime work on the side. Don't attack a specific town when that behavior you're ridiculing isn't uncommon. Don't attack one person or one behavior until you've met those types of people. There's no wrong way to live. The only bad thing would be for people to live lives untrue to whom they are. I personally know of no one in that camp. I hope you don't either. 

Regarding Alaska since you brought it up, also keep in mind that the people there go to bat for each other and it's one big community. Look at that outreach to help the parents of that little girl was died tragically at daycare. Or the case last winter when Willow's boyfriend Andy and his friend got lost snowmachining. They were out almost a full day and when Willow wrote on facebook about it, tons of the boys peers started a search because the troopers stopped looking. A group of boys found them. Parnell honored the rescuers. THAT is Alaska and how it should be. There are far too many complainers (mostly democrats from where I stand) and not enough doers. There's no reason every single person in this country can't have everything they desire. there are reasons why people from other countries become US citizens.

It's sad foreigners continue to value the country yet some Americans cannot. It's sad we have a President who disrespects small business owners.

Oh well, just keep living YOUR life with no regrets and you shall have nothing to complain about. We all fight daily battles only we understand. Time to stop making things difficult for people just because of petty disagreements.

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