Sarah's college education, or lack of
Anonymous Feb 22, 2012 12:42 AM
Still playing the elitest card huh? Besides elected office, name one professional accomplishment savior Obama has. One that he hasn't contradicted. What's funny, his precious acorn is even controversial. Controversial because he gave conflicting answers in terms of his involvement with them.
LOSER. He is living proof not all people who attend Harvard go on to be great thinkers and doers. Some people get by with a little help from their media friends. Obama best be kissing the media's ass.
Anonymous Feb 22, 2012 12:49 AM
Formal education means nothing if people know how to live their best life. And yes that makes sense.
I wonder when EXACTLY Sarah went from being the serious, studious person as she was in grade and secondary school to an advocate for good, hard working, blue collar folk. Could be Todd's influence, as he is of sound mind and abled body without "snooty" high degrees. I've met way too many people in my life who give higher education a bad name. I generally have more respect for average Joes with either Bachelor Degrees or specialized skills than I do people with attitudes and Ph Ds. But that's me and my experiences with the blue bloods and high society. I've met most people of stature in this country. Barbara Walters - successful, intelligent, Cunt. Roger Ailes - personable, hilarious, kind, conflicted. Angelina Jolie - sweetheart, genuine humanitarian.
Obviously this is Sarah, cuz she mentions her boss Roger Ailes
I wonder what these people think of Sarah Palin now
Anonymous Feb 23, 2012 09:07 AM
If you're going to compare Palin to H Clinton, talk about how they were both described in Game Change. People said nearly identical things about them. Yet the Hillary sentiments are ignored whereas the Palin stories are used for media fodder and money-making purposes. HACKS. Our media would say anything if it guaranteed 1 million clicks. And that was true long before Sarah Palin graced even the local stage.
Anonymous Feb 23, 2012 09:14 AM
Detractors aside, Sarah Palin is a winner, and like the bold and gutsy Americans before her, has stepped up and demonstrably reminded us, without shame, that it is noble to have some guts, to not shrink in the face of relentless naysayers, and to champion the principles that honest men and women hold dear. Thanks for setting the bar high again, sister!
- Joel, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, 06/11/2009 18:41
My thought: Well, this is still true of her. She is daring and unafraid to speak out against the shadiness and manipulations of the current adminstration.
What a brilliant woman! Still the media chase and harass poor Sarah. Why? Because they are scared of her and what she represents and she is every thing the Democrats are not. Hundreds of reporters descended on her home town to dig up dirt on her prior to the election, but they came back with nothing. What was reported much was fabricated. So now on the eve of Palin's book release, we have a couple of nobodys trying to dish dirt on the woman. She resigned for one reason. The countless law suits brought against her placed the woman in debt to the tune of $400,000 to defend those baseless charges. Good luck to her if she makes a killing with the release of her biography. You better believe it, she is coming back, bigger and better. A recent invitation to the all male Establishment Club, saw Palin as the first woman ever invited to speak at that illustrious venue. She received a standing ovation frpom some of the wealthiest people in America. Look out Obama! Here comes Sarah!
- bill, adelaide, australia, 06/11/2009 08:57
My thought: this is also true. Speaking to people who actually know her, much as been completely made up about her. Good people have been burned by click and money-hungry journalists. Her own stories were taken and given a negative spin.
Sarah Palin is charming, chic, and charismatic. She is adorable.
- Lola Barnes, Atlanta, USA, 05/11/2009 22:55
My thought: still true. She still resonates with people whom she meets face to face. As long as they're not a hateful bitch to her for no reason.
Answer me this: Precisely WHAT has Sarah Palin ever done wrong? (And you can't use made up quotes from SNL, made up stories from liberal rags like this one, nor can you use any of the phony ethics charges that were filed against her.) I await your response...
- Marco, Wilmington, DE, 05/11/2009 20:25
Me: This is a good point. What specifically can actually be proven against her without bias?
This blog is just one example of someone putting their ignorant opinion (meaning you've never met her therefore cannot comment rationally and intellectually). Gryphen and politicalhates are the pros at this.
After looking at all those ugly idiotic women that Obama surrounds himself with - Napolitano, Sebelius, Clinton - the USA surly now regrets that a woman of Palin's fine character, charm, grace, and yes, beauty is not the vice president not to mention the current VP Joe Biden is a complete buffoon who has his foot permanently inserted into his mouth. Any VP would've been better than that lout.
- J, Somewhere, USA, 05/11/2009 19:03
And this is out of line imho. Looks and charisma should mean nothing in politics. WIthout them, Obama would be nothing in life, for example.
I bolded Sarah, I mean the troll's comments. Sarah thanks for admitting President Obama is good looking and has charisma.
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