Obamacare is working!
AnonymousFeb 15, 2012 08:35 AM
Wow he's unbearable I couldn't listen to that half wit anymore :( to get the story.
This could be a good blog if you were more knowledgeable. I'm trying to help here, please. 1. Do NOT use the term 'ObamaCare'; it's a Luntzian GOP term used only by opponents of the law and people that don't know much about politics z 2. Your lack of knowledge of politics is obvious. Try to work on that and learn the conservative viewpoint so you can be aware when you are inadvertently helping them like spreading the term Obamacare. 3. Please stop borrowing so heavily from IM posts! And stop borrowing Gryphens terms, nicknames, memes, jokes etc. recently you posted a blog that was a virtual copy of Gryphens from the day before using the exact same photos! Get some originality and make the site yours.
Jeremy Lin is Sarah's latest victim
AnonymousFeb 18, 2012 04:32 AM
She's just so omniscient. Please. Get a life.
Lookie, I can predict the future too. I say you will be a loser forever. See how accurate I am.
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