Troll comments January 29-Feb 4

Troll Comments

Anonymous Jan 29, 2012 01:52 AM

Or they're tired of the truth being ignored by biased, irrational koolaid addicts. Why would people who are able to see the world without hate-tinted glasses feel humiliated? Why don't you, someone who chooses to believe lies, feel stupid or immoral? Fair question.

Brad Scharlott is writing a book about Babygate

Anonymous Feb 1, 2012 08:35 AM

I don't think McCain hates America. How can you assume that? he probably despites the staff members he replaced his moral staffers with, the people who selected Palin for him.

When all's said and done, we COULD be in a much worse place without Sarah and others highlighting all the deceptions and manipulations of the democrats. THe liberal media can't get away with coverups for long.

Oh and my comment to this: "The pregnancy hoax makes Watergate look insignificant in comparison. "

Are you kidding? SERIOUSLY.

Anonymous Feb 1, 2012 08:38 AM

BRad claiming he's an expert on these matters is like Gryphen saying his tripe posts make him credible. They're all gossipy. Politicalgates has even had gossipy, more fiction than not, posts. It comes with the territory of putting yourself at the feet of others. People lie. We know this. Alaskans have lied. It's impossible to distinguish between lies and fiction.

Sad thing is, people don't consider a third party's feelings when they write about false rumors and state they're fact.

DD Feb 1, 2012 08:40 AM

Anon 7:32, I call that the Axelrod way.

Anonymous Feb 1, 2012 09:00 AM

I hope Brad can separate rumor, truth and fiction. We technically have no truth in this equation. It's all outrageous rumors and a lot of fiction from people's wild imaginations.

Again, I think people should investigate Christian adoption agencies. Esp with Sarah church ties. I don't think she'd use Franklin G for this (but that's purely a guess). I know that most of her close staff had no reasons to believe Trig is not Sarah's and they saw her daily.

That's what makes this weird. There's no one for Sarah to cover for as all family members were accounted for during the gestation process. If you believe Bailey's story about Sarah talking about it being cool for a Gov to have a baby, This all makes sense. If you add Heather's email in Oct and Sarahs past work with OCS, IT ALL MAKES SENSE. She was told of a random baby with DS whom was going to be adopted out or even aborted and she told the mother she'd adopt him.

The pregnancy has never changed. She was due in May and always wrote this since THEN. I personally think he WAS born on April 18, a month early. POSSIBLY March, two months early. Trig was tiny. Everyone from her life then comments how tiny he was and how grown he is now.

No one thinks anything of Trig, just that's he's the cutest child ever, little angel baby.

I think Trig truthers are going to receive a huge backlash. Personal opinion.

And I agree with ^, this is NOT bigger than watergate or several other political situations. Quiet manipulations happen daily. Americans are generally too brainwashed to think anything of them. College students are targeted by Dems before they get out in the world and realize how these naturally work. You criticize the GOP for being greedy but how many hollywood dems are purely selfless? Some of the loudest ones don't even vote, despite protests. I can guarantee a lot of those types hide money or manipulate their accounts to avoid high tax brackets. High taxes are not American when the money isn't spent honestly anyway.

A group of unethical good ol boys in DC should NOT have the power to dictate just how much you can keep of your own earnings. HOW CAN YOU NOT SEE THAT?

Most highly wealthy people don't even have income the way we do, do they don't pay the same taxes. Which GOPer said he'd raise Cap gains? Corps have entirely different rules altogether so technically they are not people.

I remember at some public college somewhere, Obama was scheduled to speak and his people went to classes trying to acquire audience members. No one wanted to go. Though this was in late 09 I believe. maybe early 10.

People need to stop demonized people for being "greedy". It is not a crime. If they're evading taxes or committing actual crimes, then I'd hope they'd be punished. Newt was punished and possibly learned. As far as I can see, Romney's not a hardened criminal. He's just from a successful family who has a mind for business.

Here is the SarahPac report for July-Dec 2011

Lou Sarah Feb 2, 2012 11:36 AM

I believe ¨North Star¨ was the code name the Secret Service used for Governor Palin in the 2008 campaign. Therefore, Federal Agents fancied Governor Palin to be a ¨star.¨

And, no, Governor Palin did not pay Rebecca Mansour $48,000 in hush money to keep her from posting as ¨Anonymous Guest¨ here or elsewhere. Anyone who says otherwise is spreading malicious lies.

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