Track re-enlisted and is now in Afghanistan
Ferry Fey Mar 12, 2012 03:12 PM
Please don't use "retarded" as an insult.
Anonymous Mar 12, 2012 03:14 PM
i'd like nothing more than to see Sarah Palin boiled in oil for all her shady dealings. but why drag track into it when hes done his best to keep a low profile?
he's serving his country and even reenlisted but here you're guessing at all kind of wild shit .......
also, you call out his mooseface mama for revealing where he is but in a small way youre helping to spread the word.
i wish you would be fair - stick to going after sarah and leave track alone if only cause it helps bring down the whole anti palin blogsphere.
and please ...... i know i'm saying somehing you probably dont want to hear but it doesnt make me a troll. can you maybe let people politely disagree with you once in a while without attacking them?
All Sarah has to do to prove Trig is hers
Anonymous Mar 13, 2012 06:02 AM
Get over yourself. Then get a life.
Trig will always be a Palin, despite DNA.
Todd and Levi really did have a confrontation
AnonymousMar 14, 2012 03:25 AM
O M G. A father had a verbal spat with his never-to-be son in law. Shocker. Why is this blog worthy and why would Sarah hide that? All Bill M was saying was it's not Governor office business. I feel bad that her officewas inundated by insane people inquiring about things that doesnt affect them. They and you all need lives.
By the way, was Levi ever at work?The only time I can think that he wouldve been on the slope was Oct, when Bristol was on trail for most of the month. Maybe Nov, when interviewers was common occurrences at Casa Palin and Sarah was away on official business (Miami, Chicago)
How did he afford all his toys since he never really had a job before 2008?Are those oxy stories true, where he sold meds?
Spreading lies again Bristol?
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