Word on the street is that Track Palin (or Menard) re-enlisted and was recently shipped off to Afghanistan.
Track thank you for your service. Hope you come back safe.
Unfortunately his RETARDED mother had to blab he was in Afghanistan which means now there will be a huge bulls-eye on his back. Been a lot of shit going on over there right now with the Koran burning and if the Afghans find out Jeremy Morlock's pal is over then Track is toast.
Why Track re-enlisted I have no idea. I'm guessing he needs to support his wife and baby and he has/or was cut off from the Palins.
Perhaps he threatened to tell all about his mother and she pulled some strings to force him to re-enlist.
Lately Sarah has been whining about President Obama calling Sandra Fluke and that he never calls Gold Star mothers, which in fact he has. He also issued a proclamation last year honoring Gold Star mothers.
Sarah has this unhealthy obsession with President Obama and he ignores her. I bet she wants to be a Gold Star mother so he will pay attention to her.
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