Even though you are a private citizen, you lead a very public life. You are also the daughter of Sarah Palin so that makes you part of her ilk. And you are now 21 years old so that makes you fair game.
I do not know if you have been trolling this forum, but the comments left sound a lot like you. It could also be your mother or another member of your family. I really do not care, actually I find it funny.
I plan to continue to keep this blog up and post about the Palins and the Heaths. Suck it up buttercup. Like I said you chose to lead a public life so deal with the scrutiny. You have appeared in commercials, been a spokesperson for abstinence, given dozens of magazine and TV interviews, was a contestant on DWTS, and appeared on your mother's reality show and have one of your own. The same goes with Sarah. She chose to get into politics. Willow may be underage but she was spotted in your show and was on SPA so she is a public person too.
If you're the one trolling here you choose to be McCain's running mate. You chose to be on FAUX News, you chose to make that blood libel comment. You are also a private citizen that leads a public life.
And by the way, I don't spend all my time blogging. I have a full time job, involved in church, and plan to take some online classes this winter.
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