Hope you are all having a great Memorial Day!
Reason #62 not to vote for Sarah Palin for anything
She misused the Alaska Trust Fund
“Some say “Sarah Palin” is in it for the money as she allowed her followers to raise a huge defense fund for her legal battles even though she personally will cash in on a book deal worth over 10 million dollars. Investigators for the State of Alaska are making recommendations to Sarah Palin to refuse to accept any of the money.”
Read more about - Politicol News on:
Read more about - Politicol News on:
Good reviews so far on Geoffrey Dunn's book
From McLeans CA
I'm still waiting for my copy. I got it ordered late and now it's on back order. Ugh!
I'm still waiting for my copy. I got it ordered late and now it's on back order. Ugh!
More on the newest member of the Palin family
I really don't give a shit about who Track married but People Magazine thinks everyone does, as they treat the Palins like royalty.
The wedding may have surprised many outside Alaska, but to those who know Sarah Palin's new daughter-in-law Britta Hanson, the marriage to Track Palin seemed almost inevitable.
Here are five things to know about this 21-year-old hometown girl who has longtime ties to both the Palin family and Wasilla:
1. Already lived with one Palin
Last year, Hanson roomed with Track's sister, Bristol Palin, in Bristol's three-bedroom condominium in Anchorage. Willow Palin would frequently come by for sleepovers. "I was scared to live by myself," Bristol told Harper's Bazaar.
2. Has acting chops
While her new mother-in-law is no stranger to the spotlight, Britta has her own experience on a stage. She played the sharp-witted Elizabeth Bennet in a local production of Pride and Prejudice. "Britta does well whatever she applies herself too,” says Garry Forrester, executive director of Valley Performing Arts.
3. Knows her way around the governor's office
Hanson was an executive secretary in the office of the governor from 2008 to 2011 under both Palin and current Alaska Gov. Sean Parnell.
4. Future Nurse
A nursing student at the University of Alaska, Hanson recently earned a scholarship from the Mat-Su Health Foundation. After graduation, she plans to work in a local hospital.
5. Wasilla down to her snow boots
A high school sweetheart of Track, Hanson graduated in 2007 from Wasilla High School, where she was a "dynamite soccer player," says assistant principal Dan Michael. She is also the daughter of a local minister – dad Duane Hanson is the pastor of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Wasilla.
People however left one nugget of info out, Britta is pregnant. According to comments on other blogs, Willow told her Aunt Wendy Palin that Britta is with child. I'm not surprised at all.
The wedding may have surprised many outside Alaska, but to those who know Sarah Palin's new daughter-in-law Britta Hanson, the marriage to Track Palin seemed almost inevitable.
Here are five things to know about this 21-year-old hometown girl who has longtime ties to both the Palin family and Wasilla:
1. Already lived with one Palin
Last year, Hanson roomed with Track's sister, Bristol Palin, in Bristol's three-bedroom condominium in Anchorage. Willow Palin would frequently come by for sleepovers. "I was scared to live by myself," Bristol told Harper's Bazaar.
2. Has acting chops
While her new mother-in-law is no stranger to the spotlight, Britta has her own experience on a stage. She played the sharp-witted Elizabeth Bennet in a local production of Pride and Prejudice. "Britta does well whatever she applies herself too,” says Garry Forrester, executive director of Valley Performing Arts.
3. Knows her way around the governor's office
Hanson was an executive secretary in the office of the governor from 2008 to 2011 under both Palin and current Alaska Gov. Sean Parnell.
4. Future Nurse
A nursing student at the University of Alaska, Hanson recently earned a scholarship from the Mat-Su Health Foundation. After graduation, she plans to work in a local hospital.
5. Wasilla down to her snow boots
A high school sweetheart of Track, Hanson graduated in 2007 from Wasilla High School, where she was a "dynamite soccer player," says assistant principal Dan Michael. She is also the daughter of a local minister – dad Duane Hanson is the pastor of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Wasilla.
People however left one nugget of info out, Britta is pregnant. According to comments on other blogs, Willow told her Aunt Wendy Palin that Britta is with child. I'm not surprised at all.
Frank is hitting the interview circuit regarding his book about Sarah
On Lawrence O'Donnell
The View:
FOX with Sean Hannity:
The View:
FOX with Sean Hannity:
Sarah will be premiering her "movie" in Iowa next month
From Joe McGinniss's blog
Scott Conroy, co-author of the 2009 quasi-bio Sarah from Alaska: The Sudden Rise and Brutal Education of a New Conservative Superstar, announces on RealClearPolitics that a film described as “Sarah’s Secret Weapon” will premiere in Iowa in June.
The film has been financed and produced by Stephen K. Bannon, an ex-Goldman Sachs investment banker previously known for In The Face of Evil: Reagan’s War in Word and Deed, and such other right-wing red meat feasts as Fire from The Heartland and Generation Zero.
Bannon clearly has money and anger to burn, and he’s now all-in with Sarah.
I think this will be a flop. The American public has known Sarah for almost three years, enough to firmly make an opinion of her. Either they love her or hate here. An infomercial will not change anything. That million dollars could have been spent better.
Scott Conroy, co-author of the 2009 quasi-bio Sarah from Alaska: The Sudden Rise and Brutal Education of a New Conservative Superstar, announces on RealClearPolitics that a film described as “Sarah’s Secret Weapon” will premiere in Iowa in June.
The film has been financed and produced by Stephen K. Bannon, an ex-Goldman Sachs investment banker previously known for In The Face of Evil: Reagan’s War in Word and Deed, and such other right-wing red meat feasts as Fire from The Heartland and Generation Zero.
Bannon clearly has money and anger to burn, and he’s now all-in with Sarah.
I think this will be a flop. The American public has known Sarah for almost three years, enough to firmly make an opinion of her. Either they love her or hate here. An infomercial will not change anything. That million dollars could have been spent better.
Even Roger Ailes hates Sarah Palin now
From New York Magazine
“He thinks things are going in a bad direction,” another Republican close to Ailes told me. “Roger is worried about the future of the country. He thinks the election of Obama is a disaster. He thinks Palin is an idiot. He thinks she’s stupid. He helped boost her up. People like Sarah Palin haven’t elevated the conservative movement.”
In the aftermath of the Tucson rampage, the national mood seemed to pivot. Ailes recognized that a Fox brand defined by Palin could be politically vulnerable. Two days after the shooting, he gave an interview to Russell Simmons and told him both sides needed to lower the temperature. “I told all of our guys, ‘Shut up, tone it down, make your argument intellectually.’ ”
It's a long read but well worth it. Of course Sarah is stupid Roger. But you are even more stupid for even thinking of hiring her, and thinking Obama is a disaster.
“He thinks things are going in a bad direction,” another Republican close to Ailes told me. “Roger is worried about the future of the country. He thinks the election of Obama is a disaster. He thinks Palin is an idiot. He thinks she’s stupid. He helped boost her up. People like Sarah Palin haven’t elevated the conservative movement.”
In the aftermath of the Tucson rampage, the national mood seemed to pivot. Ailes recognized that a Fox brand defined by Palin could be politically vulnerable. Two days after the shooting, he gave an interview to Russell Simmons and told him both sides needed to lower the temperature. “I told all of our guys, ‘Shut up, tone it down, make your argument intellectually.’ ”
It's a long read but well worth it. Of course Sarah is stupid Roger. But you are even more stupid for even thinking of hiring her, and thinking Obama is a disaster.
Wednesday Humor
<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/NrzXLYA_e6E" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Frank Bailey's book on Sarah is being released today
Just a reminder that Frank's book is being released, in case you have not pre-ordered it yet.
Washington Post has already reviewed it. Of course Palin, her aides and psychophants have already attacked him.
Washington Post has already reviewed it. Of course Palin, her aides and psychophants have already attacked him.
Reason #61 not to vote for Sarah Palin for anything
She is a shameless opportunist who promoted Alaska in her reality show and now is moving to Arizona.
From Rightspeak
arlier this year, Politico reported that Sarah Palin would base her campaign in Scottsdale, AZ if she were to run for the GOP nomination. SarahPac Treasurer, Tim Crawford responded by email with the following comment.
"There has been no decision about where a campaign would be based."
Note the lack of a denial in Crawford's statement. AZ Central is now reporting that the Palins have likely purchased a home in Scottsdale. The Palins have yet to confirm or deny the reports. However, a commenter (nederlandbill) at Conservatives4Palin had the following to say about the news.
"I did the mortgage on a property 2 homes away and owner says she saw the Palins looking at the home."
This means she is definitely running. I know Sarah has been wanting to ditch AK for a long time, she has bled them dry, everyone up there hates her and her family, she has burned all her bridges. I'm sure she will keep her AK residency so she will not have to pay AZ state income tax, which is typical of a Republicunt like her.
Here are pics of the house:
From Rightspeak
arlier this year, Politico reported that Sarah Palin would base her campaign in Scottsdale, AZ if she were to run for the GOP nomination. SarahPac Treasurer, Tim Crawford responded by email with the following comment.
"There has been no decision about where a campaign would be based."
Note the lack of a denial in Crawford's statement. AZ Central is now reporting that the Palins have likely purchased a home in Scottsdale. The Palins have yet to confirm or deny the reports. However, a commenter (nederlandbill) at Conservatives4Palin had the following to say about the news.
"I did the mortgage on a property 2 homes away and owner says she saw the Palins looking at the home."
This means she is definitely running. I know Sarah has been wanting to ditch AK for a long time, she has bled them dry, everyone up there hates her and her family, she has burned all her bridges. I'm sure she will keep her AK residency so she will not have to pay AZ state income tax, which is typical of a Republicunt like her.
Here are pics of the house:
Most poor people prefer Sarah Palin, I do not know why since she hates the lower classes
Seattle PI
Mitt Romney and Sarah Palin are enjoying early support from two sharply different segments of Republican voters, according to a new polling analysis, with Romney getting a boost from wealthy college graduates and Palin taking lower-income voters without college degrees.
The analysis released Monday of three Gallup polls was only the latest evidence of such a class divide between supporters of the two GOP heavyweights. Romney, the former Massachusetts governor, gets 21 percent of the vote among those with college degrees, but only 13 percent of those without. He garners an identical 21 percent among annual earners of $90,000 or more, but only 9 percent from those who make less than $24,000.
The opposite is true for Palin. Sixteen percent of Republicans without a college degree support Palin, compared to just 9 percent of college graduates. Twenty-two percent of Republicans earning less than $24,000 support her, compared to just 7 percent of those who make more than $90,000.
For other Republicans regularly included in Gallup's surveys, including Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul, there are no strong socioeconomic differences among their supporters. But Huckabee does have an advantage in the South and the Midwest, while Romney fares better on the coasts.
The analysis was based on three Gallup polls conducted since February, which totaled 3,304 Republicans and Republican-leaning independents surveyed, with a sampling error of plus or minus 2 percentage points.
The analysis released Monday of three Gallup polls was only the latest evidence of such a class divide between supporters of the two GOP heavyweights. Romney, the former Massachusetts governor, gets 21 percent of the vote among those with college degrees, but only 13 percent of those without. He garners an identical 21 percent among annual earners of $90,000 or more, but only 9 percent from those who make less than $24,000.
The opposite is true for Palin. Sixteen percent of Republicans without a college degree support Palin, compared to just 9 percent of college graduates. Twenty-two percent of Republicans earning less than $24,000 support her, compared to just 7 percent of those who make more than $90,000.
For other Republicans regularly included in Gallup's surveys, including Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul, there are no strong socioeconomic differences among their supporters. But Huckabee does have an advantage in the South and the Midwest, while Romney fares better on the coasts.
The analysis was based on three Gallup polls conducted since February, which totaled 3,304 Republicans and Republican-leaning independents surveyed, with a sampling error of plus or minus 2 percentage points.
Sarah lives in a glass house
She attacks Arnold Schwarzenegger for his infidelity (I'm not excusing him by the way) yet she had a child with another man and her husband has his own love child. You can see and read her latest interview with Palin panty sniffer Sean Hannity on FOX News here.
A big shout out to Malia Litman
Malia Litman is a blogger whose main goal is to expose Sarah Palin for the fraud that she is. Anyways she posted a pic of Track's wedding yesterday and I commented that Sarah and Todd were not wearing their wedding rings. She picked up on that and wrote a post about it and gave me props for pointing out the non wedding rings. Thank you Malia for your kind words. You can read Malia's blog and post here
If you think Judgement Day is today-Update
WATCH THIS all the way through, it's worth it
Well I'm in the Central time zone, other than a 5.0 earthquake in Western AK nothing has happened, so I will go out on a limb and say we are safe. Guess that means I will have to go to work later today.
Well I'm in the Central time zone, other than a 5.0 earthquake in Western AK nothing has happened, so I will go out on a limb and say we are safe. Guess that means I will have to go to work later today.
Remember when I posted that Track Palin was engaged?
Not anymore! From dlisted.com (how appropriate)
The eldest Palin son, 22-year-old Track, married his high school sweetheart, 21-year-old Britta Hanson, in an intimate ceremony in Hatcher Pass, Alaska today. After the young army reservist and the nursing student were married, their families immediately wrapped this statement in seal blubber and sent it to the office of People via a carrier falcon:
"Our families couldn't be happier! These are two hard working, humble, active, studious young adults who grew up together. We're tickled that after two decades of friendship we proudly witnessed their marriage, knowing their new life together will be blessed.
They will have a larger wedding celebration this winter at Alaska's Alyeska Ski Resort when extended family and friends from the Lower 48 can travel north for a long ski weekend.
The Hanson and Palin families are ecstatic and proud that Britta and Track married in one of our favorite spots in America, spectacular Hatcher Pass, Alaska. It's a site we've all shared fun memories of skiing, snowboarding, hiking and snowmachining."
You know, there's something very familiar about this whole thing. Having a surprise wedding on a weekday afternoon... The bride wearing a smart casual blazer from Dress Barn with a slimming black t-shirt from The Limited.... A bouquet covering any evidence.... I KNOW! This is just like the wedding my cousin had when she didn't want our abuelita finding out that she was 3-months knocked up! Ho tried to put a silencer on the shot gun! This is just like that.
However, in this case, instead of worrying about an abuelita finding out, they're trying to keep it from the publicist who handles Bristol Palin's pro-abstinence speaking engagements.
Anyways, Congratulations to Track and Britta. I sincerely hope everything works out for them. Now on to the snark.
It looks like Todd and Sarah are not wearing their wedding rings. Hmmm. Also note how Rev. and Mrs Hanson are having bodily contact and act like they like each other. Not so with the groom's parents. Seven months from now they will have a bigger celebration. Does that mean the baby will be born by then? Also Track looks more like Menard than Todd in this pic, although comments on Immoral Minority beg to differ.
The eldest Palin son, 22-year-old Track, married his high school sweetheart, 21-year-old Britta Hanson, in an intimate ceremony in Hatcher Pass, Alaska today. After the young army reservist and the nursing student were married, their families immediately wrapped this statement in seal blubber and sent it to the office of People via a carrier falcon:
"Our families couldn't be happier! These are two hard working, humble, active, studious young adults who grew up together. We're tickled that after two decades of friendship we proudly witnessed their marriage, knowing their new life together will be blessed.
They will have a larger wedding celebration this winter at Alaska's Alyeska Ski Resort when extended family and friends from the Lower 48 can travel north for a long ski weekend.
The Hanson and Palin families are ecstatic and proud that Britta and Track married in one of our favorite spots in America, spectacular Hatcher Pass, Alaska. It's a site we've all shared fun memories of skiing, snowboarding, hiking and snowmachining."
You know, there's something very familiar about this whole thing. Having a surprise wedding on a weekday afternoon... The bride wearing a smart casual blazer from Dress Barn with a slimming black t-shirt from The Limited.... A bouquet covering any evidence.... I KNOW! This is just like the wedding my cousin had when she didn't want our abuelita finding out that she was 3-months knocked up! Ho tried to put a silencer on the shot gun! This is just like that.
However, in this case, instead of worrying about an abuelita finding out, they're trying to keep it from the publicist who handles Bristol Palin's pro-abstinence speaking engagements.
Anyways, Congratulations to Track and Britta. I sincerely hope everything works out for them. Now on to the snark.
It looks like Todd and Sarah are not wearing their wedding rings. Hmmm. Also note how Rev. and Mrs Hanson are having bodily contact and act like they like each other. Not so with the groom's parents. Seven months from now they will have a bigger celebration. Does that mean the baby will be born by then? Also Track looks more like Menard than Todd in this pic, although comments on Immoral Minority beg to differ.
Now that Huckster and The Donald aren't running
The Palinbots are ejaculating over it. Check out what the Palinbots were saying over Mike Huckabee's decision last week not to run.
Sarah Palin News
(via TX4P) So Mike Huckabee is not running... http://bit.ly/jrjWcX @sarahpalinusa
10 hours ago via twitterfeed
Sarah Palin News
(via SarahNet) Huck Just Made His First Play for Veep http://bit.ly/mlJwsq @sarahpalinusa
7 hours ago via twitterfeed
Sarah Palin News
(via PalinTwibe) O4P CA; Sarah Palin is the New Pink! http://bit.ly/jk7XN3 @sarahpalinusa
5 hours ago via twitterfeed
Sarah Palin News
(via PointOfView) Poll:Who Benefits Most From Huckabee Not Running? Palin 53%/Romney15% http://bit.ly/mJZ0hE @sarahpalinusa
3 hours ago via twitterfeed
Michelle McCormick
I mean that's for the goobers who don't believe she's running. One doesn't hire a FoPo advisor, upgrade website & yell Game On--to sit out
12 hours ago via web
J.C. Kendall
Huck understood that the GOP nominee is going to get the Palin treatment from the Left. Only one person has survived that: PALIN.
12 hours ago via TweetDeck
Draft #AllenWest as VP & RUN! RT @thizdude_thinkz: @SarahPalinUSA Huck's out NOW U GET IN!!!' GET TO IOWA!!! Ur fans R READY !!! #GAMEON
12 hours ago via HootSuite
Chris Jefferson
@SarahPalinUSA All righty, Governor. The Coast is Clear! Now go smack the #BeltwayGOP and set this country right! #Palin #tcot
13 hours ago via web
@SarahPalinUSA Your Time Is Now!!! You always say Don't Retreat - Reload!!! We have and We are let's RESTORE AMERICA!! You Lead!!! #GAMEON
11 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone
On Monday Donald Trump announced he won't be running. Haley Barbour and John Thune have indicated they will not be running. Ron Paul and Herman Cain have already announced they are running, but are longshots. Tim Pawlenty and Mitt Romney have yet to make announcement, so Sarah begins laying the groundwork in South Carolina.
The only Rethuglican running that has a reasonable chance is Newt Gingrich, but now his campaign is imploding right before his very eyes:
Yep Sarah is running.
Sarah Palin News
(via TX4P) So Mike Huckabee is not running... http://bit.ly/jrjWcX @sarahpalinusa
10 hours ago via twitterfeed
Sarah Palin News
(via SarahNet) Huck Just Made His First Play for Veep http://bit.ly/mlJwsq @sarahpalinusa
7 hours ago via twitterfeed
Sarah Palin News
(via PalinTwibe) O4P CA; Sarah Palin is the New Pink! http://bit.ly/jk7XN3 @sarahpalinusa
5 hours ago via twitterfeed
Sarah Palin News
(via PointOfView) Poll:Who Benefits Most From Huckabee Not Running? Palin 53%/Romney15% http://bit.ly/mJZ0hE @sarahpalinusa
3 hours ago via twitterfeed
Michelle McCormick
I mean that's for the goobers who don't believe she's running. One doesn't hire a FoPo advisor, upgrade website & yell Game On--to sit out
12 hours ago via web
J.C. Kendall
Huck understood that the GOP nominee is going to get the Palin treatment from the Left. Only one person has survived that: PALIN.
12 hours ago via TweetDeck
Draft #AllenWest as VP & RUN! RT @thizdude_thinkz: @SarahPalinUSA Huck's out NOW U GET IN!!!' GET TO IOWA!!! Ur fans R READY !!! #GAMEON
12 hours ago via HootSuite
Chris Jefferson
@SarahPalinUSA All righty, Governor. The Coast is Clear! Now go smack the #BeltwayGOP and set this country right! #Palin #tcot
13 hours ago via web
@SarahPalinUSA Your Time Is Now!!! You always say Don't Retreat - Reload!!! We have and We are let's RESTORE AMERICA!! You Lead!!! #GAMEON
11 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone
On Monday Donald Trump announced he won't be running. Haley Barbour and John Thune have indicated they will not be running. Ron Paul and Herman Cain have already announced they are running, but are longshots. Tim Pawlenty and Mitt Romney have yet to make announcement, so Sarah begins laying the groundwork in South Carolina.
The only Rethuglican running that has a reasonable chance is Newt Gingrich, but now his campaign is imploding right before his very eyes:
Yep Sarah is running.
Wednesday Humor
<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/aP6SaTP0R3M" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Why is it OK for the Palins to slam Levi yet he cannot do the same back?
From Hollybaby.com
Bristol Palin’s baby daddy has only seen their two-year-old son Tripp ‘a handful of times’ in the past year, according to sources close to Alaska’s former first family.
As Levi Johnston, 21, prepares to release his expose, Deer In The Headlights: My Life In Sarah Palin’s Crosshairs in September — the Palin family are begging him to end his attacks on the ex-Governor and be a proper dad.
“Levi’s seen Tripp maybe just a handful of times in the last year,” a source tells Star magazine. “There were months when he and Bristol were both in Alaska and he didn’t visit.”
“It would be nice to think that Levi would like to have some sort of relationship with his child, but so far that hasn’t happened.”
It’s not the first time Levi’s been accused of abandoning his son — back in January, Bristol, 20, told the Bob & Mark Radio Show her former fiance had spent just 12 hours with his son since she ended her stint on Dancing With The Stars the previous fall.
A source close to the Palins tells HollyBaby.com that Levi is an absentee father, adding that Bristol offers him plenty of opportunity to see Tripp, but he declines the offers.
We have put out numerous calls and emails to Levi’s attorney and manager, but those calls have remained unanswered.
Is it time Levi stopped his war with the Palins, if only for the sake of his son?
Sarah and Bristol, it's kinda hard for Levi to see Tripp when you move him to AZ and refuse Levi access to him. Levi you need to get better legal representation if you want to see your son. Write that book! If they sue you for slander, the burden of proof is on them, not you.
Bristol Palin’s baby daddy has only seen their two-year-old son Tripp ‘a handful of times’ in the past year, according to sources close to Alaska’s former first family.
As Levi Johnston, 21, prepares to release his expose, Deer In The Headlights: My Life In Sarah Palin’s Crosshairs in September — the Palin family are begging him to end his attacks on the ex-Governor and be a proper dad.
“Levi’s seen Tripp maybe just a handful of times in the last year,” a source tells Star magazine. “There were months when he and Bristol were both in Alaska and he didn’t visit.”
“It would be nice to think that Levi would like to have some sort of relationship with his child, but so far that hasn’t happened.”
It’s not the first time Levi’s been accused of abandoning his son — back in January, Bristol, 20, told the Bob & Mark Radio Show her former fiance had spent just 12 hours with his son since she ended her stint on Dancing With The Stars the previous fall.
A source close to the Palins tells HollyBaby.com that Levi is an absentee father, adding that Bristol offers him plenty of opportunity to see Tripp, but he declines the offers.
We have put out numerous calls and emails to Levi’s attorney and manager, but those calls have remained unanswered.
Is it time Levi stopped his war with the Palins, if only for the sake of his son?
Sarah and Bristol, it's kinda hard for Levi to see Tripp when you move him to AZ and refuse Levi access to him. Levi you need to get better legal representation if you want to see your son. Write that book! If they sue you for slander, the burden of proof is on them, not you.
Newsweek gets rare interview with the father of Todd Palin
From Newsweek
Jim Palin met both me and calamari for the first time at lunch last month at Evangelo’s, the best Italian restaurant in Wasilla, Alaska. Jim Palin, Todd’s father, has been hunting and fishing in his state for almost 50 years, but somehow he had never crossed paths with a squid, alive or fried. As for reporters from the “lamestream media,” he had met a few, but had never actually sat down to break bread with one before.
I had come to lunch hoping to learn a little about Jim’s elusive son, Todd—a figure of enduring fascination who just might, if Sarah Palin decides to make a presidential run, become the country’s first first husband.
Jim Palin, retired general manager of the local electric company and a Phil Donahue look-alike, talks about how Todd won Alaska’s Iron Dog snowmobile race four times—making him a legendary local badass. We talk about his son’s basketball prowess—Todd was a star on the boys’ varsity in Wasilla, and played for Missouri Valley College—and how he would fare in a one-on-one matchup with the president. “Up against Obama?” Jim’s blue eyes sparkled behind his bifocals. “Interesting question. Let’s just say that Todd would handle himself pretty well.” What Jim doesn’t much want to discuss is Sarah’s political career. He says that he will, of course, support Sarah if she runs. But I got the distinct impression he believes she won’t. Todd’s close friends are hoping, for his sake, that she doesn’t.
When Sarah was tapped as John McCain’s running mate, Todd dutifully hit the campaign trail on her behalf, but he was so out of his element that he asked his friend Martin Buser to join him. Buser is another legendary Alaskan racer, a four-time winner of the Iditarod, which is the Iron Dog with real dogs. “Todd wanted somebody around who’s had a blister before,” Buser told me. “We met a lot of important people, but it takes somebody real accomplished to impress a guy like Todd, an athlete at the top of his game who has won so often on his own terms.”
Buser has known both Palins for years. “Todd is Sarah’s chief of staff and her entourage,” he said. And her gatekeeper. “People who live remote are trained watchers and listeners. You have to know who you are dealing with because survival may depend on it.”
Buser is a Palin supporter, but he isn’t sure the White House would be a good domicile for his friend Todd. “He’s secure enough to have a successful woman; he’d be fine with the limelight Sarah would get as president. But would he suffer, shut up indoors at the White House? Absolutely he would.”
As we were walking out of Evangelo’s, Jim Palin suddenly said, “How would you like to see Todd and Sarah’s place?” It took us about five minutes to drive the length of Wasilla to the Palin compound on Lake Lucille. On the way we passed several posters reading, “Dance, Bristol, Dance.”
The Palins’ yard is strewn with five snowmobiles, half a dozen dusty trucks, several small aluminum boats, a couple of airplane floats, a trampoline, and a little plastic basketball hoop. For 18 years, Todd Palin worked as a “wrench” on two-week shifts for BP on the North Slope. He spent six weeks every summer pulling salmon out of nets in Dillingham. That, along with his racing purses and endorsements, and Sarah’s salary as mayor and then governor, made the Palins relatively prosperous. But since 2008, they have become plain rich from Sarah’s books, lectures, TV series, and Fox News contract.
Jim called out, but there was no one home. (Both Todd and Sarah had made it clear they didn’t want to talk to me.) The simple five-bedroom house Todd built is a now a two-building compound—one for him, one for her, reflecting their differing tastes and ambitions. We opened the door to Todd’s annex, revealing a hangar as big as a professional basketball court. “Todd’s plane isn’t here,” Jim said. “He must be out flying it somewhere.” We walked upstairs to Sarah’s domain, a luxe office/studio with a podium framed by a view of Lake Lucille and a professional television camera aimed in its direction. “Sarah makes her broadcasts from here,” Jim said. “That big satellite dish you saw in the yard was installed by Fox News.”
“Does Todd help Sarah prepare her speeches and critique her performances?” I asked Jim later in an email. “He helps her prepare,” he replied, “but he doesn’t critique.”
Well isn't that interesting! I like the comment Jim made where Todd and Sarah each have separate buildings for their activities.
Jim Palin, retired general manager of the local electric company and a Phil Donahue look-alike, talks about how Todd won Alaska’s Iron Dog snowmobile race four times—making him a legendary local badass. We talk about his son’s basketball prowess—Todd was a star on the boys’ varsity in Wasilla, and played for Missouri Valley College—and how he would fare in a one-on-one matchup with the president. “Up against Obama?” Jim’s blue eyes sparkled behind his bifocals. “Interesting question. Let’s just say that Todd would handle himself pretty well.” What Jim doesn’t much want to discuss is Sarah’s political career. He says that he will, of course, support Sarah if she runs. But I got the distinct impression he believes she won’t. Todd’s close friends are hoping, for his sake, that she doesn’t.
When Sarah was tapped as John McCain’s running mate, Todd dutifully hit the campaign trail on her behalf, but he was so out of his element that he asked his friend Martin Buser to join him. Buser is another legendary Alaskan racer, a four-time winner of the Iditarod, which is the Iron Dog with real dogs. “Todd wanted somebody around who’s had a blister before,” Buser told me. “We met a lot of important people, but it takes somebody real accomplished to impress a guy like Todd, an athlete at the top of his game who has won so often on his own terms.”
Buser has known both Palins for years. “Todd is Sarah’s chief of staff and her entourage,” he said. And her gatekeeper. “People who live remote are trained watchers and listeners. You have to know who you are dealing with because survival may depend on it.”
Buser is a Palin supporter, but he isn’t sure the White House would be a good domicile for his friend Todd. “He’s secure enough to have a successful woman; he’d be fine with the limelight Sarah would get as president. But would he suffer, shut up indoors at the White House? Absolutely he would.”
As we were walking out of Evangelo’s, Jim Palin suddenly said, “How would you like to see Todd and Sarah’s place?” It took us about five minutes to drive the length of Wasilla to the Palin compound on Lake Lucille. On the way we passed several posters reading, “Dance, Bristol, Dance.”
We turned off the main highway onto a dirt road and came to an electric gate and an unoccupied sentry box. Jim walked around the gate onto the property, which is unfenced. “All this is to keep folks from driving up to the front door,” he explained.
The Palins’ yard is strewn with five snowmobiles, half a dozen dusty trucks, several small aluminum boats, a couple of airplane floats, a trampoline, and a little plastic basketball hoop. For 18 years, Todd Palin worked as a “wrench” on two-week shifts for BP on the North Slope. He spent six weeks every summer pulling salmon out of nets in Dillingham. That, along with his racing purses and endorsements, and Sarah’s salary as mayor and then governor, made the Palins relatively prosperous. But since 2008, they have become plain rich from Sarah’s books, lectures, TV series, and Fox News contract.
Jim called out, but there was no one home. (Both Todd and Sarah had made it clear they didn’t want to talk to me.) The simple five-bedroom house Todd built is a now a two-building compound—one for him, one for her, reflecting their differing tastes and ambitions. We opened the door to Todd’s annex, revealing a hangar as big as a professional basketball court. “Todd’s plane isn’t here,” Jim said. “He must be out flying it somewhere.” We walked upstairs to Sarah’s domain, a luxe office/studio with a podium framed by a view of Lake Lucille and a professional television camera aimed in its direction. “Sarah makes her broadcasts from here,” Jim said. “That big satellite dish you saw in the yard was installed by Fox News.”
“Does Todd help Sarah prepare her speeches and critique her performances?” I asked Jim later in an email. “He helps her prepare,” he replied, “but he doesn’t critique.”
Well isn't that interesting! I like the comment Jim made where Todd and Sarah each have separate buildings for their activities.
New tweet by Sarah
If I ever buy a book written by Andrew Breitbart, it will be used to clean up my cat's litter box. He was responsible for Shirley Sherrod's firing at the US Department of Agriculture. Now Shirley is suing his ass.
Willow news
According to TMZ, Willow Palin got a speeding ticket. I wonder if she was driving herself to the hospital to deliver her baby. (snark)
What the fuck? Bristol gets a "reality show"
From the Ottawa Citizen
Yep Bristol is setting a really good example. She is teaching young girls in order to be rich and famous all you have to do is lay on your back and get injected with man juice and presto! You have a baby who will make you rich. At least its on the Bio channel which no one watches anyway.
Single mom Bristol Palin has landed her own reality TV show, and producers say she will allow cameras "exclusive access" into her personal life for the first time.
The small U.S. BIO cable channel said on Monday it had ordered 10 half-hour episodes of a documentary series that will follow Palin and her two-year-old son Tripp as they move to Los Angeles and work for a small charity there.
Palin, 20, the unmarried elder daughter of Tea Party favourite Sarah Palin, became a celebrity in her own right last year by waltzing her way to the finals of Dancing With the Stars despite having two left feet.
Late last year she bought a fivebedroom house near Phoenix, Ariz., with her earnings from the show and as a spokeswoman for a teen abstinence campaign group. At the time, she was reported planning to attend college there.
But the as-yet-untitled TV documentary will see Palin moving in with two former child stars, brothers Kyle and Christoper Massey. She and Kyle competed on the same season of Dancing With the Stars.
The series is scheduled to air in late 2011, BIO channel said.
"Bristol is the kind of personality BIO is drawn to," said David McKillop, executive vice-president of programming at BIO Channel.
"Her personal life has been playing out in the media for several years but this will be the first time she's opening up her real life, with her son and her friends the Massey brothers."
Monday's announcement follows speculation that Palin may have undergone plastic surgery. Photos taken at an appearance by the young mom at a red carpet event in New York last week showed her with a slimmer, heart-shaped face and chin.
In March, Palin signed a deal for a book about her life growing up in Alaska in the media and political frenzy surrounding her mother Sarah, who grabbed the national spotlight when she was chosen as Republican vice-presidential candidate in 2008 elections.
Yep Bristol is setting a really good example. She is teaching young girls in order to be rich and famous all you have to do is lay on your back and get injected with man juice and presto! You have a baby who will make you rich. At least its on the Bio channel which no one watches anyway.
Blogger is back
Blogger had some issues and my posts got deleted but now it is fixed so I'm reposting the posts that were lost.
Reason #60 not to vote for Sarah Palin for anything
She lied about Track's military service.
Update* Thanks to a dilligent reader we now can confirm that Sarah Palin didn’t raise a combat vet. According to Track Palin’s own DD214 he never received a Combat Infantrymans Badge or any badge earned for service in combat. So she effectivly raised a Guardsman who sat in the rear with his gear *End Update*
Sarah Palin yet again ceases to surprise me when it comes to riding on the success of others. This time while at Glen Beck’s “Restoring the Honor” gathering in Washington D.C. she decided to use her son’s bravery to cover over her lack of political experience. Sarah Palin the woman who has never hunted but lied about it, quit her job as Governor, engages in media brawls with Levi Johnston and can’t name political policies has raised a combat vet. Yes ladies and gentleman that is her only accomplishment in life.
While at the rally Palin said “say whatcha want about me but I raised a combat vet and you can’t take that away from me”. She also said “I am not here to speak as a politician but as a mother of a soldier” although I don’t know how she could speak as a politician because she quit that long ago. Her son Track Palin is a member of the Alaska National Guard and deployed with the 25th Infantry Division 1st Stryker Brigade to Iraq in 2008.
What irritates me is that Sarah is acting like she accomplished something monumental by raising a child who decided to join the Guard. Saying “I raised a combat vet” is like saying “I raised a cancer survivor” it has nothing to do with you however you try to take credit for it. I’m not sure how her saying that gets her any standing with the “tea party” who is filled with old conservative soldiers who actually fought for this country. I didn’t think I could be more disgusted with her but yet again I was wrong; who is she to try and gain an edge by riding off her son’s coattails. Is she really that desperate?
So Sarah Palin raised a weekend warrior who deployed to Iraq, a daughter who has unprotected sex and I won’t even touch on the exploitation of her mentally handicapped child. She, in my opinion, abuses the status of being a mother to try and further advance her lackluster political career and it is disgusting to watch. I successfully raised a house cat and taught it to poop in a box but you don’t see me bragging about it. It does go to show you that the Tea Party is full of people who can’t think for themselves and follow the words of the even more ignorant like sheep. This convention that Beck put on was supposedly to “restore Americas honor” but the only way that is possible is if the Tea Party falls on its sword.
You know I really feel sorry for Track, his mother lying about his military service. That is not supporting the troops. No wonder Track stays out of the spotlight.
Update* Thanks to a dilligent reader we now can confirm that Sarah Palin didn’t raise a combat vet. According to Track Palin’s own DD214 he never received a Combat Infantrymans Badge or any badge earned for service in combat. So she effectivly raised a Guardsman who sat in the rear with his gear *End Update*
Sarah Palin yet again ceases to surprise me when it comes to riding on the success of others. This time while at Glen Beck’s “Restoring the Honor” gathering in Washington D.C. she decided to use her son’s bravery to cover over her lack of political experience. Sarah Palin the woman who has never hunted but lied about it, quit her job as Governor, engages in media brawls with Levi Johnston and can’t name political policies has raised a combat vet. Yes ladies and gentleman that is her only accomplishment in life.
While at the rally Palin said “say whatcha want about me but I raised a combat vet and you can’t take that away from me”. She also said “I am not here to speak as a politician but as a mother of a soldier” although I don’t know how she could speak as a politician because she quit that long ago. Her son Track Palin is a member of the Alaska National Guard and deployed with the 25th Infantry Division 1st Stryker Brigade to Iraq in 2008.
What irritates me is that Sarah is acting like she accomplished something monumental by raising a child who decided to join the Guard. Saying “I raised a combat vet” is like saying “I raised a cancer survivor” it has nothing to do with you however you try to take credit for it. I’m not sure how her saying that gets her any standing with the “tea party” who is filled with old conservative soldiers who actually fought for this country. I didn’t think I could be more disgusted with her but yet again I was wrong; who is she to try and gain an edge by riding off her son’s coattails. Is she really that desperate?
So Sarah Palin raised a weekend warrior who deployed to Iraq, a daughter who has unprotected sex and I won’t even touch on the exploitation of her mentally handicapped child. She, in my opinion, abuses the status of being a mother to try and further advance her lackluster political career and it is disgusting to watch. I successfully raised a house cat and taught it to poop in a box but you don’t see me bragging about it. It does go to show you that the Tea Party is full of people who can’t think for themselves and follow the words of the even more ignorant like sheep. This convention that Beck put on was supposedly to “restore Americas honor” but the only way that is possible is if the Tea Party falls on its sword.
You know I really feel sorry for Track, his mother lying about his military service. That is not supporting the troops. No wonder Track stays out of the spotlight.
Bristol is now claiming it was jaw surgery to explain her new appearance
Bristol Palin admits her recent change in appearance was due to a procedure — but not plastic surgery.
The 20-year-old daughter of 2008 GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin tells Us Weekly that she underwent corrective jaw surgery in December, a month after she finished third on ABC's "Dancing with the Stars." Her face now appears thinner, with higher cheekbones and an angular jaw.
Bristol Palin admits her recent change in appearance was due to a procedure — but not plastic surgery.
The 20-year-old daughter of 2008 GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin tells Us Weekly that she underwent corrective jaw surgery in December, a month after she finished third on ABC's "Dancing with the Stars." Her face now appears thinner, with higher cheekbones and an angular jaw.
The new look, complete with Palin losing 5 pounds, was unveiled April 30 at the White House Correspondents' Association dinner in Washington, D.C.
"Yes, it improved the way I look, but this surgery was necessary for medical reasons," she told the magazine for its May 23 issue, which will be on newsstands Friday.
Palin said she had the procedure so her jaw and teeth could properly realign.
While growing up, she wore braces and a device to help correct an overbite. But she said her dentist warned her that she'd have to have surgery one day.
The Palin family's lawyer declined to comment to The Associated Press on Tuesday.
Palin said she is pleased with the new look.
"I look older, more mature and don't have as much of a chubby little baby face," she told the magazine.
Palin said she doesn't obsess over her face and would consider plastic surgery only in an extreme situation.
"I wouldn't get plastic surgery unless I got in an accident or something terrible and got disfigured," she said.
Palin will be back on TV by the end of the year, starring in a reality series for the Bio Channel. The as-yet-untitled series will follow her move from Alaska to Los Angeles with her son, Tripp, to work at a small charity. She will live with actor brothers Kyle and Christopher Massey.
Kyle Massey is a fellow "Dancing" contestant and Palin's good friend, the network said.
I smelled bullshit the second I read the title to this story on MSNBC.
Jaw surgery DOES NOT CHANGE YOUR CHIN. Bristol had a double chin before the "surgery". Dental surgery does not remove the fat under a chin. Nor does it change your eyebrows and forehead either. Do the Palin bitches ever stop lying? Oh never mind.
Wednesday Humor
<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/FGB_f6i-w9A" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Oh shit! State of AK investigating use of e-mails in Frank Bailey's book
From the ADN
The Alaska attorney general's office says it's investigating a charge that former Sarah Palin aide Frank Bailey wrongfully used state emails as the basis for his coming book slamming the ex-governor
Assistant Attorney General Margaret Paton Walsh on Friday wrote to Anchorage activist Andree McLeod, who filed an ethics complaint against Bailey in September and has been repeatedly asking since what's being done about it.
"In addition to the ongoing investigation ... this office has been working with Enterprise Technology Services, the state's IT division, to ascertain whether the state is missing emails that are state records and which Mr. Bailey may have in his possession," she wrote to McLeod.
"Please be assured that we take this matter very seriously and are working to ensure that the state has possession of all state records and emails," Paton Walsh wrote.
Bailey did not respond to the Daily News on Monday. He did express confidence to The Associated Press in September, after McLeod filed her ethics complaint, that his "efforts and procedures" had been lawful in preparing his memoir.
Bailey joined Palin's 2006 campaign for governor and was one of her closest aides while she was in office.
His book, "Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin," is to be released May 24 by Howard Books, an imprint of Simon and Schuster.
Howard Books described it as a "chilling expose."
The book is co-authored by Ken Morris and Jeanne Devon of Anchorage, founder of the website The Mudflats. McLeod charges that Bailey shouldn't have shared the emails with his co-authors that are not available to the general public. She has emailed the attorney general repeatedly in recent months asking what's being done.
She also maintains Bailey broke Alaska's executive branch ethics act. It says former public officials aren't allowed to use information acquired in the course of their work for personal gain if the information hasn't been publicly disseminated.
It's not clear exactly which emails that Bailey has.
Palin and close members of her staff in the governor's office, including Bailey, were known to use private email accounts like Yahoo to conduct state business. McLeod says those are state records and the public should have access to them.
A preliminary draft of Bailey's manuscript was leaked to reporters in February. Bailey wrote that it was put together with the help of more than 60,000 emails he sent or received while working for Palin.
Bailey's book agent has said that Bailey drew on "thousands of emails from the personal accounts of Sarah and Todd Palin as well as key members of the staff." The agent also maintained in a February message that the emails are not subject to Freedom of Information Act requests and won't be part of the batch scheduled to be released by the state later this month.
The state has been reviewing more than 26,000 pages of Palin's official emails for possible release at the end of this month. McLeod and news organizations filed public records requests for the emails in 2008, shortly after John McCain made his stunning announcement that Palin was going to be his running mate in the presidential election.
McLeod has been one of Palin's most vocal Alaska critics and sued in an attempt to stop the practice of using private emails for state business.
An Anchorage judge ruled that "as the statutes are currently written, private e-mail accounts may be used to conduct state business, subject to the same laws and regulations related to preservation as e-mails originating from state servers."
Palin's successor, Gov. Sean Parnell, has said he does not use private emails to do state business.
McLeod wrote the attorney general on Sunday to say she was glad her complaint was being taken seriously.
But she said she'd feel more assured if there was a law banning the use of private email accounts to conduct state business. She also said she was disturbed to hear the state might not have all of Palin's official emails.
Sarah you should be thanking Andree right now!
ABC's of Sarah Palin
Killer (as in taking joy in killing things)
Yellow bellied
Killer (as in taking joy in killing things)
Yellow bellied
Bristol piling up more bullshit

There is more steam coming out of that pile than there is at Old Faithful! Bristol if you would let Levi be part of Tripp's life it wouldn't be so bad. Also wasting your money on needless plastic surgery was stupid too. If your life is so hard, it's your fault. And I don't think your life is that hard anyway. You have made close to a million dollars just by lying down and spreading your legs.
Happy Mother's Day!
Wishing all of you mothers a Happy Mothers Day. Sarah try and be a real mother today and spend time with your kids. Oh wait stay away from them you are a bad influence.
Reason #59 not to vote for Sarah Palin for anything
She loves Donald Trump
The Business Insider
Sarah Palin thinks Donald Trump should continue his investigation into President Barack Obama's place of birth.
"More power to him," the former Vice Presidential candidate told Jeanine Pirro on Fox News. "He's not just throwing stones from the sidelines. He's digging in there. He's paying for researchers to find out why
President Obama would have spent $2 million dollars not to show his birth certificate."
(Yes, she did say exactly those words.)
Palin also admitted she believes Obama was born in Hawaii but simultaneously left the door open just a bit.
"Well, you know, I think that he was born in Hawaii because there was a birth announcement put in the newspaper, but obviously if there's something there that the president doesn't want people to see on that birth certificate," she said. "He's going to great lengths to make sure it isn't shown. And that's kind of perplexing for a lot of people."
The Donald also gave a profanity laced speech in Las Vegas. Very professional and presidential of him. NOT! And Sarah respects this guy?
The Business Insider
Sarah Palin thinks Donald Trump should continue his investigation into President Barack Obama's place of birth.
"More power to him," the former Vice Presidential candidate told Jeanine Pirro on Fox News. "He's not just throwing stones from the sidelines. He's digging in there. He's paying for researchers to find out why
President Obama would have spent $2 million dollars not to show his birth certificate."
(Yes, she did say exactly those words.)
Palin also admitted she believes Obama was born in Hawaii but simultaneously left the door open just a bit.
"Well, you know, I think that he was born in Hawaii because there was a birth announcement put in the newspaper, but obviously if there's something there that the president doesn't want people to see on that birth certificate," she said. "He's going to great lengths to make sure it isn't shown. And that's kind of perplexing for a lot of people."
The Donald also gave a profanity laced speech in Las Vegas. Very professional and presidential of him. NOT! And Sarah respects this guy?
Track Palin engaged?
Gryphen over at Immoral Minority made a comment that Track and his longtime girlfriend Britta are engaged. Any truth to that? You can read it here.
Sarah Palin shut the fuck up!
The idiot's tweet regarding President Obama's decision not to release photos of Osama bin Laden's corpse:
Sarah no one gives a fuck what you think. So shut the fuck up and go away! Why MSNBC even mentioned you in their story about Republicans opposed to the decision is beyond me. You thought North Korea was our ally.
Sarah no one gives a fuck what you think. So shut the fuck up and go away! Why MSNBC even mentioned you in their story about Republicans opposed to the decision is beyond me. You thought North Korea was our ally.
Bristol's plastic surgery-Update
Look what Bristol has done to herself:
I have to admit it, before Bristol had work done on her face, she was a pretty girl, no wonder Levi wanted to fuck her. But now she looks at least 10 years older. It's really sad a 20 year wants to have plastic surgery. At that age your face is still developing. I'm sure having a mother like Sarah did not help Miss Quitty was also Miss Wasilla and I'm sure Bristol was compared to her a lot.
Here she is at the Candie's Foundation. Look at her lips.
MSNBC has picked up the story as well.
Her weight loss wasn't the only thing that has people talking. Gawker, Perez Hilton and The Frisky have speculated that the single mom got plastic surgery, noting her angular jawline and more pronounced cheekbones.
No word on how the single mom slimmed down — or whether she went under the knife — but Bristol was happy to tell Us Weekly about her 2-year-old son Tripp's latest milestones.
"He's talking and running around," she told Us. "Right now he's taking skating lessons, so that's something fun that we get to go to. I love everything about him!"
Still, being a teen mom and the daughter of Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin hasn't always been easy.
"There are a lot of things that I love about being a mom, but you know what? Being a teen mom is not ideal at all and I wish that I could have had Tripp when I was in a married relationship," Bristol added. "I'm going to let Tripp know how hard it was for me to be a teen parent and how not ideal it is. I know that he'll learn."
So has People Magazine. Which surprises me cuz they are really Pro-Palin.
I have to admit it, before Bristol had work done on her face, she was a pretty girl, no wonder Levi wanted to fuck her. But now she looks at least 10 years older. It's really sad a 20 year wants to have plastic surgery. At that age your face is still developing. I'm sure having a mother like Sarah did not help Miss Quitty was also Miss Wasilla and I'm sure Bristol was compared to her a lot.
Here she is at the Candie's Foundation. Look at her lips.
MSNBC has picked up the story as well.
Is that you, Bristol Palin?
The 20-year-old abstinence ambassador showed off her svelte new shape at the Candie's Foundation 2011 benefit gala on Tuesday, complete with a dark new 'do and a figure-hugging one-shoulder dress.Her weight loss wasn't the only thing that has people talking. Gawker, Perez Hilton and The Frisky have speculated that the single mom got plastic surgery, noting her angular jawline and more pronounced cheekbones.
No word on how the single mom slimmed down — or whether she went under the knife — but Bristol was happy to tell Us Weekly about her 2-year-old son Tripp's latest milestones.
"He's talking and running around," she told Us. "Right now he's taking skating lessons, so that's something fun that we get to go to. I love everything about him!"
Still, being a teen mom and the daughter of Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin hasn't always been easy.
"There are a lot of things that I love about being a mom, but you know what? Being a teen mom is not ideal at all and I wish that I could have had Tripp when I was in a married relationship," Bristol added. "I'm going to let Tripp know how hard it was for me to be a teen parent and how not ideal it is. I know that he'll learn."
So has People Magazine. Which surprises me cuz they are really Pro-Palin.
Youth for Palin
From the Examiner
In 2008, Sarah Palin excited conservatives nationwide as she burst onto the scene as McCain's vice presidential candidate, but with 2012 around the corner, Palin supporters now have their eyes set on a different goal—the presidency. Grassroots movements are popping up everywhere to give Palin their full support and one of those groups is Youth for Palin. It’s important for a candidate to capture the attention of youth and although Youth for Palin is not directly affiliated with a Palin campaign, it's apparent members are preparing for an announcement by the former Governor.
Formed in March of 2011, Rollan Ross realized his dream of bringing youths together with one voice and he visualizes an ever-increasing group of young conservatives who will not only speak up, but be heard.
I had the fortunate opportunity to interview Elizabeth Hawkes, co-founder and administrator of "Youth for Palin,” where I was able to learn more about the group, its focus and goals.
Why did you create Youth for Palin?
"Youth for Palin", a grassroots movement of conscientious young people, is gaining strength as a conservative force and powerful voting block. At the center of this youth movement is their political idol, Sarah Palin, a constitutional conservative, with values and ideals that reflect their own.Though not directly affiliated with her campaign, "Youth for Palin" members, having given their full support, are a ready army of young and loyal followers awaiting marching orders when Sarah Palin announces her nomination for President.
Why is it important to implement strong conservative values to our youth?
Their founder, retired businessman and entrepreneur, Rollan Ross, has a heart for organizing and mentoring young people and is an outspoken conservative supporter in his own right. In March of 2011, he started an enthusiastic Facebook group comprised mostly of motivated youths and a handful of adults giving guidance and support. His dream of bringing youths together with one voice has been realized in "Youth for Palin". Rollan believes that the success of the group stems from the young conservatives themselves. "Our young members", Rollan states, "are thirsty to engage in political discussions, meet like-minded peers, and challenge each other through teamwork to bring about conservative awareness and hands on participation in changing the political landscape for the better".
What can members of Youth for Palin expect?
The fact is, "Youth for Palin" members are a committed and politically aware group of young people, one in which Sarah Palin herself would be very proud of for voicing their patriotic love for country and concern for their own futures. What's next? Rollan visualizes an ever increasing electrified atmosphere of active youth supporting Sarah Palin and cementing their own desires for becoming future political leaders.
Fifteen year old high school student, Madeleine McAulay, the group's Chief Moderator on Facebook and young conservative, has spear-headed a number of successful drives to increase membership and promote the groups sole purpose of helping elect Sarah Palin and educating young conservatives. Under her leadership, "Youth for Palin" has contacted many fellow conservative groups along with radio shows, Glenn Beck, Laura Ingram, Rush Limbaugh, and Michelle McCormick. "As of now", Madeleine states, "we have a few newspapers doing advertisement for us along with having flyer weekends; putting up Youth For Palin Flyers".
In fact, when Youth for Palin members go out into their local communities to post flyers they carry with them voter registration forms to encourage those who are not registered to get out and vote and make a difference. From the very beginning, Madeleine showed great leadership skills. Almost immediately after joining the administration staff of the group's Facebook page, Madeleine produced a "Youth for Palin" promo video encouraging kids to join the group. She is also involved in starting Palin groups in each state to ensure that if Sarah Palin runs, she will be fully supported. Madeleine has already contacted several of her State Representatives and the feedback was all positive for using the group's membership to get the youth vote for Sarah.
For those interested in joining Youth for Palin, how does one become a member?
All future 15 to 24 year old "Youth for Palin" members are encouraged to participate by going to the group's "Youth for Palin" Facebook page and requesting to join.
Here is the Promo Video for Palin for Youth
There was a guy that started a Youth Group in his honor while he was the leader of his country. I think it was this guy:
And look how that turned out.
In 2008, Sarah Palin excited conservatives nationwide as she burst onto the scene as McCain's vice presidential candidate, but with 2012 around the corner, Palin supporters now have their eyes set on a different goal—the presidency. Grassroots movements are popping up everywhere to give Palin their full support and one of those groups is Youth for Palin. It’s important for a candidate to capture the attention of youth and although Youth for Palin is not directly affiliated with a Palin campaign, it's apparent members are preparing for an announcement by the former Governor.
Formed in March of 2011, Rollan Ross realized his dream of bringing youths together with one voice and he visualizes an ever-increasing group of young conservatives who will not only speak up, but be heard.
I had the fortunate opportunity to interview Elizabeth Hawkes, co-founder and administrator of "Youth for Palin,” where I was able to learn more about the group, its focus and goals.
Why did you create Youth for Palin?
"Youth for Palin", a grassroots movement of conscientious young people, is gaining strength as a conservative force and powerful voting block. At the center of this youth movement is their political idol, Sarah Palin, a constitutional conservative, with values and ideals that reflect their own.Though not directly affiliated with her campaign, "Youth for Palin" members, having given their full support, are a ready army of young and loyal followers awaiting marching orders when Sarah Palin announces her nomination for President.
Why is it important to implement strong conservative values to our youth?
Their founder, retired businessman and entrepreneur, Rollan Ross, has a heart for organizing and mentoring young people and is an outspoken conservative supporter in his own right. In March of 2011, he started an enthusiastic Facebook group comprised mostly of motivated youths and a handful of adults giving guidance and support. His dream of bringing youths together with one voice has been realized in "Youth for Palin". Rollan believes that the success of the group stems from the young conservatives themselves. "Our young members", Rollan states, "are thirsty to engage in political discussions, meet like-minded peers, and challenge each other through teamwork to bring about conservative awareness and hands on participation in changing the political landscape for the better".
What can members of Youth for Palin expect?
The fact is, "Youth for Palin" members are a committed and politically aware group of young people, one in which Sarah Palin herself would be very proud of for voicing their patriotic love for country and concern for their own futures. What's next? Rollan visualizes an ever increasing electrified atmosphere of active youth supporting Sarah Palin and cementing their own desires for becoming future political leaders.
Fifteen year old high school student, Madeleine McAulay, the group's Chief Moderator on Facebook and young conservative, has spear-headed a number of successful drives to increase membership and promote the groups sole purpose of helping elect Sarah Palin and educating young conservatives. Under her leadership, "Youth for Palin" has contacted many fellow conservative groups along with radio shows, Glenn Beck, Laura Ingram, Rush Limbaugh, and Michelle McCormick. "As of now", Madeleine states, "we have a few newspapers doing advertisement for us along with having flyer weekends; putting up Youth For Palin Flyers".
In fact, when Youth for Palin members go out into their local communities to post flyers they carry with them voter registration forms to encourage those who are not registered to get out and vote and make a difference. From the very beginning, Madeleine showed great leadership skills. Almost immediately after joining the administration staff of the group's Facebook page, Madeleine produced a "Youth for Palin" promo video encouraging kids to join the group. She is also involved in starting Palin groups in each state to ensure that if Sarah Palin runs, she will be fully supported. Madeleine has already contacted several of her State Representatives and the feedback was all positive for using the group's membership to get the youth vote for Sarah.
For those interested in joining Youth for Palin, how does one become a member?
All future 15 to 24 year old "Youth for Palin" members are encouraged to participate by going to the group's "Youth for Palin" Facebook page and requesting to join.
Here is the Promo Video for Palin for Youth
There was a guy that started a Youth Group in his honor while he was the leader of his country. I think it was this guy:
And look how that turned out.
Reason #58 not to vote for Sarah Palin for anything
She charges non profit groups too much money for speeches
From FOX News
By Jedd Rosche
Sarah Palin boasted to a group of anti-abortion advocates Saturday that she had a chance to attend the White House Correspondents' Dinner - but chose to spend her time with them instead.
"The pro-life cause or White House Correspondents' Dinner? I choose life," Palin told a crowd of about 200 at a fundraiser for the anti-abortion advertising group Heroic Media.
Palin said journalism's nerd prom didn't have the same appeal for her as presidential hopefuls who attended, like Donald Trump, Newt Gingrich and Jon Huntsman. "You really see evidence of that influence out there of - you know - the celebrity, how the news is, and the political arena, and how it all kind of meshes together. That's what the White House Correspondents' Dinner is," she said...
Palin praised Heroic Media's advertising against abortion, on billboards, online and in social media. She also presented an award to Lila Rose, the videographer and activist who did a video sting operation against Planned Parenthood and worked with James O'Keefe on his sting against ACORN.
While it doesn't say in the article she was paid, she has been paid many other times, like at Cal-State Stanislaus where she had her big gaffe about Ronald Reagan's alma mater. I gotta feeling she did not get security clearance to attend the White House Correspondence Dinner because she is a terrorist (see Gabby Giffords)
From FOX News
By Jedd Rosche
Sarah Palin boasted to a group of anti-abortion advocates Saturday that she had a chance to attend the White House Correspondents' Dinner - but chose to spend her time with them instead.
"The pro-life cause or White House Correspondents' Dinner? I choose life," Palin told a crowd of about 200 at a fundraiser for the anti-abortion advertising group Heroic Media.
Palin said journalism's nerd prom didn't have the same appeal for her as presidential hopefuls who attended, like Donald Trump, Newt Gingrich and Jon Huntsman. "You really see evidence of that influence out there of - you know - the celebrity, how the news is, and the political arena, and how it all kind of meshes together. That's what the White House Correspondents' Dinner is," she said...
Palin praised Heroic Media's advertising against abortion, on billboards, online and in social media. She also presented an award to Lila Rose, the videographer and activist who did a video sting operation against Planned Parenthood and worked with James O'Keefe on his sting against ACORN.
While it doesn't say in the article she was paid, she has been paid many other times, like at Cal-State Stanislaus where she had her big gaffe about Ronald Reagan's alma mater. I gotta feeling she did not get security clearance to attend the White House Correspondence Dinner because she is a terrorist (see Gabby Giffords)
Happy 21st Birthday to Levi Johnston!
Levi is the father of Tripp Johnston, Sarah's grandson by Bristol. Anyway Happy Birthday Levi and I hope you got to spend some time with your son, although Im sure that shrew bitch of Tripp's mother won't let ya.
At least you can drink legally before Bristhole. But then again that hasn't stopped her before.
At least you can drink legally before Bristhole. But then again that hasn't stopped her before.
Sarah and Joe Miller can't even thank President Obama for getting Bin Laden
From the She-Devil's Facebook page:
Americans tonight are united in celebration and gratitude. God bless all the brave men and women in our military and our intelligence services who contributed to carrying out the successful mission to bring Bin Laden to justice and who laid the groundwork over the years to make this victory possible. It’s a testament to the hard work and dedication of these brave Americans who relentlessly hunted down our enemy.
This is a victory for the American people, for the victims who were heartlessly murdered on September 11 and in Al Qaeda’s other numerous attacks, and for all the peace-loving people of the world.
May God bless our troops and our intelligence services, and God bless America!
- Sarah Palin
She can't give credit where credit is due. Yes the Navy Seals went in and killed Bin Laden, but it was PRESIDENT OBAMA who gave the orders. Sarah you are a bitter, bitter woman.
If John McCain, Tim Pawlenty, and ex President Bush Jr can congratulate him so can you.
Americans tonight are united in celebration and gratitude. God bless all the brave men and women in our military and our intelligence services who contributed to carrying out the successful mission to bring Bin Laden to justice and who laid the groundwork over the years to make this victory possible. It’s a testament to the hard work and dedication of these brave Americans who relentlessly hunted down our enemy.
This is a victory for the American people, for the victims who were heartlessly murdered on September 11 and in Al Qaeda’s other numerous attacks, and for all the peace-loving people of the world.
May God bless our troops and our intelligence services, and God bless America!
- Sarah Palin
She can't give credit where credit is due. Yes the Navy Seals went in and killed Bin Laden, but it was PRESIDENT OBAMA who gave the orders. Sarah you are a bitter, bitter woman.
If John McCain, Tim Pawlenty, and ex President Bush Jr can congratulate him so can you.
Reason #57 not to vote for Sarah Palin for anything
She endorsed Paul Ryan
He looks really smarmy, don't ya think?
Paul wants to take away all entitlement programs, reduce taxes, and ban abortion just like Sarah does. He is Sarah with a dick.
He looks really smarmy, don't ya think?
Paul wants to take away all entitlement programs, reduce taxes, and ban abortion just like Sarah does. He is Sarah with a dick.
Breaking News-Osama Bin Laden is dead!!!!!!
Al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden is dead and the U.S. has his body, according to U.S. and Pakistani officials.
U.S. President Barack Obama was to make the announcement shortly that after searching in vain for bin Laden since he disappeared in Afghanistan in late 2001, the Saudi-born extremist is dead, the source said, speaking on condition of anonymity.
Details of the death were sparse. A senior U.S. counterterrorism official, who spoke with the Associated Press on condition of anonymity, said bin Laden was killed in a ground operation in Pakistan, not by a Predator drone. The official said it happened last week.
Congratulations President Obama! You have won the 2012 Election!
Al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden is dead and the U.S. has his body, according to U.S. and Pakistani officials.
U.S. President Barack Obama was to make the announcement shortly that after searching in vain for bin Laden since he disappeared in Afghanistan in late 2001, the Saudi-born extremist is dead, the source said, speaking on condition of anonymity.
Details of the death were sparse. A senior U.S. counterterrorism official, who spoke with the Associated Press on condition of anonymity, said bin Laden was killed in a ground operation in Pakistan, not by a Predator drone. The official said it happened last week.
Congratulations President Obama! You have won the 2012 Election!
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