Youth for Palin

From the Examiner

In 2008, Sarah Palin excited conservatives nationwide as she burst onto the scene as McCain's vice presidential candidate, but with 2012 around the corner, Palin supporters now have their eyes set on a different goal—the presidency. Grassroots movements are popping up everywhere to give Palin their full support and one of those groups is Youth for Palin. It’s important for a candidate to capture the attention of youth and although Youth for Palin is not directly affiliated with a Palin campaign, it's apparent members are preparing for an announcement by the former Governor.

Formed in March of 2011, Rollan Ross realized his dream of bringing youths together with one voice and he visualizes an ever-increasing group of young conservatives who will not only speak up, but be heard.

I had the fortunate opportunity to interview Elizabeth Hawkes,  co-founder and administrator of "Youth for Palin,” where I was able to learn more about the group, its focus and goals.

Why did you create Youth for Palin?
"Youth for Palin", a grassroots movement of conscientious young people, is gaining strength as a conservative force and powerful voting block. At the center of this youth movement is their political idol, Sarah Palin, a constitutional conservative, with values and ideals that reflect their own.Though not directly affiliated with her campaign, "Youth for Palin" members, having given their full support, are a ready army of young and loyal followers awaiting marching orders when Sarah Palin announces her nomination for President.

Why is it important to implement strong conservative values to our youth?
Their founder, retired businessman and entrepreneur, Rollan Ross, has a heart for organizing and mentoring young people and is an outspoken conservative supporter in his own right. In March of 2011, he started an enthusiastic Facebook group comprised mostly of motivated youths and a handful of adults giving guidance and support. His dream of bringing youths together with one voice has been realized in "Youth for Palin". Rollan believes that the success of the group stems from the young conservatives themselves. "Our young members", Rollan states, "are thirsty to engage in political discussions, meet like-minded peers, and challenge each other through teamwork to bring about conservative awareness and hands on participation in changing the political landscape for the better".

What can members of Youth for Palin expect?
The fact is, "Youth for Palin" members are a committed and politically aware group of young people, one in which Sarah Palin herself would be very proud of for voicing their patriotic love for country and concern for their own futures. What's next? Rollan visualizes an ever increasing electrified atmosphere of active youth supporting Sarah Palin and cementing their own desires for becoming future political leaders.
Fifteen year old high school student, Madeleine McAulay, the group's Chief Moderator on Facebook and young conservative, has spear-headed a number of successful drives to increase membership and promote the groups sole purpose of helping elect Sarah Palin and educating young conservatives. Under her leadership, "Youth for Palin" has contacted many fellow conservative groups along with radio shows, Glenn Beck, Laura Ingram, Rush Limbaugh, and Michelle McCormick. "As of now", Madeleine states, "we have a few newspapers doing advertisement for us along with having flyer weekends; putting up Youth For Palin Flyers".
In fact, when Youth for Palin members go out into their local communities to post flyers they carry with them voter registration forms to encourage those who are not registered to get out and vote and make a difference. From the very beginning, Madeleine showed great leadership skills. Almost immediately after joining the administration staff of the group's Facebook page, Madeleine produced a "Youth for Palin" promo video encouraging kids to join the group. She is also involved in starting Palin groups in each state to ensure that if Sarah Palin runs, she will be fully supported. Madeleine has already contacted several of her State Representatives and the feedback was all positive for using the group's membership to get the youth vote for Sarah. 

For those interested in joining Youth for Palin, how does one become a member?
All future 15 to 24 year old "Youth for Palin" members are encouraged to participate by going to the group's "Youth for Palin" Facebook page and requesting to join.

Here is the Promo Video for Palin for Youth

There was a guy that started a Youth Group in his honor while he was the leader of his country.  I think it was this guy:

And look how that turned out.

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