Hypocritical Sarah Palin

From Hoo-hah's Fecebook page

Thank you, wise voters! Tonight is a big victory for We the People! Credit is due to the victorious candidates. Your message to President Obama is undeniably received, though he'll try to ignore it.

Now, new Republican Congressional majority in the House and Senate, please realize that Americans were not necessarily voting FOR any party; they were voting AGAINST the continued dysfunction and corruption in D.C. We the People were saying, “enough is enough” to the scandals, crony capitalism, and utter lack of leadership in Washington.

The Democrats got mauled today, deservedly so. To prohibit that from happening to the GOP in 2016, it must learn the lesson from the last time Republicans held the Senate majority. This time they must not retreat, and it's our responsibility to hold them accountable. Will they fight for reform that aligns with the limited government planks of the Republican platform, or will they return to the big government cronyism and status quo favored by the permanent political class? Will they drain the swamp or decide the D.C. cesspool is really just a jacuzzi they can't wait to jump on into and shake us off?

If GOP leadership returns to business as usual, then this majority will be short lived, for We the People say, “once bitten, twice shy.”

So, establishment types, remember that you didn’t build this! This majority that swept you into power tonight is thanks to the rank and file commonsense conservative grassroots. That’s who built it. And they expect results. They deserve the best for America.

Thank you, SarahPAC supporters. Congratulations, USA! God, please bless our future.

As you can read Sarah is rubbing it in.  Didn't she whine about sore winners last spring when one of her endorsees went down?

Why yes she did.

From SPHASH back on May 8, 2014

And Sarah I wouldn't brag too much, Sean Parnell could still lose, yes you didn't endorse him but he is still your butt boy.

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