Sarah Palin forgot John McCain pals around with terrorists

From Hoohah's Fecebook page

Good God, Mr. President. To partner with Iran is to trust the enemy, which is insane. Iran has complicity in the rise of ISIS as it supports radical militias and arms Islamic terrorists.

You've been the luckiest man in the world, in an un-American Democracy sort of way, to have had the liberal media in your lap allowing you to execute the least transparent presidency in history while they mock and destroy your critics for you. Until now. Even they must see that without accountability you are leading us into very, very dangerous territory.

In the 2008 campaign Sen. McCain and I warned, on behalf of every reasonable person, that your willingness to negotiate with terrorists would get Americans killed; that pulling an anti-Reagan move by taking our Big Stick of strength and putting it in the hands of any foe could be insurmountably devastating for our allies. Iran is one of Israel's staunchest enemies. Mr. President, who is advising you to come against Israel?

What is wrong with you, Barack Obama? You can not pal around with terrorists and expect us to survive.

- Sarah Palin

As you are all aware John McCain hung out with the terrorists from ISIS, something Sarah conveniently forgets.

This isn't the first time a POTUS has had a secret dialogue with another head of state.  In 1940 President Roosevelt and Winston Churchill were communicating back and forth in secret over potential US involvement in World War II.  At the time the US public was against in getting involved even though they were sympathetic to Great Britain.

Unknown to Roosevelt and Churchill, a cipher clerk at the US Embassy in London by the name of Tyler Kent was intercepting the dialogue between them and planned to give the evidence to Senator Gerald Nye who was a staunch anti-interventionist.  The evidence would have led to Roosevelt's impeachment and possible prison time.

However MI5 (Britain's version of Homeland Security) was watching Kent, when Kent was about to leave London with 2000 pages of documents, Churchill and Ambassador Joe Kennedy were alerted as what Kent was going to do.  Churchill ordered his arrest, Kennedy fired him and waived diplomatic immunity.

As history proved Roosevelt was correct in the fact that Germany was a threat to our democracy.  If MI5 waited 24 hours, Kent would have given the documents to Nye, Roosevelt would have been impeached or lose the 1940 election, Wendell Wilkie would have been the 33rd president and we would all be speaking Germanese.

There are things behind the scenes we as the public don't know about and perhaps it's better that is such.  President Obama has it all under control.  So STFU Hoohah!

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