Despite Republican victories on Saturday, the voters still favor Democratic policies

After Tuesday's election I took a little time reflecting on the Democrats losing the Senate and several House seats.

This really isn't a Republican victory, it's more of an indictment against President Obama.  People actually support liberal polices, like raising the minimum wage, legalization of pot, affordable health care, and gay marriage.  If the Republicans ignore that it would be a huge mistake.

Look at Joni Ernst, she is already slipping up, revealing her agenda

Also people do not want to go through an impeachment.  The Republican establishment knows it but the Teabaggers like Ernst and Cruz want to push it.  And Sarah Palin is their lead cheerleader for it but everyone just laughs at her.
I can't understand why people hate President Obama so much.  Since he has been president, the unemployment rate has shrunk nearly in half, the deficit has been shrinking, we are out of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, bin Laden is sleeping with the fishes, and health insurance is cheaper thanks to the ACA,   I guess the skin color blinds you.

The best thing for the Democrats to do is to keep working harder and highlight the successes of President Obama.  And get behind Hillary Clinton as well.  I wish there was a Democratic younger candidate but Hillary is the Dems only viable choice.  Elizabeth Warren is smart but not enough experience, Andrew Cuomo is a governor but his ugly divorce from a Kennedy and the Moreland Commission scandal could cause problems.

Last but not least at least the Democrats are not acting like this bitch:  (NSFW)

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