Sarah Palin takes to Facebook to defend her brats and make them victims (Well, Bristol anyway)

From Hoohah's Fecebook page:

Please take a look at Bristol’s recent blog posts for her story, not the media’s story of what really happened last month:

I understand that the CNN host who laughed at my daughter describing her assault has issued an apology to Politico. (Why Politico needs an apology is anyone’s guess. No one at CNN contacted my family regarding an apology, in case you were wondering. CNN contacts us directly on a regular basis with inquiries and requests for comment, so it’s not for lack of contact information that they didn't reach out. But perhaps Carol Costello should phone Martin Bashir. He knows how to reach us.)

What happened on the night in question wasn’t funny. It was humiliating and frightening. The broken ribs, black eyes, and messed up elbows and knees suffered by people in our party that night were no laughing matter. Neither were Bristol’s bruises on her arms and leg from being dragged by a man. My kids aren’t proud of what happened, nor are they seeking sympathy by playing the victim card – that’s why they haven’t commented on this for all these weeks. Instead, they had to have faith that the truth would come out, despite those who did the cold-cocking actually using social media to brag, “’bout to get famous!” Screen shots of tweets captured their bold intentions, and they’ve certainly enjoyed the publicity.

Looking at the reports, it strikes me as bitterly ironic that the same people who tell us there is a “war on women” have no problem laughing at the recording of my daughter crying as she tells police about being assaulted by a man. I’d like to say shame on the media and those on the left laughing at her or at any young woman in a similar situation, but I no longer think they have any shame.

Now Todd and I are headed to an exciting middle school girl’s basketball game along with dozens of other families proud to cheer on their daughters.

- Sarah Palin


I thought I'd seen it all, but this one leaves me with that punch-in-the-gut, flabbergasted shock that I can't shake anymore while witnessing the media's free fall into that damaging darkness covering America. The media is at fault for so many aspects of the division and hopelessness running rampant in our society. It's not the people – it's the media perpetuating a sense of injustice and despair, resulting in apathy or desperation in homes and communities all across our country. The degradation falls on your shoulders, media principals. Though many have tried to give CNN the benefit of the doubt with their overall news coverage (in fact I've even been happy to publicly point out issues CNN has fairly covered), shame on us if we continue to support their unprofessional, hypocritical, and unethical news coverage. It's truly sickening, yet strangely laughable, their underestimation of the wisdom of their audience. Compare these two videos Bristol highlighted in her latest blog post:

This example makes me physically sick because they spit in the face of every American who has fought for freedom and sacrificed to protect everyone's First Amendment rights. It's not because this issue involves my daughter; it's because Carol Costello, her ilk, and her boss are disgustingly dismissive and disrespectful of the sacrifices made that allow them a platform from which to broadcast their hate and stupidity. CNN is lucky to have their few outstanding employees that shine through the darkness that is CNN. I admire the good ones, and hope they land at more deserving companies when CNN goes under. Zucker, not for my sake, but for the sake of a cornerstone of our democracy—the press—get ahold of your underlings. They make you look really, really bad, and they are ruining America.

- Sarah Palin

Hoohah you are part of the lamestream media remember?  Remember all the shots you have taken at the president, lying about his association with Bill Ayers, falsely accusing him of setting up death panels, etc.  Hell the media is your best friend.  If it wasn't for them, you and your family would be sitting in a prison cell and Trig would be in foster care.

One thing you have forgotten about the brawl, your family was drunk and deserved to get their asses kicked!  FUCK YOU!

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