Sarah Palin has nothing to do so she is going to cheerlead for Andrew Tahmooressi

From Skanky's Fecebook page:
Does it seem like a decorated Marine is the only one Obama doesn't want crossing our border?

I’ve had the good fortune to be in contact with associates of Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi, the U.S. Marine jailed in Mexico after inadvertently crossing the border with three registered guns in his car. Fox’s Greta Van Susteren has been covering this story diligently, and has traveled the route our Marine traveled when straying across a highway into Mexico, noting it seems quite easy to end up in Mexico without planning on it, because signage is so poor along the roads.

As reported, his mother has had difficulty finding good legal representation for her son, but they’ve now acquired a good attorney to present his case and get him released as soon as possible.

This terrible and unnecessary situation will likely be resolved via the court system and there is every indication that Sgt. Tahmooressi has a strong case to win, but it’s a crapshoot. And it’s crappy that more hasn’t been done to help free this detained U.S. Marine who’s suffered months in a Mexican jail for crossing the boarder into their country with registered arms. We must implore our commander-in-chief to help America’s Marine under his command, and help his family with at least having their questions answered. Please don’t prove this is par for the course for your administration, Mr. 
President. Perhaps if Sgt. Tahmooressi had deserted his post, his mother would get the red carpet treatment at the White House instead of being ignored.

Let’s bring our honorable Marine home. An organization helping Sgt. Tahmooressi will have information for all of us soon, so stay tuned for more info – I'll get it to you – and please do what you can to support them in bringing an honorable American son home.


 As promised, here's the press release on the current situation with Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi, the U.S. Marine stuck in a Mexican prison for months now. Please spread the word:

Uh Skanky there is a reason why Tahmooressi was arrested, he was doing something illegal!:

 Former Marine Andrew Paul Tahmooressi did not enter Mexico by mistake, according to an article published Friday in the Tijuana newspaper ZETATIJUANA.

Information obtained from a surveillance camera video showing Tahmooressi’s entrance into Mexico and investigations done on both sides of the border have led to this conclusion which is included in the investigative package that has been forwarded to the Procuraduría General de la República (PGR), Mexico’s equivalent to our Attorney Generals office. According to the report, this wasn’t the first time Tahmooressi had been in Tijuana and had “personal interest” in Mexico. The statement doesn’t specify when the previous visits to Mexico occurred, however, there is a heavy Marine presence in the southern part of California with Camp Pendleton less than 100 miles north of the border.
Tahmooressi was arrested on April 1, 2014 when he crossed into Mexico carrying a loaded .45 caliber pistol, AR-15 type assault weapon and a 12 gauge shotgun, as well as extra ammo clips and ammunition for all three weapons.He was charged with being in possession of firearms “reserved exclusively for military use” and faces from 6 to 21 years in Federal prison in Mexico if convicted.
Andrew got caught, now he has to pay.  There is little the military, the State Department, and President Obama can do.  Andrew has to serve his time just like Bowe Bergdahl will.



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