From Addicting Info
Sarah Palin seems to suffer from “hyper-political projection”. She continually takes to Fox Noise,, Facebook and any other willing outlet to rail against all forms of illegality she claims are perpetrated by President Barack Obama. The tactic has served her well throughout her political career, first ousting a fellow commissioner on the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission after she alleged ethical violations committed by state Republican Party

Palin’s half-term as Governor for the great state of Alaska was, itself, marred by blatant ethics

We’ve all heard her highness lay allegations of outright tyranny, governing by fiat, lawless execution and whatever other Republican base buzzwords that side can come up with to tar and feather our current president. Just yesterday, Palin’s Facebook page offered the outlandish but predictable screed attacking the Kenyan Muslim of breaking the law when he traded five Guantanamo detainees, (this number is as high as 70, depending on how far right you go for your news) for POW Bowe Bergdahl. Lobbing attacks from the discredited sideline upon which she sits will likely not do anything but to gin up the rabid Republican base.
This doesn’t stop Palin from becoming apoplectic at the thought that someone broke the law and we can’t let them get away with it. Unless of course

In September of 2013, the North Jersey Media Group filed a lawsuit against Mrs. Palin and her political

Fighting the case all along, Palin lost a bid to have the case moved from the Manhattan Federal Court

Palin further contends that neither she nor her minions ever sought out the image and that it was, in fact, generated automatically to her websites thanks to a widget app they use.
So we return to the notion of political projection. Mama Grizzly throws unfounded allegation after unfounded allegation at the administration

I guess it doesn't really matter if she loses or not cuz she will use Pac funds to pay her expenses like she always does.
And Sarah's excuse is like saying the dog ate my homework. Sorry Skanky ignorance is not a defense. Something you have a lot of.
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