Bristol Palin should be thanking President Obama and the Democrats for the reduction in abortions

From Brancy's blog

When I got pregnant, I was only 17 and pretty scared. In other words, I feel compassion for people who are experiencing unplanned pregnancies and who are dealing with issues they’ve never had to consider. I wrote about the moment I realized I was pregnant in my book “Not Afraid of Life:”

Of course, you know the rest of the story. I know I did the right thing in having Tripp, and it looks like many other people are deciding to have their babies too!

On Wednesday, the CDC announced that abortion rates have decline 5%. What a wonderful development – it was a great thing to find out during Thanksgiving Week!

How convenient of you Bristol to leave out the part that the CDC credits sex education and access to birth control as the reason for the abortion rates going down.  I for one am glad too the abortion rates are going down.  Abortions go down when there is a pro-choice presidential administration.  President Obama respects a women's right to choose and wants women to have access to birth control so they will not have to have an abortion.

He also agrees abstinence only education does not work, which leads to more abortions.  If anything President Obama is one of the most pro-life presidents I have ever seen.

Speaking of abstinence, you and your family have no right to talk about it.

Chuckles and Sally were in the family way before marriage

Sarah and Todd were in the family way before marriage

You had Tripp out of wedlock

Molly and Mike were in the family way before marriage

Track and Britta were in the family way before marriage

Willow has had at least one pregnancy scare

Chuckles Jr's divorce was finalized in May 2011 then him and his new wife had a baby November 2011. Just learned about that on IM.

Bristol you have been underneath more men than a toilet in a public restroom.  Let's see the count:

Johnny Chandler

Dylan Klovig

Levi Johnston

Ben Barber

Kyle Massey

Gino Paoletti

Joey Junker

So shut the fuck up!

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