An open letter to Kristy aka Krusty Patullo


Why are you so obsessed with Sarah and Bristol Palin?

You have never met them and probably never will.  You live with your mother in Rhode Island and the Palins hate Easterners and highly unlikely they will ever visit the East Coast.  Since you are so mentally unstable you will probably never leave Rhode Island.

Did you meet Sarah at a campaign event or book signing?  If so that does not count.  You once said your only goal in life is to meet Bristol and Tripp.  Sorry not gonna happen!

You accuse me, other bloggers, and posters of judging people we do not know, being hateful, and having sad lives.  It's called projection.  You defend a family you do not know, bash people you do not know.

Also I see you posted Levi and Sunny's wedding pictures on your blog and criticized them.  You do not know them either, so STFU!

Speaking of your blog, the Palins have sent a C&D letter to you but you keep doing it anyway.  Why is that?   They want you to leave them alone.  Alone.  You are not helping their cause.

In one of your recent rants you said you were a product of rape.  Is that really true?  Is that why you are the way you are?   Did your parents divorce because of it because there was no mention of your mother in your dad's obit.  Sorry if I hit a nerve here but if that is the case you need therapy to get over it.

Your siblings say you have marketable skills and are very educated.  So why do you sit at home all day everyday defending the Palins?  Get a job, even a job at Wal-Mart is much more productive.  They don't want to have much to do with you either.  When your dad died all you did was sit at your computer while they were grieving and making final arrangements.  Sad.

Get a life Krusty.  I only pity you.


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