A victory for America...and the world!

Congratulations to President Obama on being re-elected!

Congrats to Elizabeth Warren on her victory over Scott Brown!

Congrats to Claire McCaskill on legitimately shutting Todd Akin down!

Congrats to Joe Donnelly on kicking Richard Mourdock's ass!

Congrats to my Senator Amy Klobuchar, what a landslide!

Romney/Ryan couldn't even win Massachusetts and Wisconsin their home states!

Alan Grayson is back in the House!  Welcome back Alan!

Joe Walsh of Illinois goes down!  So does Alan West.

It's now legal to smoke pot in Washington state and Colorado!

Last but certainly not least Sarah Palin ain't too happy, which pleases me to no end.

Now that the election is over I do not want to hear Mitt's name ever again, along with Ann's.

Ok now I'm done gloating and on to some serious stuff

As you all know I'm a liberal Christian.  I get a lot of flack from conservative Christians because I supported President Obama.  I hear that President Obama is a Muslim, anti-Christ, hates Israel, hates Christians blah, blah, blah.   If Obama is the anti-Christ then what does that make Romney?  He's a Mormon who believes after death you end up on another planet, and Joseph Smith is better than Jesus.

 I don't know if I made the right choice in voting for Obama a second time.  I prayed about it and told God if I was wrong I'm sorry.  I have no idea what the future will hold but I do remember when Dumbya was "elected" in 2000 I knew he would be a crappy president and I was right.

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