As of this very moment Shailey Tripp still has not got her stuff back

From Malia Litman's blog

Shailey Tripp has been waiting since March 2010 to have a cell phone and lap top computer returned by the Anchorage Police Department. They were confiscated when she was arrested and charged with running a house of prostitution. She pled no contest to the charges on June 13, 2010, and she was given a probated sentence. The Judge ordered that her property would be returned upon the completion of her probation. The date set to determine if she had fulfilled the terms of her probation was June 15, 2011. The case became famous when there was a story in the National Enquirer connecting Todd Palin and Shailey Tripp.

Any connection between Shailey Tripp and Todd Palin was thought to be unfounded when the Anchorage Police Department issued a press release indicating that none of the evidence in their possession, THAT THEY EXAMINED, connected Shailey and Todd. The APD said:

“None of the physical evidence examined by police showed any connection to Wasilla resident Todd Palin and his name did not appear in any of the records seized by the APD.”

“Bloggers have had no access to the evidence seized so their linking of evidence in police custody to any other person in incorrect.”

To date Todd Palin has never denied the allegations of Shailey Tripp. It was only AFTER the statement of the APD that Sarah Palin denied the allegation that Todd had paid for sex with Shailey Tripp. What she really said was that all we had to do was ask Todd, “Hey Todd you been hanging out with hookers lately?” I asked. I’ve gotten no response.

Shailey Tripp agreed to give an interview, so we talked last February. While she confirmed in that interview that she had been paid for sex by Todd Palin, she was careful about the extent of information she would provide, for many reasons, not the least of which was that she was still on probation.

On Monday, Oct. 24, I received an e-mail from Shailey which reported the following:

“So here is an outline of what has happened.

June 15, 2011 my court date, I complied with the terms of the plea, and my case was dismissed.

also the judge did say i could have all my possessions returned to me.

June 17, 2011 I phoned the city prosecutor’s office and left a message

June 17, 2011 my call was returned and the y left me a message stating that they would try to expedite returning my property to me

The following week I followed up and spoke person to person and was told the same thing, they would try to expedite it.

This goes on for 2 months. In the meantime I make calls to APD evidence, they place everything on the fact they need paperwork from city prosecutor. Finally at the 2 month mark city prosecutor tells me that APD has had the paperwork for sometime and that this is an APD issues. I confronted the APD, yes they do have the correct paperwork but there is a problem. They will not tell me the problem.

Finally after a few more weeks, someone tells me that Det. McKinnon has been put in charge of my property.

I leave a message for Det. Mckinnon. Finally he returns my call and lets me know that 4 months ago his superiors made him aware that my property was problem for the APD and needed to be handled with care and that there may be some incriminating information on it against “other” people. He then asked me that the APD has never gone through my cell phones or computer. He assured me all my property would be returned to me . I signed over power of attorney to my mother. My mother made an appointment to retrieve my property. the APD then sent me a letter showing what items would be returned. Many things were not returned. I handed the matter over to my attorney.”


This report by Ms. Tripp was consistent with what I knew, including the court date of June 15, 2011, which was reported by the NY Daily News last January. Given the willingness of the APD to help the Palins by issuing a press release to the National Enquirer, it wasn’t too surprising that the “evidence seized” had not been returned. However in an attempt to give the APD an opportunity to “refudiate” this report, I contacted the APD. Initially I left two messages for Officer McKinnon. They were never returned. I left several messages with the Anchorage Police Department Evidence Department, but those calls were not returned. When I finally reached someone after repeated calls, I was instructed that Officer Dave Parker, the officer I spoke with last February, would be the one with whom I should speak.

Officer Parker indicated he did not appreciate the fact that I had been reporting information on this blog, and asked that I communicate by e-mail. The following is the e-mail exchange we have had:

Tuesday, October 25, 2011 1:43 PM

To: Parker, David

Subject: Evidence in Shay Tripp matter

Officer Parker,

I am confirming that I would like a list of the items seized when Shailey Tripp was arrested and pled guilty of running a house of prostitution, what evidence was returned to her or her representative at any time, including on 9-12-11, and a list of items that you indicated that were “obviously” not returned, and why. I would also appreciate confirmation as to who currently has possession of the items that were NOT returned. In particular, it is my understanding that a cell phone and lap top were seized but not returned. Thank you.

Malia Litman


From: Parker, David

Wed, Oct 26, 2011 9:45 am

Subject: RE: Evidence in Shay Tripp matter

Ms. Litman,

I checked with Capt. Kris Miller of the Detective Division. We do not release lists of items seized which you have requested. I can however tell you that the property belonging to Ms. Tripp was returned to her attorney-in-fact, Ms. Lawes on 9-12-11 according to the Property Section disposition form. If Ms. Tripp would like further clarification regarding her case or the property returned she may contact me and I will direct her to the person who can assist her.

The property which was not returned to Ms. Tripp either belonged to the other defendant in the case or they were disposable items such as condoms.

Lt. Parker

Lt. Dave Parker

Anchorage Police Department

Public Information Officer

4501 Elmore Road Desk (907) 786-8724

Anchorage, AK 99507 Cell (907) 351-1949


Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2011 2:49 PM

To: Parker, David

Subject: Re: Evidence in Shay Tripp matter

Officer Parker,

It is my understanding that a cell phone and a laptop computer were among the “items seized” and that was reflected in the APD records. Ms. Tripp has advised me that those items were NOT returned. I would like clarification is you are saying they were not among the “items seized” or are you taking the position that they were in fact returned? Malia Litman


From: Parker, David

Wed, Oct 26, 2011 2:58 pm

Subject: RE: Evidence in Shay Tripp matter

Ms. Litman,

As I wrote previously, if Ms. Tripp needs assistance please have her contact me and I will direct her to the person who can assist her. We do not have any document listing you as her legal representative.

Lt. Parker


To: DParker

Sent: Wed, Oct 26, 2011 4:34 pm

Subject: Re: Evidence in Shay Tripp matter

Officer Parker,

I am not Ms. Tripp’s legal representative, and I have never indicated to you that I was . I simply thought that because the Anchorage Police Department chose to issue a statement to the National Enquirer, that you were obviously willing to release information regarding the Shailey Tripp arrest. Because the APD , and you in particular, indicated to the NY Daily News that there was not “one scintilla” of evidence connecting Todd Palin to Shailey Tripp, it seems reasonable that you could, at a minimum, answer a simple question regarding a cell phone and lap top computer that were confiscated, according to your own records, and which Ms. Tripp has indicated to me were not released to her. Ms. Tripp has further indicated to me that Det. McKinnon told her that ” 4 months ago his superiors made him aware that her property was a problem for the APD and that the items seized needed to be handled with care, and that there may be some incriminating information on it against other people.” Ms. Tripp has indicated she has repeatedly tried to obtain these items and the APD has not returned them. I am giving the APD, and you in particular, an opportunity to respond before I publish the story. Where are the cell phone and lap top computer of Ms. Tripp? Are you going to return them to her in the condition that they were in when the APD confiscated them? Malia Litman


October 27th

Dear Officer Parker,

In reviewing records this morning, I draw your attention to my letter last February 22nd, of this year. I specifically put you on notice that the “items seized” had taken on even greater importance to the public because the APD commented on the evidence in your possession regarding Todd Palin. Here is the excerpt:

Given the “office documents, computers, office machines, calendars and books and photographs” that were seized, I am assuming the APD made additional arrests based on this evidence. I assume these arrests would also be a matter of public record, so you would not be disclosing confidential information. Please identify who was arrested based upon this evidence seized. I assume you still have the “evidence seized” in your possession and I hereby put the APD on notice that because the APD has issued the statement that “none of the physical evidence examined by police showed any connection to Wasilla resident Todd Palin and his name did not appear on any of the records seized by APD” it is important in the interest of full disclosure for the public to know exactly what evidence that you seized was “examined.” If his name was not on the list, who’s name was , and what if any arrests have been made or charges filed?

Shailey Tripp has indicated in more than one statement that there was evidence of Todd Palin’s meetings with her that existed in the evidence seized by the Anchorage Police Department. Even if his name did not appear in the evidence examined, perhaps his name appeared in evidence that was seized but not “examined.” Because cell phones were seized, did the police check all the phone records to determine the identity of callers to Ms. Thomas and to Ms. Tripp?

It is because the APD interjected itself into this controversy that it is important that the APD be accountable for identifying what items were returned to Shailey Tripp. If the item was not returned, or if its condition was altered, the public is entitled to know why.

Malia Litman


Officer Parker sent this e-mail on Thursday Oct 27th at 11:37 Dallas time.

Ms. Litman,

As I have already explained, Ms. Tripp’s items were returned to her attorney-in-fact, Ms. Lawes on 9-12-11 according to the Property Section disposition form. If Ms. Tripp would like further clarification regarding her case or the property returned she may contact me and I will direct her to the person who can assist her. Obviously that would apply to anyone she appoints as her legal representative as well.

Lt. Parker

Obviously there is NO reference to the cell phone or lap top computer which Shailey Tripp explains have not been returned.

Shameful that the corruption in AK is still rampant even with Sarah out of office and only living in the state part time. Alaska makes Illinois, New Jersey, and Louisiana look like choir boys in comparison.

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