While I was in the Black Hills I visited
Crazy Horse Memorial. In the museum they have a corner where a lot of sports memorabilia is displayed as Ruth the widow of Korczak Ziolkowski the founder of the project is a sports fan. In the trophy case they have this displayed:
Now I know Ruth had no idea that Joe Paterno helped cover for Jerry Sandusky until the story broke into the national media but I think she should remove the ball from the trophy case and throw it away. I even wrote a note in the guest book stating so including my name and address.
Joe and Ruth have something in common. They are both Catholics. Guess Catholics really do stick together.
It is insulting to have Joe Paterno's autograph on display here as he covered for a pedophile and sexual abuse and assault is rampant amongst
Native Americans, a group they are supposed to be honoring.
Also Crazy Horse was a man of honor and integrity and we all know Joe is anything but that.
Speaking of the Penn State scandal:
NY PostA new criminal probe into Penn State pedophile Jerry Sandusky is looking into the possibility that the sick sex fiend abused a child along with a prominent athletic booster for the school, according to a new report.RadarOnline.com said last night that the US Postal Service and the FBI are investigating Sandusky’s actions — and that a witness has claimed that the jailed molester and the booster teamed up to abuse a child who was believed to have been from his Second Mile charity.
“The person interviewed has brought up the name of a prominent Penn State booster and alleged that this man was involved with Sandusky in illegal behavior with young boys,” a source told the website.
The Postal Inspection Service is leading the investigation, and also is trying to determine if Sandusky sent letters across state lines to some of his victims for sexual purposes, CBS News reported.
Sandusky was convicted in June of sexually abusing 10 boys over 15 years in a scandal that shook Penn State to its core. He remains in jail awaiting sentencing.
In late 2011, federal prosecutors in Pennsylvania alleged Sandusky used the letters to lure his victims across state lines for his sexual purposes, CBS reported.
Investigators believe trips and gifts were used to seduce the victims and that six to seven individuals might have gotten letters.
A source told CBS that child pornography was found on at least one of Sandusky’s computers, though the images are not of his victims.
Postal inspectors also will reportedly look into The Second Mile charity, which Sandusky founded and used to meet young boys.
Investigators are searching a computer seized from Sandusky for any evidence of the letters.
Sandusky’s attorney, Joe Amendola, disputed the new allegations against his client.
“We believe they are unfounded and ridiculous,” he said in a statement. “Jerry continues to maintain his innocence.”
I was going to wait until Jerry was sentenced to voice my opinion on the rumor he pimped the boys out to rich donors but I think I will do it now.
I believe some of these donors are very powerful men. One that comes to mind is Dan Rooney, owner of the Pittsburgh Steelers and Ambassador to Ireland. He also endorsed President Obama in 2008. There is a picture of him at an undated Second Mile event. I'm not 100% positive it's him, but it sure does look like him, front row, seated on the left:

If he is the donor in question this will definitely destroy President Obama's re-election hopes. God help us.
Another one I had in mind is Rick Santorum. Slick Rick awarded Jerry Sandusky the
Angels in Adoption award in 2002. Rick graduated from PSU in 1980 so he would have an interest in Penn State. Rick is also very homophobic and took offense when his last name
Santorum became a term for gay intercourse. The biggest homophobes tend to be closet gays.
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