Anonymous May 7, 2012 12:23 PM
Hey dunce. You do realize that Palin increased numbers of votes for Newt, he WON South Carolina after she semi-endorsed him, and that she's still more popular that any of the current crop of candidates? If you really think everybody runs when her name is mentioned, what's up with the title of your blog?
Justin Bieber is a real role model...he got his high school diploma! Unlike Bristol
Anonymous May 9, 2012 1:24 PM
Bristol may have gone the homeschool route, though there's nothing wrong with that, but at least she's responsible and has worked her entire life.
Anonymous May 9, 2012 2:27 PM
I feel sorry for you, your parents and your friends. I hope you have some positivity in your life and it's not all hate-filled. I think it'd be interesting to study the types of people who frequently comment with these hateful and judgmental atatements on equally hateful and judgmental blogs.
Luke I said, I feel sorry for your parents that they spawned someone with your attitude in life and towards strangers. They don't deserve a child like you, unless they're like you.
Luke I said, I feel sorry for your parents that they spawned someone with your attitude in life and towards strangers. They don't deserve a child like you, unless they're like you.
Anonymous May 9, 2012 2:30 PM
Despite the outward appearance of being openminded, liberals/antipalins bots/judgmental aholes really are the most rude, closed-minded people in the world. Sad you'll probably never see that because you're so deluded. Just be nice. Don't write anything you wouldn't want written about your sister or mom. Be mature.
Anonymous May 12, 2012 8:47 AM
Blago and Obama were also tight.