So is Trig Palin and Tripp Johnston going to enroll in kindergarten this fall?

Today the first day of kindergarten in the Mat-Su School District.  Anyone know if Trig and Tripp are enrolled?  Or is he enrolled in Arizona?

Personally I can't see Trig being ready for Kindergarten because of this:

 We have always been inspired by the work of those very special therapists and educators who dedicate their lives to helping children and adults with special needs. Ever since Trig came into our lives, that respect has grown immensely. 

 You know, I come from a family full of teachers so I have a great appreciation for uh that vocation. But, especially since Trig came into our lives, I have an even greater appreciation, especially for those teachers who have the heart for the special needs kids. Uh, Trig, for instance, today, we took him to a speech therapist because he’s headin’ into [begin sing-song voice] real kindergarten in the fall and uh, you know, of course, he needs to be a little bit more ready than he is now. Doesn’t quite talk. Still does his sign language. Puts two words together, though, which is awesome and, you know, at six years old there-there’s expectations whether [mumble] you know, whatever degree of-a…of-a special needs the kids have. 

There’s expectations, of course, that-that the families will do all that they can uhm before kinda handin’ em over in a sense for at least a few hours every day in the school system. So…great appreciation for the teachers who have the patience and the uh therapists who does-they do miraculous work with these kids. Today. Trig. At speech therapy, he…uhm…he-he did what the therapist needed him to do and they’re-the therapists are so observant, of course, they catch things that we miss all the time. They know how to help the kids, even better in some areas, than we know how to…help..Trig. He also attended uhm eating therapy because uh still doesn’t eat a lot of solid food. In fact, I think he’s th-the only kid in the world who hasn’t had a Cheerio yet. So, he-he’s still working on uhm food sensory things, the mouth, and he’ll be eating solid foods I’m sure uh at some point here, in the near future. 

So, great appreciation for those who have the heart to help the kids with special needs because they’re so full of potential and purpose and they’re-they’re God’s GIFT to-to this world, we know, personally, to our family, the gift Trig is kinda makes us keep everything in perspective and we can understand what true innocent joy is by being around Trig because he-he’s joyful and-uh so he, you know, kinda spreads to the rest of us, makes up [sic] happy. 

So, just wanta [begin exaggerated baby talk] thank all those folks out there, whether they’re professional therapists or teachers or just uh good yaa [audible sigh] good mom and pops who want to reach out and help these groups that help kids with special needs, and adults with special needs, and they support ‘em financially, they support ‘em uhm with their time, volunteering to uh to help these good, good people who are here for a good reason. I-I thank you for havin’ that heart for these kids."

Shame on you Sarah and Todd for not getting Trig therapy earlier!  FUCK YOU AND THE HORSE YOU RODE IN ON!

Now to Tripp.  Since the court hearing is coming up,  I'm sure he is enrolled in school since Butthole has to prove to be a stable mother.  And since Sunny is a former preschool teacher I am sure she will see to it.

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