Sarah Palin sure knows how to pick 'em

From her Fecebook page:

Texas, it starts with you!

2014 is here. The choices are becoming clearer, and the battle lines are being drawn. The GOP Beltway crowd has convinced itself that the way to maintain or retake the majority is through compromise and capitulation on important issues like amnesty, Obamacare, and the ever-increasing federal debt. They think that by making deals with a deeply unpopular and divisive incumbent president on issues that Americans oppose, they’ll somehow endear themselves to voters.

Enough is enough. The permanent political class in D.C. won’t listen. So, let’s start putting our efforts behind good new candidates who will go to Washington not to line their own pockets, but to help restore our country. It’s time to put inspiration, ingenuity, and integrity over incumbency in the GOP.

Let’s start in Texas. The lines couldn’t be clearer. Katrina Pierson is an emerging leader and important voice for the future of the grassroots conservative movement. Her life’s story is full of hardships she has fought to overcome, which taught her firsthand the importance of self-reliance, hard work, and the blessings of liberty.

A feisty fighter for freedom, Katrina is taking on a powerful incumbent who has so lost touch with the people of his district that he’s not even bothering to spend much time in Texas anymore. It’s not only his district he’s lost touch with, but also the issues important to the voters there. He used his powerful position to oppose the movement to defund Obamacare, has voted to raise the debt ceiling, and has been an advocate for the NSA intrusion into our freedoms. When asked about Katrina’s primary challenge, he said, “these things happen.” Yes, they do. We all know what happens when we come together to support a good candidate like Katrina – the permanent political class loses and We the People win! We win by electing a fighter we can depend on like Katrina Pierson. Ted Cruz calls Katrina “an utterly fearless principled conservative.” He should know. Katrina was among the conservative grassroots warriors in Texas who worked tirelessly to elect Senator Cruz.

Early voting started yesterday, Texas. Get out now and vote for Katrina. Send a message to the GOP elites on behalf of Katrina, just like you did for Ted Cruz in 2012.

And while you are out there voting for Katrina, check the box for another good conservative – Greg Abbott for Governor of Texas. Like Katrina, Greg has overcome many personal obstacles and challenges, which have made him a believer in the power of liberty and the need to defend our freedoms from the overreach of an out-of-control federal government. If he is good enough for Ted Nugent, he is good enough for me! 

Let's start with her endorsement of Greg Abbott first.   He is endorsed by a one Theodore Nugent who has done the following:

Slept with underage girls
Crapped his pants to avoid being drafted
Called Hillary Clinton a cunt
Called the sitting president of the United States a subhuman mongrel
Lied about helping the DEA, ATF, US Marshalls and FBI conduct raids
Defended George Zimmerman and called Trayvon Martin a “dope smoking, racist gangsta wannabe.”
Said people who hate him hate freedom
Shot a bear illegally in Alaska
Said if President Obama was reelected that he would be dead or in jail.

Now lets move on to Katrina Pierson:

On and off the campaign trail, congressional candidate Katrina Pierson sometimes discusses the hardscrabble background that she says ultimately made her a conservative firebrand.

The troubles in her youth, records show, included an arrest for shoplifting.

In 1997, five days before her 21st birthday, Katrina Pierson, then named Katrina Lanette Shaddix, was arrested on a charge of theft of greater than $50 and less than $500.

Pierson, who is running against Dallas Rep. Pete Sessions in the March 4 Republican primary, acknowledges the mistake. She told police then, and repeated recently, that she was talked into shoplifting by a friend.

“Like an idiot, I went along for the ride,” Pierson said in a recent interview.
She and the other woman were accused of trying to lift nine pieces of women’s clothing from a J.C. 

Penney store in Plano. They stuffed the clothes into shoe boxes in a clumsy, failed heist.
According to a Plano police report, Pierson said she and the woman with her, Laura Elizabeth 
Nelson, told police they needed the clothes for jobs they were trying to obtain.

Pierson told police she was “scared at first and did not want to go through with it.”

Pierson exited the store with four items of clothing in a shoe box inside her shopping bag. They were valued at $168. The report said Pierson had her young son with her when the incident occurred.
She was booked into the Plano City Jail. She eventually pleaded no contest to the charges and received deferred adjudication.

“That’s what the attorney guy told me to do,” she said. “My defense was as good as I could afford.”
Pierson, a tea party leader from Garland, said she knew her background would be open for scrutiny if she decided to take on Sessions, the powerful incumbent.

Pierson says the incident helped turn her life around, showing her that mistakes often come with consequences.

And the 37-year-old says the shoplifting charge was nothing compared with what could have happened in her life.

Pierson says she was born to a 15-year-old mother and grew up exposed to the wrong crowd, folks involved in gangs and other unsavory activities. An early marriage lasted just three months.
“I’m surprised I made it out,” Pierson said.

Pierson said Sessions’ supporters are mounting a smear campaign, but added that she has nothing to hide.

A Sessions spokesman declined to comment on the arrest. Sessions has said he’s never been arrested.

Pierson says she’s willing to discuss her shoplifting charge, and other issues, with Sessions, chiding her opponent for refusing to consent to a public debate before the primary.

“Why don’t we both meet up in a public forum and talk about it?” she said.

Katrina sounds like Diana Palin, taking her kid along for illegal activities!

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