Proof that Mitt Romney never paid his taxes
From Current TV
Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney used a loophole to “rent” the Mormon church’s tax exemption status and defer paying taxes for 15 years, according to a new report.
Tax returns obtained by Bloomberg News through a Freedom of Information Act request indicated that Romney set up a charitable remainder unitrust (CRUT) in June 1996 just before Congress cracked down on the loophole in 1997.
“In this instance, Romney used the tax-exempt status of a charity — the Mormon Church, according to a 2007 filing — to defer taxes for more than 15 years,” Bloomberg’s Jesse Drucker explained. “At the same time he is benefitting, the trust will probably leave the church with less than what current law requires.”
Estates lawyer Jonathan Blattmachr told Bloomberg that Romney’s trust benefits from the Mormon church’s exempt status because charities don’t pay capital gains taxes when they make a profit from the sale of assets.
“The main benefit from a charitable remainder trust is the renting from your favorite charity of its exemption from taxation,” Blattmachr said, adding that the charitable contribution “is just a throwaway” and the church would receive little if any financial benefit from the trust.
“I used to structure them so the value dedicated to charity was as close to zero as possible without being zero,” he pointed out.
The CRUT allows individuals to “defer capital gains taxes on any profit from the sale of the assets, and receive a small upfront charitable deduction and a stream of yearly cash payments,” Drucker wrote. “Like an individual retirement account, the trust allows money to grow tax deferred, while like an annuity it also pays Romney a steady income. After the funder’s death, the trust’s remaining assets go to a designated charity.”
In fact, the amount available to go to the Mormon church has decreased from at least $750,000 in 2001 to $421,203 at the end of 2011 as Romney has collected yearly cash payments from the trust.
The Romney campaign declined to answer questions about the trust but insisted that it was “operated in accordance with the law” in an email to Bloomberg.
The trust represents a small fraction of Romney’s more than $250 million fortune and is only one of several methods the formal Bain Capital CEO has employed to avoid paying taxes.
Earlier this year, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), who is also a Mormon, had suggested that the Republican presidential nominee refused to release his tax returns because he had not paid any income taxes over a 10-year period.
In a September speech on the Senate floor, Reid said that leaked tapes insulting the 47 percent of Americans who don’t pay income taxes as “dependant” on the government have gave the world a “rare look at the real Mitt Romney.”
“For all we know Mitt Romney could be one of those who have paid no federal income tax. Thousands of families making more than a million dollars per year pay nothing in federal income tax,” the Nevada Democrat observed. “Is Mitt Romney among those? We’ll never know because he refuses to release his tax returns.”
“We know that Mitt Romney pays a lower tax rate than middle-class families, thanks to a number of things he’s done: Swiss bank accounts, Cayman Islands tax shelters. And we can only imagine what new secrets would be revealed if he showed the American people a dozen years of tax returns like his dad did.”
Reid noted that most of “those people” who Romney talked about “are not avoiding their tax bills using Cayman Islands tax shelters or Swiss Bank accounts like Mitt Romney. Millions of the 47 percent are seniors on Social Security, who don’t have Bain Capital retirement funds or inherited stock to fall back on.”
I bet Harry Reid feels vindicated now. If George Romney was still alive he would be embarrassed.
Mitt Romney shipped Every Single Delphi UAW Job to China
From Truth Out
He's kidding, right? Did I just hear Mitt Romney say, "I would do nothing to hurt the US auto industry."
Really? Really?
Here's the facts, ma'am:
As I reported in this week's The Nation magazine cover story "Mitt Romney's Bail-out Bonanza," the Romneys are in a special partnership with the vulture fund that bought Delphi, the former GM auto parts division.
The Romney vulture fund investment syndicate shipped every single UAW production job - every job - to China.
Just after The Nation broke the story, Washington newsletter The Hill received the Romneys' admission of profiteering:
"Romney's campaign did not deny that he profited from the auto bailout in an email to The Hill, but it said the report showed the Detroit intervention was 'misguided.'"
The truth? On June 1, 2009, the Obama administration announced that Detroit Piston's owner Tom Gores, GM and the US Treasury would buy back Delphi.The plan called for saving 15 of 29 Delphi factories in the US.
Then the vulture funds pounced.
The Nation discovered that, in the two weeks immediately following the announcement of the Delphi jobs-saving plan, Paul Singer, Romney's partner, secretly bought up over a billion dollars of old Delphi bonds for pennies on the dollar.
Singer and partners now controlled the company - and killed the return of Delphi to GM.
These facts were revealed in a sworn deposition of Delphi's Chief Financial Officer John Sheehan, confidential, but now released on the Web.
Sheehan said, under oath, that these speculators threatened to withhold key parts (steering columns), from GM. This would have brought the auto maker to its knees, immediately forcing GM's permanent closure.
The extortion worked. The government money that was supposed to go to save jobs went to Singer's hedge fund, Elliott Management Corporation and its partners, including the Romneys.
Once Singer's crew took control of Delphi, they rapidly completed the move to China, sticking the US taxpayers with the bill for the pensions of the Delphi workers cut loose.
Dan Loeb, a million-dollar donor to the GOP, who made three-quarters of a billion dollars off the legal scam, proudly announced that, once he and Elliott took control, Delphi kept "virtually no North American unionized labor."
In all, three hedge funds run by Romney's million-dollar donors have pocketed $4.2 billion, a return on their "investment" of over 3,000 percent - all care of the US taxpayer. The Romneys personally earned a minimum of $15.3 million, though more likely $115 million - a range their campaign does not dispute.
Frankly, I'm no fan of the way Obama handled the Delphi bail-out. Allowing these speculators to crank the US taxpayers for $12.9 billion in subsidies - and losing almost all the auto parts jobs in the process.
But when I heard that Son of a ... Detroit, Mr. Romney, tell us, "I would do nothing to hurt the US auto industry," I thought I'd lose my dinner. I suggest Romney repeat this directly to the Naylor family of Kokomo, Indiana.
Bruce Naylor lost his job at Delphi, then his health insurance (terminated by the Romney syndicate) - then his home to foreclosure.
Should Obama have done something about that? You bet. If I were the president, I'd have started with putting the vulture speculators out of business - including Elliott's silent, hidden partner, one Mitt Romney.
And a question to the US media: Hello, anybody home?
This info on Romney's profiteering and the shipping of Delphi jobs to China by his cronies is on the cover of The Nation Magazine and in a New York Times bestseller. Want the full story of Romney's vulture-pack partners? I have several chapters on Paul "The Vulture" Singer and other million-dollar donor magnates backing Romney (and those backing Obama, too) in my new book, "Billionaires & Ballot Bandits," with an introduction by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and illustrations by Ted Rall.
So, where is the New York "Paper of Record?" Or, for that matter, MSNBC?
Bill Press explained it to me when I was on his show this morning: "Sorry, Greg. There's no more investigative reporting in America. No reporters, just repeaters."
That's why I fear Jimmy Carter's statement that, "The American people deserve a president as good as they are." Now I'm afraid that's exactly what we'll get.
Mitt the Shit won't be happy until every job left in America is shipped to China, India, and Mexico.
Bristol Palin is a **** for not letting Tripp Johnston attend his daddy's wedding
From Inside Edition
As much as Levi Johnston wanted his four-year-old son, Tripp, with ex Bristol Palin, to be present at his Oct. 28 nuptials to Sunny Ogelsby, the little man could not make it.
Inside Edition reports that Johnston, 22, did not tell his ex he was tying the knot over the weekend, instead simply asked for custody of his son. "I wanted him to be my ring bearer," Johnston said. Palin denied his request.
Though Tripp was not at the Wasilla, Alaska ceremony Sunday, Breeze Beretta, Johnston's one-month-old daughter with his bride, took part in her parents' special day. Officiated by Johnston's friend Crosby Marrow, the couple's nuptials took a lighthearted turn when the groom fumbled his vows and elicited chuckles from guests in attendance.
"To have and to hold, whatever you say," Inside Edition reports Johnston as saying. Clad in a Hugo Boss red label tuxedo accessorized with a camouflage vest and bow tie, Johnston is said to have sweated profusely during the event.
It is the first marriage for both Johnston and his girlfriend of just over one year, 20, who teaches in Wasilla, Alaska. The couple welcomed daughter Breeze Beretta -- named for the Italian firearm manufacturer -- on Sept. 12, 2012, two years after he called off his engagement to Palin.
Bristol have you no shame?
Are you still bitter that Levi no longer wants any of your pussy? And Gino ditched you as well? And DWTS ditched you too? Get over it hon. And don't take it out on your son. I totally understand why Levi did not tell you about the wedding. You and your trashy family would have crashed and ruined it. If Bristol and Sarah aren't happy, no one is happy.
It's ironic you trashy your baby daddy and his family yet you let your son hang around these people:
Now that Levi is married, it should help him in his custody case for Tripp. He can provide a much better home for Tripp. He has a job and a loving wife who has already proven to be a better mother than Bristol.
Mitt Romney wants to shut down FEMA as Hurricane Sandy begins landfall
Remember that voters!
FEMA is a great program as long as competent people are running it, not some like Dumbya appointee Mikey Brownie.
It's been a week now since Ann Coulter said the R word
Where is the outry from Sarah Palin?
Oh, never mind.
Sarah loves to pick and choose
Oh, never mind.
Sarah loves to pick and choose
Troll comments
Willow Palin really is going to hair school?
Common senseOctober 22, 2012 5:40 AM
You're all making some pretty lofty judgments considering your ignorance on such matters. 1. All the kids have had jobs since they were on legal age to work. 2. Track attended school normally, with slight interruption senior year in regards to hockey. Bristol was a good student who homeschooled her senior year. Theres also no reason to think Bristol won't become what she ONCE said. She is friends with her boss's family (his daughter is Tripp's "girlfriend.") She definitely is grounded and started creating a stable path since her son's birth. Taking a couple LA opportunities doesn't interrupt that in a major way, not when Tripp is always surrounded byt he same people and all those people love him (ie dwts friends, AZ friends...) Willow chose to homeschool with a friend in the middle of her Jr year. Piper is attending school normally and is engaged in normal activities like sports and instruments. Keep in mind event the oldest Palin is still young. They could change their mind like we all do. Why not lose the judgment and the stalker tendencies and let people live their lives. I don't understand why you think you know people just from reading a few rag article. True, this family's People interviews typically come/are true so you know a bit about them, but it's like you aren't treating them like normal people who change their mind.
Keep in mind that homeschooling in Alaska is common just because of school ridiculousness. More and more people wish to graduate early to start working. Remember, Willow ditched her first ever boyfriend this year because he was holding her back, though she's still friends with his family, who love her. Also, it isi mportant to remember that when you're famous in a high school, kids are even more catty and will try to bring you down with the most elaborate, nasty rumors and lies spread. That is not just a Palin thing. I saw it firsthand in my high school. Kids are jealous and perceive these people differently. And when you have media people walking around handing out large sums of money for a quote on certain people, it creates an even worse place to be and even more lies and exaggerated stories.
Comparing people is stupid and if YOU compare yourself to others and measure your happiness based on that, you will be unhappy in the end. I have an AA in business and have a portfolio worth about 5 million. If I would have followed in my classmates footsteps and become a PhD snob like everyone's parents because it's the "thing" to do where i grew up, I would probably have been unhappy. But who knows. I don't begrudge anyone for doing what makes them happy. I disapprove of people who are so judgmental (and hypocritical) that they perpetuate elitism and copycat careers.
You know nothing about anyone other than yourself and your family, and most of the time, you probably don't know the deep thoughts of even your own family.
Remember that before you judge. Remember that the next time you wish to put someone in a tiny box.
Keep in mind that homeschooling in Alaska is common just because of school ridiculousness. More and more people wish to graduate early to start working. Remember, Willow ditched her first ever boyfriend this year because he was holding her back, though she's still friends with his family, who love her. Also, it isi mportant to remember that when you're famous in a high school, kids are even more catty and will try to bring you down with the most elaborate, nasty rumors and lies spread. That is not just a Palin thing. I saw it firsthand in my high school. Kids are jealous and perceive these people differently. And when you have media people walking around handing out large sums of money for a quote on certain people, it creates an even worse place to be and even more lies and exaggerated stories.
Comparing people is stupid and if YOU compare yourself to others and measure your happiness based on that, you will be unhappy in the end. I have an AA in business and have a portfolio worth about 5 million. If I would have followed in my classmates footsteps and become a PhD snob like everyone's parents because it's the "thing" to do where i grew up, I would probably have been unhappy. But who knows. I don't begrudge anyone for doing what makes them happy. I disapprove of people who are so judgmental (and hypocritical) that they perpetuate elitism and copycat careers.
You know nothing about anyone other than yourself and your family, and most of the time, you probably don't know the deep thoughts of even your own family.
Remember that before you judge. Remember that the next time you wish to put someone in a tiny box.
The above is true. Accept or not, but it is accurate. I don't play games, nor do I create my personal fictional mythologies like certain anti-palin critics. I learn things from the horse's mouth.
Common sense October 22, 2012 5:47 AM
Also keep in mind that when Bristol gave that intouch interview in late 2011(?), Willow had already applied to Penrose and has just taken her senior pictures. Then, in March this year, she and her parents went on that Nascar excursion in what now appears to have been a grad present. One month after that, she started at Penrose.
^I am not claiming to be an omnipresent being who knows all details of people'slives. I can just put 2 and 2 together and read the subject's own words, not to mention observe the many public pictures at public events. It's easy to see truth in my comments when you think objectively and put things together. You just have to lose the blind hate.
^I am not claiming to be an omnipresent being who knows all details of people'slives. I can just put 2 and 2 together and read the subject's own words, not to mention observe the many public pictures at public events. It's easy to see truth in my comments when you think objectively and put things together. You just have to lose the blind hate.
AnonymousOctober 22, 2012 11:17 AM
And a stranger making ignorant comments about people she's never met is LESS creepy?
It's JUST AS CREEPY if not more.
Get a life SPHASH and anonymous.
It's JUST AS CREEPY if not more.
Get a life SPHASH and anonymous.
Kaleigh Shepherd October 22, 2012 11:16 AM
Keep in mind these are Alaskans and they are no different from anyone else who either forgoes (for the time being) higher education in the traditional (whatever that means) sense to pursue something that will enable them to live in Alaska. You can have all the advanced degrees in the world, but living in Alaska, most of them wouldn't help you to live the most prosperous life possible. Why do you think there are so many dental hygiene students, cosmetology students, and slope/pipeline workers? Unless you work for the state in some capacity, which many teens and 20somethings do, you need PRACTICAL skills and common sense. You all talk like you're these highly accomplished, not-a-care-in-the-world, perfect specimens of man - when you literally seem to be forever at your cmputer passing judgment on people you have no idea how to understand, let alone know.
It's highly amusing how outsiders have no idea how to survive in Alaska, but it's good more and more people are learning and loving our state. Anchorage (sort of), Wasilla, Homer, Eagle River... are all wonderful places when all is said and done.
Strangers to this state need to not judge its people and land. I don't judge the lower 48's infamous cities and their stereotypes. Alaska, Wasilla and even native villages aren't different from your hometown. They all consist of people who work to survive.
Once again President Obama kicked Mitt the Shit's ass
Good person who doesnt approve of juvenile hypocritesOctober 23, 2012 1:21 AM
Good person who doesnt approve of juvenile hypocritesOctober 23, 2012 1:21 AM
Anytime a mentally balanced person hears a legal adult using these kindsof juvenile nicknames, the speaker's credibility and seriousness goes out the window. Time to grow up and act like an adult SPHASH. Then how about taking an objective standpoint on politics like practical people do. There's way too much coddling and pedestal bowing. Politicians aren't saviors, they people humans with nothing greater inside them than anyone else. The double standards must stop.
Anonymous October 25, 2012 1:52 PM
Hey look, you're totally wrong! Imagine that!
AnonymousOctober 26, 2012 6:54 AM
Soooo, what's your comment about the other media commentators who've also used the phrase? It's just funny that democrats can throw racism as an excuse in our faces when it's not relevant (just because they need an excuse to continue living in denial about how pathetic their PResident is)
It's a shame you're so hypocritical.
It's a shame you're so hypocritical.
What to look for in a insurance shop
The first thing you need to do when selecting your retail shop insurance is to assess what aspects of an insurance policy your business will require. Choosing the most appropriate insurance policy for your needs is essential for a number of reasons, and the wrong coverage can cause your business a great number of problems in the undesirable event of requiring a payout. You may find it easier to hire an insurance agent, who will guide you through the array of information available. However, insurance agents need to receive their compensation, which means they are not likely to be able to offer your business the most competitive prices out there. It is up to you to choose whether the saving of time, or the saving of money, is most efficient and beneficial to your business.
So what should your shop insurance cover?
If you are looking for retail shop insurance there are particular items on the agenda that require inclusive protection. The first and perhaps most obvious item, is building and contents cover. This will not only protect you in the event of theft of money, stock, or equipment, but also from the threat of flooding, fire, and storm damage or other natural disaster. This is usually included as part of any insurance policy, but always check to ensure the extent of coverage available to you.
Another very important section in your shop insurance policy is that of liability. Liability can be divided into two sections: public liability and employer's liability. Again, when you are looking at retail shop insurance, you need to have coverage for both of these items. Let's look a little more closely at each of them.
Public liability insurance is the coverage provided in the event of a personal injury claim of a third party whilst on your property. Say, for example, a careless employee has mopped up a spillage but forgotten to leave the 'Caution: Wet Floor' cone somewhere easily visible. A browsing customer slips on the slick floor surface and breaks her arm. She now has a case against you to claim financial reward for her injury. If you do not have public liability insurance, your business needs to front the cost of her claim. Some insurance providers will also offer legal assistance; as an uninsured, this would also be a higher financial responsibility to your business. This is adding up to a significant dent in your profit, particularly for smaller businesses, and especially in the event that said customer could then bad-mouth your store, damaging your reputation.
We can use the same example for one of your employees being injured while at work. Employer's liability insurance will protect your business against a claim of negligence should it be an employee falling and injuring themselves. Another key area where employer's liability insurance is important is in circumstances whereby employees must use machinery or other equipment to perform tasks for your business. If a piece of equipment is faulty and its use results in personal injury, the business is liable. Your insurance policy will cover your business against this claim.
The last element of coverage your business will require is that of 'business interruption'. This clause is required to cover the possibility of a wide range of events, including, but not limited to, electrical failure, flooding, fire, gas leak, or other occurrence that will result in a loss of profit because the business is temporarily inoperable. Often, this will also cover loss of income due to loss or damage of goods in transit.
A comprehensive retail shop insurance policy will assist your business in staying in operation should the worst happen. In particular, small businesses cannot afford the loss of income or additional expenses that can arise due to a variety of potential events. Your insurance coverage is there to protect your business. You'll often find the best deals for shop insurance or public house insurance are available if you go online.
So what should your shop insurance cover?
If you are looking for retail shop insurance there are particular items on the agenda that require inclusive protection. The first and perhaps most obvious item, is building and contents cover. This will not only protect you in the event of theft of money, stock, or equipment, but also from the threat of flooding, fire, and storm damage or other natural disaster. This is usually included as part of any insurance policy, but always check to ensure the extent of coverage available to you.
Another very important section in your shop insurance policy is that of liability. Liability can be divided into two sections: public liability and employer's liability. Again, when you are looking at retail shop insurance, you need to have coverage for both of these items. Let's look a little more closely at each of them.
Public liability insurance is the coverage provided in the event of a personal injury claim of a third party whilst on your property. Say, for example, a careless employee has mopped up a spillage but forgotten to leave the 'Caution: Wet Floor' cone somewhere easily visible. A browsing customer slips on the slick floor surface and breaks her arm. She now has a case against you to claim financial reward for her injury. If you do not have public liability insurance, your business needs to front the cost of her claim. Some insurance providers will also offer legal assistance; as an uninsured, this would also be a higher financial responsibility to your business. This is adding up to a significant dent in your profit, particularly for smaller businesses, and especially in the event that said customer could then bad-mouth your store, damaging your reputation.
We can use the same example for one of your employees being injured while at work. Employer's liability insurance will protect your business against a claim of negligence should it be an employee falling and injuring themselves. Another key area where employer's liability insurance is important is in circumstances whereby employees must use machinery or other equipment to perform tasks for your business. If a piece of equipment is faulty and its use results in personal injury, the business is liable. Your insurance policy will cover your business against this claim.
The last element of coverage your business will require is that of 'business interruption'. This clause is required to cover the possibility of a wide range of events, including, but not limited to, electrical failure, flooding, fire, gas leak, or other occurrence that will result in a loss of profit because the business is temporarily inoperable. Often, this will also cover loss of income due to loss or damage of goods in transit.
A comprehensive retail shop insurance policy will assist your business in staying in operation should the worst happen. In particular, small businesses cannot afford the loss of income or additional expenses that can arise due to a variety of potential events. Your insurance coverage is there to protect your business. You'll often find the best deals for shop insurance or public house insurance are available if you go online.
Congrats to Levi Johnston and Sunny Oglesby!
From US Weekly
Levi Johnston and his love Sunny Oglesby are bringing a whole new meaning to the term "shotgun wedding."
Now the Wasilla, Alaska native and his 20-year-old teacher fiancee are headed down the aisle. Johnston and Oglesby are set to wed over the weekend, a source in Wasilla confirms exclusively to Us Weekly.
"They've been together for about a year and a quarter," the insider tells Us.
Though his baby girl is likely to be front and center, there's no word yet on whether Johnston's 4-year-old son Tripp (with ex-fiancee Bristol Palin) will take part in the ceremony.
The rest of the Palin clan will definitely not be showing up to support the former Playgirl model as he moves forward with his new love.
In the past, Johnston, now 22, has accused the Palins of keeping his son from him, ever since his bitter 2010 split from Bristol. Earlier this year he spoke to The Insider, admitting it's tough feel connected to his first-born when his time with the tot is so restricted.
When asked if Johnston blames Bristol's mother Sarah for keeping him from his son, Johnston says he's convinced the former Alaskan governor "plays a big role" in daughter Bristol's decision-making.
That's a family," Johnston told host Brook Anderson. "I know I listen to my family, so I'm sure [Sarah] does have some part in [keeping Tripp away]."
This spring, Sarah and her "first dude" Todd denied that they've ever tried to keep their grandson from his dad in an impassioned statement to TMZ.
"We have never hidden Tripp from Levi or discouraged Levi from spending time with him," the pair wrote. "Any suggestion that we have is false and contrary to our core beliefs."
Congratultions Levi and Sunny!
Levi Johnston and his love Sunny Oglesby are bringing a whole new meaning to the term "shotgun wedding."
In early September, the couple welcomed their first child together, a daughter named Breeze Beretta -- after the Italian firearms manufacturer.
Now the Wasilla, Alaska native and his 20-year-old teacher fiancee are headed down the aisle. Johnston and Oglesby are set to wed over the weekend, a source in Wasilla confirms exclusively to Us Weekly.
"They've been together for about a year and a quarter," the insider tells Us.
Though his baby girl is likely to be front and center, there's no word yet on whether Johnston's 4-year-old son Tripp (with ex-fiancee Bristol Palin) will take part in the ceremony.
The rest of the Palin clan will definitely not be showing up to support the former Playgirl model as he moves forward with his new love.
In the past, Johnston, now 22, has accused the Palins of keeping his son from him, ever since his bitter 2010 split from Bristol. Earlier this year he spoke to The Insider, admitting it's tough feel connected to his first-born when his time with the tot is so restricted.
When asked if Johnston blames Bristol's mother Sarah for keeping him from his son, Johnston says he's convinced the former Alaskan governor "plays a big role" in daughter Bristol's decision-making.
That's a family," Johnston told host Brook Anderson. "I know I listen to my family, so I'm sure [Sarah] does have some part in [keeping Tripp away]."
This spring, Sarah and her "first dude" Todd denied that they've ever tried to keep their grandson from his dad in an impassioned statement to TMZ.
"We have never hidden Tripp from Levi or discouraged Levi from spending time with him," the pair wrote. "Any suggestion that we have is false and contrary to our core beliefs."
Congratultions Levi and Sunny!
Word of advice, wait several years before giving Tripp and Breeze a new sibling. As you are aware, kids are expensive.
I hope Bristol can get over her bitterness and let Tripp be a ring bearer at the wedding, but I doubt she will, not that Gino has left the coop.
American International Assurance
American International Assurance known as AIA (Chinese: 美國友邦保險) is an insurance company based in Hong Kong. It has offices in Asia-Pacific region including Taiwan, China, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Macau, South Korea, Thailand, Philippines, Singapore, Brunei and Vietnam. Holdings include Philippine American Life and General Insurance Company and minority stakes in TATA AIA Life Insurance and TATA AIG General Insurance.
It was a member of American International Group, but separated from the group in 2009 after it was finalized that AIA as well as ALICO (another AIG subsidiary) were placed under the administration of a Special Purpose Vehicle in exchange for the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
It was a member of American International Group, but separated from the group in 2009 after it was finalized that AIA as well as ALICO (another AIG subsidiary) were placed under the administration of a Special Purpose Vehicle in exchange for the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
According to the statistics from the Office of the Commissioner of Insurance (保險業監理處), AIA being the number 1 of Hong Kong insurance company in terms of the number of policies, its market share in Hong Kong Insurance market (on Non-Linked Individual Business) is 26% and sum assured worth more than 400 billion HKD (i.e. more than $ 50 billion).
AIA was planned to be listed in Hong Kong Stock Exchange in April 2010. However, in March 2010, Prudential plc, a United Kingdom-based financial services company, announced that it will buy AIA for $35.5 billion.[4] The purchased later fell through, and AIA held an IPO later in October 2010 raising $20.51 billion, the third largest ever IPO
Blue Cross Blue Shield Association (BCBSA)
The Blue Cross Blue Shield Association (BCBSA) is a federation of 38 separate health insurance organizations and companies in the United States. Combined, they directly or indirectly provide health insurance to over 99 million Americans. The history of Blue Cross dates back to 1929, while the history of Blue Shield dates to 1939. The Blue Cross Association dates back to 1960, while its Blue Shield counterpart was actually created in 1948. The two organizations merged in 1982, forming the current association.
Blue Cross and Blue Shield developed separately, with Blue Cross plans providing coverage for hospital services, while Blue Shield covered physicians' services.
Blue Cross and Blue Shield developed separately, with Blue Cross plans providing coverage for hospital services, while Blue Shield covered physicians' services.
Blue Cross is a name used by an association of health insurance plans throughout the United States. Its predecessor was developed by Justin Ford Kimball in 1929, while he was vice-president of Baylor University's health care facilities in Dallas, Texas. The first plan guaranteed teachers 21 days of hospital care for $6 a year, and was later extended to other employee groups in Dallas, and then nationally. The American Hospital Association (AHA) adopted the Blue Cross symbol in 1939 as the emblem for plans meeting certain standards. In 1960 the AHA commission was superseded by the Blue Cross Association. Affiliation with the AHA was severed in 1972.
The Blue Shield concept was developed at the beginning of the 20th century by employers in lumber and mining camps of the Pacific Northwest to provide medical care by paying monthly fees to medical service bureaus composed of groups of physicians. The first official Blue Shield Plan was founded in California in 1939. In 1948 the symbol was informally adopted by nine plans called the Associated Medical Care Plan, and was later renamed the National Association of Blue Shield Plans.
In 1982 Blue Shield merged with The Blue Cross Association to form the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.
Prior to the Tax Reform Act of 1986, organizations administering Blue Cross Blue Shield were tax exempt under 501(c) as social welfare plans. However, the Tax Reform Act of 1986 revoked that exemption because the plans sold commercial-type insurance. They became 501(m) organizations, subject to federal taxation but entitled to "special tax benefits" under IRC 833. In 1994, the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association changed to allow its licensees to be for-profit corporations. Some plans[specify] are still considered not-for-profit at the state level.
Assurant, Inc. is a holding company with businesses that provide a diverse set of specialty, niche-market insurance products in the property, casualty, life and health insurance sectors. The company’s four operating segments are Assurant Employee Benefits, Assurant Health, Assurant Solutions and Assurant Specialty Property.
The company, formerly known as Fortis, Inc., was spun off from Dutch and Belgian financial-services company Fortis Insurance N.V. in 2004. The company’s initial public offering on Feb. 5, 2004 at $1.76 billion was the fourth largest that year. In connection with the public offering, the company changed its name to Assurant, Inc.
The company, formerly known as Fortis, Inc., was spun off from Dutch and Belgian financial-services company Fortis Insurance N.V. in 2004. The company’s initial public offering on Feb. 5, 2004 at $1.76 billion was the fourth largest that year. In connection with the public offering, the company changed its name to Assurant, Inc.
Headquartered in New York City, Assurant is 285 on the Fortune 500 list of the largest publicly traded companies in the United States. It also is included in the Ward’s 50, which recognizes the top property-casualty insurance companies domiciled in the United States.
Assurant recently celebrated its 120th anniversary, tracing its roots back to founding of the La Crosse Mutual Aid Association, which was established to sell disability insurance in Wisconsin in the early 1890s. La Crosse Mutual Aid Association would later become the Time Insurance Company. In 1978, N.V. AMEV of the Netherlands acquired the Time Insurance Company (now Assurant Health) via its U.S. holding company AMEV Holdings, Inc. During the next 12 years, AMEV Holdings, Inc. would expand through acquisition, buying American Security Insurance (credit-related insurance); United Family (funeral insurance); Western Insurance Company (mutual funds); and Superior Insurance (auto insurance). In 1990, N.V. AMEV of the Netherlands acquired VSB Groep NV bank to become the Netherlands first financial conglomerate combining an insurer and a bank, creating Fortis. AMEV Holdings, Inc. was rebranded Fortis, Inc. in 1991. The business was subsequently renamed as Assurant and spun off from the parent company.
Assurant recently celebrated its 120th anniversary, tracing its roots back to founding of the La Crosse Mutual Aid Association, which was established to sell disability insurance in Wisconsin in the early 1890s. La Crosse Mutual Aid Association would later become the Time Insurance Company. In 1978, N.V. AMEV of the Netherlands acquired the Time Insurance Company (now Assurant Health) via its U.S. holding company AMEV Holdings, Inc. During the next 12 years, AMEV Holdings, Inc. would expand through acquisition, buying American Security Insurance (credit-related insurance); United Family (funeral insurance); Western Insurance Company (mutual funds); and Superior Insurance (auto insurance). In 1990, N.V. AMEV of the Netherlands acquired VSB Groep NV bank to become the Netherlands first financial conglomerate combining an insurer and a bank, creating Fortis. AMEV Holdings, Inc. was rebranded Fortis, Inc. in 1991. The business was subsequently renamed as Assurant and spun off from the parent company.
Products and Services
In March 2010, Assurant Solutions and IBM unveiled a Real-Time Analytics Matching Platform (RAMP) to improve call center performance. RAMP is an application that works by analyzing historical data about the individual caller and the skill set of customer service representatives to optimize the routing of the call. As calls come in they are assigned to a customer service representative based on their expertise and past performance, improving customer response and retention rates.
In May 2012, Assurant launched solar project insurance for developers of mid-size (100 kW to 3 MW) solar projects.
In March 2010, Assurant Solutions and IBM unveiled a Real-Time Analytics Matching Platform (RAMP) to improve call center performance. RAMP is an application that works by analyzing historical data about the individual caller and the skill set of customer service representatives to optimize the routing of the call. As calls come in they are assigned to a customer service representative based on their expertise and past performance, improving customer response and retention rates.
In May 2012, Assurant launched solar project insurance for developers of mid-size (100 kW to 3 MW) solar projects.
Amerigroup (NYSE: AGP) is an American managed care company, with two main goals: to meet the needs of Amerigroup members while keeping costs low. Amerigroup has more than 2.7 million members, and currently operates in 13 states nationwide including Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Maryland, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York State, Ohio, Tennessee, Washington, Texas, and Virginia and expects operations to its 14th state, Kansas, as a result of a previously awarded state contract. It is a Fortune 500 company.
Amerigroup began as AMERICAID Community Care in 1994 and was initially aimed at the health care problems of children, mothers and pregnant women enrolled in Medicaid. Amerigroup became a publicly traded corporation in the fall of 2001. Today, Amerigroup serves more than 2.7 million members including Supplemental Security Income recipients, seniors and people with disabilities, many with complex physical and psychological illnesses. In 2006, Amerigroup entered the Medicare Advantage program, serving low-income people who are eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid through special needs plans. In 2007, Amerigroup began the operation of traditional Medicare Advantage plans. Currently, Amerigroup offers health care services through three government programs that target different segments of the country’s low-income population: Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and Medicare
Amerigroup began as AMERICAID Community Care in 1994 and was initially aimed at the health care problems of children, mothers and pregnant women enrolled in Medicaid. Amerigroup became a publicly traded corporation in the fall of 2001. Today, Amerigroup serves more than 2.7 million members including Supplemental Security Income recipients, seniors and people with disabilities, many with complex physical and psychological illnesses. In 2006, Amerigroup entered the Medicare Advantage program, serving low-income people who are eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid through special needs plans. In 2007, Amerigroup began the operation of traditional Medicare Advantage plans. Currently, Amerigroup offers health care services through three government programs that target different segments of the country’s low-income population: Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and Medicare
Health Care Products :
- Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
- Seniors and People with Disabilities (S/PD)
- Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
- Family Care
- Medicare Advantage
Sarah Palin slams the president once again, refers him to the sex act Glen Rice performed on her, then uses Piper as a human shield
When she realized that "shuck and jive" wasn't the smartest thing to say, she throws Piper and Native Alaskans under the bus:
For the record, there was nothing remotely racist in my use of the phrase "shuck and jive" – a phrase which many people have used, including Chris Matthews, Andrew Cuomo, and White House Press Secretary Jay Carney to name a few off the top of my head. In fact, Andrew Cuomo also used the phrase in reference to Barack Obama, and the fact that Mr. Cuomo and I used the phrase in relation to President
Obama signifies nothing out of the ordinary. I would have used the exact same expression if I had been writing about President Carter, whose foreign policy rivaled Obama’s in its ineptitude, or about the Nixon administration, which was also famously rocked by a cover-up.
I’ve been known to use the phrase most often when chastising my daughter Piper to stop procrastinating and do her homework. As she is part Yup’ik Eskimo, I’m not sure if this term would be deemed offensive when it’s directed at her or if it would be considered benign as in the case of Chris Matthews’ use of it in reference to Rachel Maddow. Just to be careful, from now on I’ll avoid using it with Piper, and I would appreciate it if the media refrained from using words and phrases like igloo, Eskimo Pie, and “when hell freezes over,” as they might be considered offensive by my extended Alaska Native family.
The outrageously outraged reaction to this expression from perennial hypocrites like Chris Matthews has only made me laugh. Mr. Matthews, let me share with you my favorite Irish toast: “May we always be happy, and may our enemies always know it.”
- Sarah Palin
I’ve been known to use the phrase most often when chastising my daughter Piper to stop procrastinating and do her homework. As she is part Yup’ik Eskimo, I’m not sure if this term would be deemed offensive when it’s directed at her or if it would be considered benign as in the case of Chris Matthews’ use of it in reference to Rachel Maddow. Just to be careful, from now on I’ll avoid using it with Piper, and I would appreciate it if the media refrained from using words and phrases like igloo, Eskimo Pie, and “when hell freezes over,” as they might be considered offensive by my extended Alaska Native family.
The outrageously outraged reaction to this expression from perennial hypocrites like Chris Matthews has only made me laugh. Mr. Matthews, let me share with you my favorite Irish toast: “May we always be happy, and may our enemies always know it.”
- Sarah Palin
She is going to get worse until FOX News pulls the plug on her. I have a feeling when it is time for her last appearance on FOX, she is going to drop the n-bomb. Seriously.
Sarah why haven't you shown disgust over Ann Coulter's use of the r-word when describing the President? Oh that's right. IOIYAR.
How is this for a sterling endorsement? Colin Powell endorses President Obama for a 2nd term!
From CBS News
Former Secretary of State Colin Powell broke with the Republican party during the 2008 election, to endorse then-candidate Barack Obama for president, calling Obama a "transformational figure."
With 12 days to go before the presidential election, Powell publicly endorsed President Obama for re-election on "CBS This Morning" Thursday
"I voted for him in 2008 and I plan to stick with him in 2012 and I'll be voting for he and for Vice President Joe Biden next month."
Powell explained his choice to Charlie Rose and Norah O'Donnell:
Summarizing the past four years under Obama, Powell said "Generally we've come out of the dive and we're starting to gain altitude." He acknowledged that problems remain, saying "The unemployment rate is too high, people are still hurting in housing but I see that we're starting to rise up."
Turning to foreign policy, Powell said he saw "the president get us of one war, start to get us out of a second war and did not get us into any new wars. And finally I think that the actions he has taken with respect to protecting us from terrorism have been very very solid. And so, I think we ought to keep on the track that we are on."
Powell expressed his concern about Republican candidate Mitt Romney's changing positions on international affairs. "The governor who was saying things at the debate on Monday night ... was saying things that were quite different from what he said earlier. I'm not quite sure which Gov. Romney we would be getting with respect to foreign policy."
"One day he has a certain strong view about staying in Afghanistan but then on Monday night he agrees with the withdrawal, same thing in Iraq. On almost every issue that was discussed on Monday night, Governor Romney agreed with the President with some nuances. But this is quite a different set of foreign policy views than he had earlier in the campaign. And my concern ... is that sometimes I don't sense that he has thought through these issues as thoroughly as he should have."
Powell also said that he has given close consideration to Romney's domestic policies. "As I listen to what his proposals are especially with respect to dealing with respect to our most significant issue, the economy, it's essentially let's cut taxes and compensate for that with other things but that compensation does not cover all of the cuts intended or the new expenses associated with defense."
Powell said that he did not give either candidate early notice of his endorsement, but that he has "the utmost respect for" and spoke to Gov. Romney several weeks ago, and speaks to President Obama regularly.
He added that with this endorsement, he "signed on for a long patrol with President Obama" and that he feels more comfortable with Obama's stances on climate change, immigration, and education.
Powell also criticized congressional leaders for not living up to their responsibilities, mainly around resolving the approaching fiscal cliff.
"The major problem faced either by Gov. Romney or President Obama, whoever wins the election, is going to be what to do about the fiscal cliff we're about to fly over," Powell said.
"This is something that was put in place by Congress and while we're talking about the two candidates for president let's not forget that Congress bears a lot of responsibility for many of the problems that we have now. They're the ones that write the appropriations bills. They're the ones that pass the legislation for more spending and for the various entitlement programs that people have trouble with."
Gen. Powell last joined "CBS This Morning" in June, and at the time remained noncommittal about his support for either candidate in the race for the White House. "Whatever judgement I have right now would be incomplete. I haven't seen everything that Mitt Romney is going to do. I haven't seen how our economy is going to play out," he said in June.
And, despite his endorsement of a Democratic candidate in two presidential elections, Powell says he remains a Republican. "I think I'm a Republican of a more moderate mold," he said before adding, "That's something of a dying breed I'm sorry to say."
Remember Colin is an alum of the Bush regime. And he has a boat load of military and foreign policy experience. If he approves of President Obama's policies, then what is the problem?
Former Secretary of State Colin Powell broke with the Republican party during the 2008 election, to endorse then-candidate Barack Obama for president, calling Obama a "transformational figure."
With 12 days to go before the presidential election, Powell publicly endorsed President Obama for re-election on "CBS This Morning" Thursday
"I voted for him in 2008 and I plan to stick with him in 2012 and I'll be voting for he and for Vice President Joe Biden next month."
Powell explained his choice to Charlie Rose and Norah O'Donnell:
When he took over, the country was in very very difficult straits. We were in the one of the worst recessions we had seen in recent times, close to a depression. The fiscal system was collapsing. Wall Street was in chaos, we had 800,000 jobs lost in that first month of the Obama administration and unemployment peaked a few months later at 10 percent. So we were in real trouble. The auto industry was collapsing, the housing was start[ing] to collapse and we were in very difficult straits. And I saw over the next several years, stabilization come back in the financial community, housing is now starting to pick up after four years, it's starting to pick up. Consumer confidence is rising."
Summarizing the past four years under Obama, Powell said "Generally we've come out of the dive and we're starting to gain altitude." He acknowledged that problems remain, saying "The unemployment rate is too high, people are still hurting in housing but I see that we're starting to rise up."
Turning to foreign policy, Powell said he saw "the president get us of one war, start to get us out of a second war and did not get us into any new wars. And finally I think that the actions he has taken with respect to protecting us from terrorism have been very very solid. And so, I think we ought to keep on the track that we are on."
Powell expressed his concern about Republican candidate Mitt Romney's changing positions on international affairs. "The governor who was saying things at the debate on Monday night ... was saying things that were quite different from what he said earlier. I'm not quite sure which Gov. Romney we would be getting with respect to foreign policy."
"One day he has a certain strong view about staying in Afghanistan but then on Monday night he agrees with the withdrawal, same thing in Iraq. On almost every issue that was discussed on Monday night, Governor Romney agreed with the President with some nuances. But this is quite a different set of foreign policy views than he had earlier in the campaign. And my concern ... is that sometimes I don't sense that he has thought through these issues as thoroughly as he should have."
Powell also said that he has given close consideration to Romney's domestic policies. "As I listen to what his proposals are especially with respect to dealing with respect to our most significant issue, the economy, it's essentially let's cut taxes and compensate for that with other things but that compensation does not cover all of the cuts intended or the new expenses associated with defense."
Powell said that he did not give either candidate early notice of his endorsement, but that he has "the utmost respect for" and spoke to Gov. Romney several weeks ago, and speaks to President Obama regularly.
He added that with this endorsement, he "signed on for a long patrol with President Obama" and that he feels more comfortable with Obama's stances on climate change, immigration, and education.
Powell also criticized congressional leaders for not living up to their responsibilities, mainly around resolving the approaching fiscal cliff.
"The major problem faced either by Gov. Romney or President Obama, whoever wins the election, is going to be what to do about the fiscal cliff we're about to fly over," Powell said.
"This is something that was put in place by Congress and while we're talking about the two candidates for president let's not forget that Congress bears a lot of responsibility for many of the problems that we have now. They're the ones that write the appropriations bills. They're the ones that pass the legislation for more spending and for the various entitlement programs that people have trouble with."
Gen. Powell last joined "CBS This Morning" in June, and at the time remained noncommittal about his support for either candidate in the race for the White House. "Whatever judgement I have right now would be incomplete. I haven't seen everything that Mitt Romney is going to do. I haven't seen how our economy is going to play out," he said in June.
And, despite his endorsement of a Democratic candidate in two presidential elections, Powell says he remains a Republican. "I think I'm a Republican of a more moderate mold," he said before adding, "That's something of a dying breed I'm sorry to say."
Remember Colin is an alum of the Bush regime. And he has a boat load of military and foreign policy experience. If he approves of President Obama's policies, then what is the problem?
5 Things to Consider About Health Insurance
View of the current hospital as more and more congested. Therefore, various diseases come and go which makes people even more vulnerable to attack. Ranging from mild such as a runny nose or cough, to very risky as cancer, as more and more familiar with our society.
Therefore, the portion of medical and health care should be a priority now. Therefore, if at any time sick, sometimes the cost is not small. Moreover, if it had to do surgery or medical treatment due to a variety of dangerous diseases.
Therefore, the health insurance needs to be considered. Because, at the time of the emergency, health insurance will be the solution in terms of financing and hospital care.
Therefore, the portion of medical and health care should be a priority now. Therefore, if at any time sick, sometimes the cost is not small. Moreover, if it had to do surgery or medical treatment due to a variety of dangerous diseases.
Therefore, the health insurance needs to be considered. Because, at the time of the emergency, health insurance will be the solution in terms of financing and hospital care.
However, there are some things to consider before choosing a health insurance. Here are some things that need to be understood more ..
1. Consider the track record of the insurance companies that offer health insurance. It is important to know how condition of the company, professional firms, and its services over the years. The more bona fide and good history of the company, usually the better the various types of insurance offered.
2. Learn and find out more about how the insurance company's network to hospitals there. Primarily, the pain is all around us and the hospital has facilities for serving a wide range of diseases.
1. Consider the track record of the insurance companies that offer health insurance. It is important to know how condition of the company, professional firms, and its services over the years. The more bona fide and good history of the company, usually the better the various types of insurance offered.
2. Learn and find out more about how the insurance company's network to hospitals there. Primarily, the pain is all around us and the hospital has facilities for serving a wide range of diseases.
3. Know what kind of health care that are covered by insurance. For example, if a critical illness cover as heart disease, cancer, and other diseases. Then, if also serves hospitalization and / or treatment of the road. Also, get also related information about the claim payment. By knowing this, we would be more assured when choosing insurance.
4. Understand all the written agreement of the policy, especially that we receive. For example, what classes will be given to us, when to begin the coverage period, and various other things that will bind us when choosing insurance. Do not hesitate ask the people who know if you do not know what is in one grain agreement. Including, for example, whether the money could be paid if in some period of time does not occur claim.
5. Health insurance is one solution. But, the real key solution is to stay fit. Therefore, The best step is to keep in shape and trying to distance themselves from a variety of sources of disease.
4. Understand all the written agreement of the policy, especially that we receive. For example, what classes will be given to us, when to begin the coverage period, and various other things that will bind us when choosing insurance. Do not hesitate ask the people who know if you do not know what is in one grain agreement. Including, for example, whether the money could be paid if in some period of time does not occur claim.
5. Health insurance is one solution. But, the real key solution is to stay fit. Therefore, The best step is to keep in shape and trying to distance themselves from a variety of sources of disease.
Mitt Romney implicated in perjury and stock fraud, made millions in process
From the Examiner
Mitt Romney's involvement in a bitter divorce case between Staples' founder -- Tom Stemberg -- and his ex-wife -- Maureen Sullivan Stemberg -- is the October surprise that the Boston Globe and attorney Gloria Allred are playing a role in. According to an update by TMZ Wednesday, a judge in Boston deciding on whether to unseal records and lift a gag order from the 1991 case will not be made until Thursday.
When the Staples founder was divorcing his first wife, she allegedly got far less money than what the growing business was worth -- all on account of Romney's deposition. Allred is representing Maureen in the hopes that everything from the ugly court battle can be exposed.
A source told TMZ that at the time Romney testified that Staples was "overvalued" and "I didn't place a great deal of credibility in the forecast of the company's future." This was supposedly a lie to help out his friend in the divorce.
Romney was the owner and CEO of Bain Capital at the time of the proceedings, reports. It was a private equity firm that invested $650,000 into Staples as a way of pushing the office supply company to open its first store in Brighton back in 1986. In all, Bain Capital invested an estimated $2.5 million in the business and turned a $13 million profit when Staples went public in 1989.
MZ reports that just weeks after Stemberg divorced Maureen, he and Romney cashed in their stock at Goldman Sachs for a huge fortune. Maureen wound up with very little partly due to Romney's testimony.
Robert G. Jones -- an attorney representing Romney -- said the Republican presidential candidate "has no position on whether his testimony should be unsealed."
A rep for Tom Stemberg said this:
"Over the past several years, the judge in this case has made it very clear that the gag order imposed should not be violated. We have never violated this order and will continue to adhere to the court’s ruling on this case."
Mitt the shit uses people of color
From Politcususa
According to NAACP official Hilary Shelton, Mitt Romney tried to rig the crowd at the convention by flying in his own non-member African Americans to cheer for him.
After getting booed at the NAACP convention today, Mitt Romney headed straight for the sweet embrace of Neil Cavuto and Fox News to try and spin away the pain.
Romney said, “I spoke with a number of African-American leaders after the event and they said, you know a lot of folks don’t want to say they’re not going to be voting for Barack Obama, but they’re disappointed in his lack of policies to improve our schools. Disappointed in urban policies, disappointed in the economy. 14.4% rate of unemployment among African-Americans today. The president has not been able to get the job done. People want to see someone who can get the economy going, so I expect to get African-American votes.”
Romney also claimed that he got a standing ovation at the end of his speech.
Many of Romney’s claims were debunked by Senior Vice President for Advocacy and Policy and the Director of the Washington Bureau of the NAACP, Hilary Shelton who said that the only African Americans Romney met with after his speech were those that he brought with him. Mr. Shelton explained that Mitt Romney flew in his own African-American supporters who were not affiliated with the NAACP, in order to have some people in the crowd cheering for him.
Romney did not meet with any of the convention rank and file after his speech, and only met with the African-Americans that he planted in the crowd.
This isn’t the first time that Mitt Romney has had to bring his own supporters with him. On numerous occasions during the Republican primary the Romney campaign bused in Mormon college students to fill out the candidate’s crowds.
It is hard to believe that same crowd who booed Romney for 15 seconds would give him a standing ovation at the end of his speech. Mitt Romney is thoroughly incapable of telling the truth, but it is amazing how brazen the Romney people are. They actually tried to trick America into thinking that African-Americans will support Romney by stashing plants in the audience.
Mitt Romney’s NAACP appearance has gone from a disaster to an insult to African-Americans and voters everywhere. Things just keep getting worse for Romney.
According to NAACP official Hilary Shelton, Mitt Romney tried to rig the crowd at the convention by flying in his own non-member African Americans to cheer for him.
After getting booed at the NAACP convention today, Mitt Romney headed straight for the sweet embrace of Neil Cavuto and Fox News to try and spin away the pain.
Romney said, “I spoke with a number of African-American leaders after the event and they said, you know a lot of folks don’t want to say they’re not going to be voting for Barack Obama, but they’re disappointed in his lack of policies to improve our schools. Disappointed in urban policies, disappointed in the economy. 14.4% rate of unemployment among African-Americans today. The president has not been able to get the job done. People want to see someone who can get the economy going, so I expect to get African-American votes.”
Romney also claimed that he got a standing ovation at the end of his speech.
Many of Romney’s claims were debunked by Senior Vice President for Advocacy and Policy and the Director of the Washington Bureau of the NAACP, Hilary Shelton who said that the only African Americans Romney met with after his speech were those that he brought with him. Mr. Shelton explained that Mitt Romney flew in his own African-American supporters who were not affiliated with the NAACP, in order to have some people in the crowd cheering for him.
Romney did not meet with any of the convention rank and file after his speech, and only met with the African-Americans that he planted in the crowd.
This isn’t the first time that Mitt Romney has had to bring his own supporters with him. On numerous occasions during the Republican primary the Romney campaign bused in Mormon college students to fill out the candidate’s crowds.
It is hard to believe that same crowd who booed Romney for 15 seconds would give him a standing ovation at the end of his speech. Mitt Romney is thoroughly incapable of telling the truth, but it is amazing how brazen the Romney people are. They actually tried to trick America into thinking that African-Americans will support Romney by stashing plants in the audience.
Mitt Romney’s NAACP appearance has gone from a disaster to an insult to African-Americans and voters everywhere. Things just keep getting worse for Romney.
Payment Protection Insurance FAQ
Payment Protection Insurance FAQ
If you are looking into payment protection insurance (PPI) on a mortgage, whether it is regarding a claim or if you are applying for cover, then you probably have a lot of questions. With the recent uproar regarding mis-sold PPI, it is a good idea for you to do some research before taking cover as there have been thousands of cases in the past where expensive cover was sold to clients who believed that they had to have the policy. You may also just find out that PPI you have previously had may have been mis-sold to you, meaning that you may have a valid claim.
Here are some frequently asked questions which may be of assistance:
• Who benefits from payment protection insurance?
The borrower. Payment protection insurance is meant to repay the borrower's commitments to a many different types of loans, should they be in a situation where they are unable to.
• How long are you protected under the cover?
In many cases, the loan cover will pay for up to 12 months if the borrower is injured, falls ill or is involuntarily unemployed. It is highly important to discuss this topic with the institution you choose as your supplier of PPI cover, as the duration of cover and the requirements for claims have been problematic with mis-sold policies. Be sure that you are properly covered during a time of crisis and aren't piled with even more pressure.
• Is PPI costly?
The PPI cover should vary in price depending on the institution and the amount of the mortgage taken by the borrower.
• How do you make a PPI claim?
In all cases, you will have to validate your claims. For example, if you are retrenched from your job, you will need to produce the documentation provided to you by the employer. For more peace of mind, you should discuss various scenarios with the institution providing your PPI so that you are prepared for the worst - and covered for it.
If you feel that you have been mis-sold PPI insurance in the past, there are ways for you to be compensated. Discuss these matters with a reputable claims company which will gladly assist you in the matter.
By P gagauz
If you are looking into payment protection insurance (PPI) on a mortgage, whether it is regarding a claim or if you are applying for cover, then you probably have a lot of questions. With the recent uproar regarding mis-sold PPI, it is a good idea for you to do some research before taking cover as there have been thousands of cases in the past where expensive cover was sold to clients who believed that they had to have the policy. You may also just find out that PPI you have previously had may have been mis-sold to you, meaning that you may have a valid claim.
Here are some frequently asked questions which may be of assistance:
• Who benefits from payment protection insurance?
The borrower. Payment protection insurance is meant to repay the borrower's commitments to a many different types of loans, should they be in a situation where they are unable to.
• How long are you protected under the cover?
In many cases, the loan cover will pay for up to 12 months if the borrower is injured, falls ill or is involuntarily unemployed. It is highly important to discuss this topic with the institution you choose as your supplier of PPI cover, as the duration of cover and the requirements for claims have been problematic with mis-sold policies. Be sure that you are properly covered during a time of crisis and aren't piled with even more pressure.
• Is PPI costly?
The PPI cover should vary in price depending on the institution and the amount of the mortgage taken by the borrower.
• How do you make a PPI claim?
In all cases, you will have to validate your claims. For example, if you are retrenched from your job, you will need to produce the documentation provided to you by the employer. For more peace of mind, you should discuss various scenarios with the institution providing your PPI so that you are prepared for the worst - and covered for it.
If you feel that you have been mis-sold PPI insurance in the past, there are ways for you to be compensated. Discuss these matters with a reputable claims company which will gladly assist you in the matter.
By P gagauz
Once again President Obama kicked Mitt the Shit's ass
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From America Blog
“@CNBC: Survey Results: Who do you think won the debate? Obama: 67%, Romney: 30%, Neither: 3% (Track:”
* President Obama: Obama controlled the third presidential debate in a way not all that dissimilar from the way Romney controlled the first one. Obama clearly came loaded for bear, attacking Romney from the jump for a lack of clarity when it came to his vision (or lack thereof) on foreign policy. If you are looking for moments and remember that the media coverage over the next few days will focus on just that Obama had two with his line about the 1980s calling in regards to Romneys foreign policy and his reference to horses and bayonets to call into question his rivals understanding of the modern military. Its possible that Obama came off too hot/not presidential in some of his attacks but Democrats will take a little too much heat following Obamas cold-as-ice performance in the first debate. Obama came across as the more confident and commanding presence by a lot.
From America Blog
@glennbeck: I am glad to know that mitt agrees with Obama so much. No, really. Why vote?Yikes, even more proof – Coulter is pissed at Romney (she’s talking about Obama):
@AnnCoulter: I highly approve of Romney’s decision to be kind and gentle to the retard.Ari Fleischer said, after the debate, that the debate won’t matter – that means he thinks Romney lost.
RT @GregMitch: Fox admits it dial turners reached highest joy point at “horses and bayonets.”Chris Matthews to Obama campaign deputy, Cutter: “I think you guys won tonight.”
@keithboykin: CBS poll: 53% say Obama won debate. Only 23% say Romney.
RT @ppppolls We have a post-debate poll running in the swing states & Obama was the clear winnerChuck Todd says Romney acted “a little meek.”
The Washington Post @washingtonpost Our lead story: “Obama keeps Romney on his heels” #debates
.@PoliticalWire: “The third & final presidential debate was @BarackObama’s best moment in the campaign so far.”
Jonathan Alter @jonathanalter Romney was betting that he could change his positions and no one would catch up to it. But everyone’s watched now and he got busted.
Brian Fung @b_fung Obama did what he came to do tonight: defend his record and reveal Romney’s shiftiness. Romney came… and that was about it.
Jonathan Alter @jonathanalter Romney essentially conceded that Obama doing decently on foreign policy, which with strong Obama performancd means Obama won debates 2-1.
Zach Green @140elect 3.6 times more tweets after the debate say “Obama won” than say “Romney won”
Jim Heath @JimHeath10TV Over 1,000 votes cast in our @10TV instant Debate Poll: Obama 58%, Romney 42%.
“@keithboykin: CNN says more Republicans watched the debate than Democrats, and yet Obama still won.”Seven out of eight members of CNN’s focus group say Obama won the debate, the eight thinks it was a tie. No one thinks Romney won.
“@CNBC: Survey Results: Who do you think won the debate? Obama: 67%, Romney: 30%, Neither: 3% (Track:”
“@ppppolls: We went into the field in NV as soon as the debate ended for a poll that will be released Wednesday and voters there say Obama won big too”
RT @ReutersPolitics Obama made the stronger arguments during the debate: 63% Obama, 33% Romney
@BuzzFeedAndrew: CNN post-debate poll says Obama won the debate 48%-40%.
@GregMitch: CNN poll: Obama won debate 48%-40%–& again they admit the sample skewed GOP. Was 8% skewed in previous polls.
RT @ppppolls: Swing state voters say Obama won the debate 53-42, and are planning to vote for him 51-45Cillizza from the Washington Post calls it for Obama:
* President Obama: Obama controlled the third presidential debate in a way not all that dissimilar from the way Romney controlled the first one. Obama clearly came loaded for bear, attacking Romney from the jump for a lack of clarity when it came to his vision (or lack thereof) on foreign policy. If you are looking for moments and remember that the media coverage over the next few days will focus on just that Obama had two with his line about the 1980s calling in regards to Romneys foreign policy and his reference to horses and bayonets to call into question his rivals understanding of the modern military. Its possible that Obama came off too hot/not presidential in some of his attacks but Democrats will take a little too much heat following Obamas cold-as-ice performance in the first debate. Obama came across as the more confident and commanding presence by a lot.
LOSERSAnd here’s your LOL:
* Mitt Romney: Romney clearly decided to play it safe in this debate whether because he thought he was ahead and will win if he doesnt screw up or because he knows that foreign policy isnt his strong suit. But, as NFL teams (re)learn every year, playing the prevent defense almost never works. Romney was constantly trying to parry Obama attacks; he knocked some down but plenty go through too. Romney also struggled to differentiate how his foreign policy would offer a break with what Obama has pursued over the past four years. And, he seemed uninterested in attacking Obama on Libya, a baffling strategic decision. Romney was, not surprisingly, at his best when talking about how the economic uncertainty in this country led to uncertainty for the country more broadly but he just didnt do enough of it to win.
RT @chrisgeidner: “I think it’s unequivocal, Romney won.” – Charles Krauthammer
Take Time to Reflect on Your Insurance Marketing Strategies
As you work on building your insurance marketing strategy, it is important to reflect on what you have done so far. Increasing your visibility online and reaching out to your audience is a daily job. However, you should be using the tools and resources you have available to your advantage. This will help you understand the perspective of your community and what they want from your insurance agency.
Reflection of your strategy can allow you to see the positives and negatives of your methods. In addition, you can change your results and create more satisfaction amongst your agency and customers. This will help you move towards your desired goals. You should always make time for reflection because it will allow your company to learn and grow for the better.
One way to reflect more effectively is by asking yourself questions. Consider applying the following list to your marketing and social strategy so you can find out what you can improve on:
Reflection of your strategy can allow you to see the positives and negatives of your methods. In addition, you can change your results and create more satisfaction amongst your agency and customers. This will help you move towards your desired goals. You should always make time for reflection because it will allow your company to learn and grow for the better.
One way to reflect more effectively is by asking yourself questions. Consider applying the following list to your marketing and social strategy so you can find out what you can improve on:
- What worked? Why?
- What didn’t work? Why?
- How can I use this experience?
- How does this experience relate to other situations and what can I learn?
- Knowing what I know now, what would I do differently next time?
More Information On Professional Indemnity Insurance

Today, there are countless web of insurance providers available. Of these, some are available, fast and customized features such as positioning of the requirement of their insurance online. Some others offer liability insurance quotes from top insurance companies to include a comparative study with other available insurance, this is the closest to you to choose the right liability insurance, suiting the needs of the customer.
Companies should always have a professional liability insurance to protect their riders. Professionals such as lawyers, accountants, insurance brokers and architects include liability on account of such possibilities at his disposal. In other words, PII is a requirement for any business fascinating, which includes service providers. This insurance is spreading worldwide at an exponential rate. You and your organization may be in the middle of the debts and obligations as defamation, the food is horrible, claims for negligence, violation of the laws, the virus download the judge group, slander, copyright, trademark, etc. If you are not engaged in professional liability.
For new online businesses, professional liability insurance is a necessity, because your body can be held accountable. It's not just the company that will be affected by this in spite of your customers give you the option to hide this information. Directors, officers and leaders of the organization might also be responsible for false statements. You and your organization will be in trouble in the neck if you are taking a more serious tone. Indemnity insurance will not face out of control debt and liabilities. The ultimate goal of professional responsibility is to protect all these mishaps that may adversely affect you and your customers.
When Should You Hire Your Own Insurance Claims Adjuster?
You should consider hiring a claims adjuster if your insurance company isn’t acting quickly to replace your losses or you aren’t pleased with the terms of the settlement. In a crisis situation, caring for loved ones and establishing a temporary residence increase in priority. Do you feel confident that you will be able to negotiate the best possible settlement in regards to your insurance claim during this very difficult time?
Public adjusters are trained professionals that represent your best interests when you have a large property claim to file with an insurance company. An experienced insurance adjuster can offer the assistance and guidance necessary to bring your claim to an equitable and speedy resolution. They have specific industry knowledge and will be able to interpret your contract and better determine your rights and the insurance company's responsibilities.
Here are some cases when it could be practical to hire a public adjuster:
-When a portion of the property has been destroyed by water, fire or wind damage, and a public adjuster is needed to take inventory of which possessions survived, those that are damaged beyond repair.
-In cases when it’s too time consuming to follow up on your claim and you don’t have accurate records of your possessions or they were destroyed. Public adjusters will be able to provide the correct information for your file.
-If loved ones were injured or perish as a result of a natural disaster or accident, you might lack the piece of mind to negotiate with your insurance company
-If you are the owner of a commercial property, a certified public adjuster would allow you to focus on the operations of your business and negotiate a more favorable settlement.
Although you have to take a decision as quick as possible, you shouldn’t hire just any public adjuster. After you’ve contacted the National Association of Public Insurance Adjusters and/or the Texas Association of Public Adjusters, you should consider interviewing possible candidates. Ask questions about their former clients and circumstances surrounding those claims. Determine if he/she performed over and above expectations. Contact their references to get their feedback. Follow up with the industry association to validate their credentials.
Public adjusters are trained professionals that represent your best interests when you have a large property claim to file with an insurance company. An experienced insurance adjuster can offer the assistance and guidance necessary to bring your claim to an equitable and speedy resolution. They have specific industry knowledge and will be able to interpret your contract and better determine your rights and the insurance company's responsibilities.
Here are some cases when it could be practical to hire a public adjuster:
-When a portion of the property has been destroyed by water, fire or wind damage, and a public adjuster is needed to take inventory of which possessions survived, those that are damaged beyond repair.
-In cases when it’s too time consuming to follow up on your claim and you don’t have accurate records of your possessions or they were destroyed. Public adjusters will be able to provide the correct information for your file.
-If loved ones were injured or perish as a result of a natural disaster or accident, you might lack the piece of mind to negotiate with your insurance company
-If you are the owner of a commercial property, a certified public adjuster would allow you to focus on the operations of your business and negotiate a more favorable settlement.
Although you have to take a decision as quick as possible, you shouldn’t hire just any public adjuster. After you’ve contacted the National Association of Public Insurance Adjusters and/or the Texas Association of Public Adjusters, you should consider interviewing possible candidates. Ask questions about their former clients and circumstances surrounding those claims. Determine if he/she performed over and above expectations. Contact their references to get their feedback. Follow up with the industry association to validate their credentials.
Willow Palin really is going to hair school?
Willow Palin competed in a Vidal Sassoon inspired Bob Competition at Penrose Academy in Scottsdale, Arizona.
I'm surprised Willow actually enrolled in "hair school", cuz Bristol never did after she said she was going to become an aesthetician which requires school.
I'm going to be blunt here, but Willow is the first child of a major political candidate to do something like this. Joe Biden's sons Hunter and Beau are attorneys and daughter Ashley is a social worker. Liz Cheney went to law school and later worked for the state department. Mary Cheney has a business degree and worked for the Colorado Rockies. Chelsea Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar, is pursuing a doctorate and worked for a consulting firm. One of Al Gore's daughters is an attorney and another is a novelist. Alexandra Kerry is a film maker and Vanessa Kerry is a doctor
Jenna Bush is a teacher and Barbara has worked with several non profit groups.
All of these kids have bachelors degrees and some have masters, while one has a Dr's and another one is pursuing a doctorate. None of the Palin kids have gone on to a four year college. Maybe Piper and Trig will break that tradition.
There is nothing wrong with going to hair school. You would think Sarah would encourage her kids to do more, but she is just as lazy.
RIP George McGovern
You were a good man Senator. I know a lot of Republicans who would have voted for you if they had know what Nixon was really up to, even if Thomas Eagleton had stayed on as your running mate.
RIP sir.
Troll comments Oct 14-Oct 20
Bristol is turning 22 today and she is drowning her sorrows in wine coolers
Anonymous October 18, 2012 5:54 AMYou're entitled to your opinion, but sadly, only you about it. You aren't the center of the universe.
Here's something to think about. I personally think Kelly Monaco is one of the most boring individuals on television, but I don't sit around trashing her in every way and complaining about her continued presence. It's called maturity. It's also called a TV SHOW.
Anonymous October 18, 2012 5:51 AMShe's 22, been in the limelight for 4 years, active public figure for 3 and you still know nothing about her all because you're obsessive with your personal mythology.
Keep in mind that one of those interviewers Tuesday night said several contestants booted didn't stay for postshow interviews. But then again, no hate blog like this has ever cared about truth and facts.
Last I heard she was stoked to finally be heading home to cuddle her newest cousin (her cousin's 3 day old daughter)
Anonymous October 19, 2012 8:36 AMIt boggles the mind why anonymous onlookers feel they can ever speak about things relating to another person's life that they couldn't know about. Anonymity is a truth killer. That has been proven decade after decade. The FEW times it's helped don't erase or weigh more than the millions of times it's hurt.
Though, at the crux of it all, I will never understand people who obsess over others' lives, especially in a hateful manner.
Life is short. You obviously haven't learned that the hard way, but it is. Go live it. Stop hating. Stop judging. Stop stalking those youll never meet and those who don't know you exist.
Here's something to think about. I personally think Kelly Monaco is one of the most boring individuals on television, but I don't sit around trashing her in every way and complaining about her continued presence. It's called maturity. It's also called a TV SHOW.
Anonymous October 18, 2012 5:51 AM
She's 22, been in the limelight for 4 years, active public figure for 3 and you still know nothing about her all because you're obsessive with your personal mythology.
Keep in mind that one of those interviewers Tuesday night said several contestants booted didn't stay for postshow interviews. But then again, no hate blog like this has ever cared about truth and facts.
Last I heard she was stoked to finally be heading home to cuddle her newest cousin (her cousin's 3 day old daughter)
Keep in mind that one of those interviewers Tuesday night said several contestants booted didn't stay for postshow interviews. But then again, no hate blog like this has ever cared about truth and facts.
Last I heard she was stoked to finally be heading home to cuddle her newest cousin (her cousin's 3 day old daughter)
Anonymous October 19, 2012 8:36 AM
It boggles the mind why anonymous onlookers feel they can ever speak about things relating to another person's life that they couldn't know about. Anonymity is a truth killer. That has been proven decade after decade. The FEW times it's helped don't erase or weigh more than the millions of times it's hurt.
Though, at the crux of it all, I will never understand people who obsess over others' lives, especially in a hateful manner.
Life is short. You obviously haven't learned that the hard way, but it is. Go live it. Stop hating. Stop judging. Stop stalking those youll never meet and those who don't know you exist.
Though, at the crux of it all, I will never understand people who obsess over others' lives, especially in a hateful manner.
Life is short. You obviously haven't learned that the hard way, but it is. Go live it. Stop hating. Stop judging. Stop stalking those youll never meet and those who don't know you exist.
AARP Life Insurance Facts For Aging Adults
Senior life insurance is becoming a common strategy to help cope with the payments after a death. This can be a bit different than conventional life plans allowing it to help take care of the more immediate costs of funerals. It is important to consider all of the foreseeable bills that may occur and offer on their behalf so that the family is not left holding the debt and bills in the long run.It's going to take under a year before the finances of the dead become the duty of their living family members. Ensuring that these expenses are taken care of will put your family at ease. Should a husband or wife remains behind it's also important to make provision for his or her day to day living expenses as well.
Getting life insurance is really a large issue. It could be hard to contemplate a person's individual death, however it really is needed if they're to ensure that their death doesn't cause money problems on their spouse and children. Senior life insurance policies tend to be really cost-effective, shell out swiftly, and are easy to obtain. They don't require medical examinations and they are obtainable to the majority of seniors despite the fact that they are advanced in age group or in bad health. They're able to assist seniors to contemplate a lot of of your costs which may come with their own passing.
These kinds of senior life insurance policy or final expense insurance plans are available in two sorts that don't need to have a health check. For the face worth which ordinarily runs from $2,500 to $30,000, numerous senior life providers will offer simple issue and guaranteed issue insurance policies. Because face worth is lower, and so the threat to insurance agencies is lower, you can find more laid back requirements to achieve cost-effective coverage for life insurance. Seniors can leave moneys towards a inheritor, usually your husband or wife or kids, to cover funeral expenditures, pay for remaining bills, leaving some cash for an estate.
Getting life insurance is really a large issue. It could be hard to contemplate a person's individual death, however it really is needed if they're to ensure that their death doesn't cause money problems on their spouse and children. Senior life insurance policies tend to be really cost-effective, shell out swiftly, and are easy to obtain. They don't require medical examinations and they are obtainable to the majority of seniors despite the fact that they are advanced in age group or in bad health. They're able to assist seniors to contemplate a lot of of your costs which may come with their own passing.
Life Insurance Facts For Aging Adults
Some life insurance agencies currently have designed senior life, guaranteed life insurance, or remaining expense life insurance packages to satisfy such demands. These are typically, generally full life insurance plans. Which means that the insurance plan will continue to be in effect given that the policy remains in force. A policy is often held in force through paying monthly premiums, as well as by having the insurance policy "paid up". Indeed, several whole life insurance policies might be paid spanning aduration of yrs, normally 10 to 20 years. In such cases, an protected person can sit back, understanding they'll have insurance coverage for his or her entire lives, and not just for the length of several years.These kinds of senior life insurance policy or final expense insurance plans are available in two sorts that don't need to have a health check. For the face worth which ordinarily runs from $2,500 to $30,000, numerous senior life providers will offer simple issue and guaranteed issue insurance policies. Because face worth is lower, and so the threat to insurance agencies is lower, you can find more laid back requirements to achieve cost-effective coverage for life insurance. Seniors can leave moneys towards a inheritor, usually your husband or wife or kids, to cover funeral expenditures, pay for remaining bills, leaving some cash for an estate.
California Homeowners Insurance - 7 Tips for Ensuring Proper Residential Coverage
Owning and maintaining a home is one of the largest financial responsibilities you will ever have. If it has been awhile since you have looked at your homeowners insurance policy, it is time to examine your coverage to be sure you are prepared in the event of disaster. Consider the following tips to be sure youre not in a mess the next time you file a homeowners insurance claim.
1) Request written guidelines from your adjuster regarding how claims will be adjusted.
2) File away copies of all correspondence between you and your insurer.
3) Be sure you call the California Department of Insurance if you consider hiring a public adjuster. You want to ensure s/he is properly licensed.
4) Keep all receipts of your living expenses and any other documents that pertain to your insurance or property. Keep those documents in one location, chronologically ordered, so they are easily accessed.
5) Log all phone calls between you and your adjuster.
6) Never speculate about what has been damaged or lost. Always stick to business and share only factual information.
7) Understand the Unfair Practices Act and Fair Claims Settlement Practices Regulations published by the California Department of Insurance. You can retrieve copies from the web site ( or by phoning 1.800.937.HELP.
Now that weve covered tips things to keep in mind when you file a homeowners insurance claim, lets do a quick overview of the homeowners insurance coverage available to you. Remember that these policies can fall into several categories.
Replacement cost coverage Pays the cost of repairing or rebuilding your home or replacing your possessions without a deduction for depreciation.
Guaranteed/extended replacement cost coverage This is the highest level of protection. Guaranteed replacement pays the cost to rebuild your home as it was before the disaster even if that cost exceeds the policy limit. This policy will protect you against increases in homebuilding costs or other unexpected situations. In most cases this coverage will not compensate for home upgrades to comply with building codes. If your home is older, this policy may not be available to you. Extended policies pay a percentage over the policy limit to rebuild your home. Usually an extended policy will pay 20 to 25 percent more than the limit of the policy. Be sure to see what coverages your state offers. Not all states offer the same coverages.
Actual cash value This coverage pays to replace your home/possessions minus a deduction for depreciation.
Other homeowners coverage:
Structures other than the dwelling Includes structures on the residential premises that are not attached to the dwelling - sidewalks, driveways, permanently installed yard fixtures and private or decorative fences. The average limits on coverage are 10 percent of the value of the dwelling.
Loss of use Reimburses for expenses beyond replacing property if a home cannot be lived in because of fire. This coverage usually pays for the living expenses incurred maintaining a normal lifestyle.
Mobile homes Offered by a few companies. This coverage is considered residential if the mobile home is established as a permanent residence.
Building code upgrade reimburses for building code upgrades that may be required during the repair/rebuilding process.
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