The NCAA needs to give Penn State the death penalty

For those who do not know when the NCAA gives a college athletic team the death penalty it means the team is barred from competition for at least a year.  The last time a major college football team got the death penalty was Southern Methodist University in 1987 for repeated violations which included boosters giving money to athletes.

That is what the NCAA needs to do.  To Penn State that is.

Covering up a child sex abuse is much worse than a booster giving money to an athlete.  Or an employee committing academic fraud so a basketball player can stay eligible, which happened at the University of Minnesota during the mid 1990's.  Or lack of institutional control at Miami.

Federal law requires that an educational institution report any sexual assaults on campus.  Obviously the 2001 incident where Mike McQueary caught Jerry Sandusky raping a boy in the shower never got reported.  That should be worthy of the NCAA's attention.

As a college sports fan I never liked the NCAA.  Brian Bosworth as big as an ass he was at Oklahoma was right.  The NCAA and it's member schools makes millions off these student athletes (or should I say athlete-students) yet will penalize a student if they transfer or someone buys them a burger.  If Iowa coach Kirk Ferentz was sitting in his office eating a pizza and QB James Vandenberg walks into his office and Coach offers him a slice, it would be a violation.

The NCAA needs to grow a pair and slap Penn State with the biggest penalty possible.  If they don't then they are just as big a pussy las Joe Paterno, Tim Curley, Gary Schultz, Graham Spanier, and Mike McQueary

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