Where is Trig Palin?

This week Trig had his 3rd birthday.  Apparently Trig celebrated his 2nd birthday twice, according to Malia Litman's blog

The real point is that from the moment Palin was introduced at the RNC she has repeatedly used Trig as a symbol for her right-to-life position. However the lack of involvement in his life is evident from the number of speaking events Sarah Palin has attended without Trig or her other children. We didn’t see Trig with Sarah when she appeared to give speeches to the conferences for special needs children. That would have been the appropriate place for him to appear. His absence conveyed Palin’s real attitude which is that giving birth to the child (if she did) was the extent of her responsibility for the child. Afterwards he appeared only when she needed a reminder of her political position on abortion. Newsmax even credited Trig for saving McCain’s pro-life candidacy.  Throughout the campaign when it was cold Trig made appearances. On the book signing tour, Sarah dragged Trig out of the bus for a photo op before the signing began. The amazing thing is that Sarah few on a private plane to most of the book signing events and simply met Trig in the bus on the way to the event.

On Google Images over 200,000 images appear when searching for “Trig Palin”. Yet virtually none of the images are pictures of Trig wearing his much needed glasses.  On the TLC show Trig was left with a babysitter for virtually every adventure. In the eight episodes we saw a particular focus on each of the Palin children,…all except Trig. There was an episode when Tripp, Bristol’s child was included, but Trig was not. If there is a nanny who provides consistent care for Trig, we didn’t meet her.

On the occasion of Trig’s third birthday, we are reminded of his abandonment. Various web sites supporting Palin remembered Trig’s birthday. See for example: (1) and (2) .
However the most revealing is this one that mentions Sarah’s own tweet that included this picture:

“Today is Trig Palin’s third birthday! Governor Palin shared this tweet and picture this morning:
Awww…growing up to be a fisherman! Happy Birthday! http://yfrog.com/hs9azfoj

This is the picture featured when Trig was celebrating his second birthday.
This is not a mistake in my post. The mistake was in failing to take a picture on Trig’s third birthday. Did they even have a family party? Did they even make him a cake? I guess he had Down’s syndrome when he was two years old, and he still does, so Sarah would have no reason to need a more current picture.

Reading Malia's post got me thinking.  It seems odd that they would use the same picture twice.   Is Trig in an institution?  Is he still a Palin?  Did he go back to his real family, whoever they may be.  Or, GULP, is he even still alive?

Considering the quality of care he has gotten from Sarah, he may have passed away.  Don't get me wrong, I don't want Trig dead.  I'm concerned about his well being.  It does not appear he uses the hearing aids and eye glasses Down Syndrome Toddlers need, like Malia mentioned over 200,000 google images of him and not one of him wearing glasses and hearing aids.

Take a look at this picture of him here during the book tour:

According to people at the book signing, it was 40 some degrees that night and Trig has no pants or socks on. That is child abuse folks. Sarah and Piper are dressed warmly but Trig isn't.

Then you take into consideration Sarah's "Wild Ride".  If it is true, she woke up in the middle of the night in labor while in Dallas, called Dr. Cathy Baldwin-Johnson in Anchorage, stayed to give the speech, Baylor Medical Center was 5 minutes away but she refused Rick Perry's offer of an ambulance, hopped on a plane to Seattle, another city with a hospital that has a neo-natal unit but she stayed at the airport for a 3-4 hour layover, flew to Anchorage, passed the only hospital in AK with a neo-natal unit and gave birth to Trig in Wasilla.  If the Wild Ride is true, she is very neglectful not only for her health but Trig's as well.  When your pregnant and your water breaks you get your ass to the hospital ASAP.

I just can't help but wonder if Sarah killed Trig.  I know it is a horrible thing to say but considering there have been no Trig sightings in months and little of him was seen during Sarah Palin's Alaska it is possible.  God Bless You Trig.

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