Three years ago today Sarah stepped on the RNC convention stage and opened her piehole

And since then she has done nothing good for this country except cause controversy.

Announced 17 year old Bristol was pregnant

Accused President Obama of palling around with terrorists (Obama was 8 years old when Bill Ayers blew up that building)

Went rogue on John McCain

Wouldn't prepare for her interviews and debate with Joe Biden

Spent over $150,000 of the RNC's money on designer clothes

Involved in Troopergate, Travelgate, and many other ethics violations

Tried to get the McCain campaign to lie about Todd's membership in the AIP

Tried to give a concession speech Election Night when it was John McCain's race

Referred to the ticket as the Palin-McCain ticket.

Whined about the treatment she received during the campaign


Ignored the residents of Emmonack

Neglected her job duties as governor after the election

Nominated an endorser of marital rape for AK Attorney General

Set up an illegal fund for her legal bills

Got into a public spat with David Letterman

Quit her job as governor to make more money

Spread lies that President Obama was setting up death panels

Wrote not one but two books full of lies

Stuck her nose in on the 9/11 Mosque (it's a NYC issue)

Got a gig on FAUX News

Got into a public spat with Levi Johnston

Went after a cartoon character on Family Guy

Had a hand in rigging the voting for Bristol on Dancing With the Stars

Endorsed radical candidates like Michele Bachmann, Christine O'Donnell, Joe Miller, Sharon Angle, Rand Paul, Jesse Lee, and Tom Emmer.

Thought North Korea were our allies

Moved to Arizona after exalting the positives about Alaska in her reality show

Charges pro-life and other faith based organizations $100,000 for a speech yet speaks at the NRA Convention for free

Starred on a reality show about Alaska

Thought Ronald Reagan went to college in California

Put crosshairs on a map and made comments like "don't retreat, reload"

Played the victim after the Tucson shooting spree

Got into a spat with a schoolteacher while filming her reality show

Attacks President Obama and the First Lady every chance she gets

Thought Paul Revere warned the British

Quit her bus tour

Made a documentary about herself and it was whitewashed

Used her reality show as a political platform and got a tax credit for it

This is how she looked February 2008:

And this is how she looks in June 2011:

I cannot believe how much she has aged in three years

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