From her bloghttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif
posted by Shailey on Wednesday, July 27, 2011
For over a month now I have wanted to address the issue of my arrest paperwork and the Anchorage Police Department’s official statement to the National Enquirer regarding the article from the NE on the subject matter that I was Todd Palin’s mistress/prostitute. Specifically I want to go into detail about each point they made in their statement.
I took the following off of radar online’s website as the link to the national Enquirer no longer seems valid.
Radar Online “LATEST UPDATE: 9:15 PM EST
The Anchorage Police Department have issued the
following press release:
Shailey Tripp Investigation APD #10-1823
The Anchorage Police Department investigation and arrest of Shailey Tripp has
recently been mischaracterized in internet blogs and in a National Enquirer
article. Several errors regarding the investigation and arrest were reported in
the Enquirer article (printed and internet versions):
*None of the physical evidence examined by police showed any connection to
Wasilla resident Todd Palin and his name did not appear in any of the records
seized by APD.
*The investigation of the prostitution operation was initiated by Anchorage
Police Department’s Vice Unit responding to internet advertisements, not through
information developed from any tips or other persons.
*No rolodex was seized and taken into evidence.
*The National Enquirer has not contacted Anchorage Police Department Public
Affairs Unit to fact check its story so their reported call to Anchorage Police
Department could not have been returned.
*Bloggers have had no access to the evidence seized so their linking of
evidence in police custody to any other person is incorrect. “
First let me address this very simple detail: Shailey Tripp Investigation APD #10-1823
As you can see for yourself my name along with an assigned number for reference appears. The number 10-1823. Now all my paperwork from the courts, the attorneys, and the police have a different number. The number on all my paperwork with a APD prefix is #10-3948.
The next statement is:
None of the physical evidence examined by police showed any connection to
Wasilla resident Todd Palin and his name did not appear in any of the records
seized by APD.
From my understanding, according to the interview Malia Litman gave with Dave Parker, who issued this report, the police never actually examined the actual evidence it took into custody. So my take on this is they either knew who the big players were and decided not to look at it so they can with all honesty say that Todd Palin’s name does not appear on anything taken from the Tripp arrest or they just never got around to actually looking at what they took. Which in my own opinion is sloppy either way. We do know for a fact that the police did know what they took into custody. And in all the paperwork I have at least 7 of the officers police reports indeed indicate that items seized were a client list with phone numbers. Each officer worded this in their own individual way but never the less they seized client info with phone numbers period!
The third point: The investigation of the prostitution operation was initiated by Anchorage
Police Department’s Vice Unit responding to internet advertisements, not through
information developed from any tips or other persons.
Yes, it is true they did investigate Craig list ads and backpage ads, but they did not start the investigation due to those ads. The investigation was clearly started based off of two different phone calls from two different people a Laurie Jorgenson and a William Fortier. In both the original police report and the Affidavit of David Burns for Search Warrant Authorization both state that on 1-24-10 William Fortier contacted APD Officer Billiet to report possible prostitution. It also states that Laurie Jorgenson also placed a call to the APD to make a similar complaint based off of finding douche bottles in the trash can. The police report and affidavit have their contact info, description, and social security numbers on them so I am not mistaken on this point. So clearly the investigation was directly prompted by 2 phone calls and not initiated by Internet ads.
Next, the statement: No rolodex was seized and taken into evidence.
Well I carefully read all the paperwork, every page several times. I count at least 6 times the evidence was clearly recounted by 6 different officers on their own paper work regarding the arrest. Also the paperwork I was given about the property they seized clearly, with out a doubt indicate the items and property they took into custody.
In Officer David Burns report he clearly states that items seized were “office documents, calendars, books with client phone numbers….”
In Officer Josua Nolder’s report specifically mentions items seized “SONY laptop, credit card machine, various paperwork such as client lists and expense report…”
And of course the actual evidence reciepts clearly show that a “notebook with client phone numbers” was taken.
The next point: The National Enquirer has not contacted Anchorage Police Department Public
Affairs Unit to fact check its story so their reported call to Anchorage Police
Department could not have been returned.
I do not work for the national Enquirer nor do I have access to any of their information. But when I was in contact with the National Enquirer they indicated to me in a clear way that they did indeed contact the Anchorage Police Department for a comment. But the National Enquirer can only account for themselves I am not in anyway speaking for them.
The last point: Bloggers have had no access to the evidence seized so their linking of
evidence in police custody to any other person is incorrect.
Correct none of the bloggers could possibly have known what evidence was seized at the time this statement was made not would they - the bloggers- have access to look through the property seized. But we now have my police report and we also have copies of the paperwork in which they list the items seized. Bloggers can make any inference they wish to based off their own investigation and opinions. To my knowledge a blogger can post anything they like: opinion, rumor, likes, dislikes, profanity, anything… but why would the police even make this comment?!
In closing I would like to say that Officer Dave Parker himself admitted that there were mistakes made and that the whole APD statement was purely issed due to a phone call from Sarah Palin’s lawyer to the APD!
There are other things I would like to highlight about that police report, so that will be my next blog…
LINKS on APD & Shailey Tripp:
Malia Litman:
Immoral Minority:
Shailey keep fighting the good fight girl! And stay safe
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