Before It's News
Obama Impotent, Sarah Palin said last night in a scathing speech at 960 The Patriot’s United We Stand Event. “He pulled out early,” she said likely speaking of leaving Iraq. The former Alaska Governor said she respects the office, but not Obama. Gov. Palin did not mince words as she unloaded a barrage of one-liners against the feckless occupant of the White House. Obama Impotent was clearly the take-away.
Obama Impotent, she said from his non-handling of ISIS, the Second Amendment, PC, illegal immigrants, and our Marine left behind in Mexico. She called Obama Impotent for his addiction to other people’s money.
Obama knew about ISIS for over a year, but did nothing. He still has no strategy and thinks ISIS can be managed. This is why Gov. Palin called Obama Impotent.
@TPNNtweets @SarahPalinUSA She has more balls than our Coward in Chief who wants to make them a ''manageable problem''
— Ebony Disaster (@Mr_Bheem) September 5, 2014
.@SarahPalinUSA: If we desire to secure peace, we must let it be known at all times that we are ready for war. #UnitedWeStand
— TeaPartyNewsNetwork (@TPNNtweets) September 5, 2014
.@SarahPalinUSA: ISIS needs to know that they are going straight to hell and the red, white, and blue will send them there! #UnitedWeStand
— TeaPartyNewsNetwork (@TPNNtweets) September 5, 2014
.@SarahPalinUSA: The president doesn't respect the people & he shows it when he bypasses the people's representatives. #UnitedWeStand #tcot— TeaPartyNewsNetwork (@TPNNtweets) September 5, 2014DC is addicted to OPM (say that out loud) other people's money says @SarahPalinUSA @gcu #UnitedWeStand – do you agree?
— Senator Kelli Ward (@kelliwardaz) September 5, 2014
.@SarahPalinUSA: The world couldn't negotiate with Hitler and we can't with ISIS. #UnitedWeStand
— TeaPartyNewsNetwork (@TPNNtweets) September 5, 2014
.@SarahPalinUSA: Illegal immigration will kill the American dream for all those Americans and legal immigrants who work hard to obtain it.
— TeaPartyNewsNetwork (@TPNNtweets) September 5, 2014
.@SarahPalinUSA: Feds, Arizona will show you how to secure the border because they are on the front lines in the border battle. @teaparty
— TeaPartyNewsNetwork (@TPNNtweets) September 5, 2014
Here is where Sarah Palin said: Obama Impotent:Obama is impotent… He pulled out early! @SarahPalinUSA #Imtellingyourmom
— 960 The Patriot (@960ThePatriot) September 5, 2014
.@SarahPalinUSA says the strategy to deal with ISIS is we win, they lose #UnitedWeStand— Senator Kelli Ward (@kelliwardaz) September 5, 2014
.@SarahPalinUSA “Obama, back away from the golf cart and handle the threats. We win, they lose.” Simple. #unitedwestand
— GrandCanyonPlanning (@GrandCanyonPlan) September 5, 2014
.@SarahPalinUSA: Obama says we never leave an American behind. Two Americans were left behind and beheaded. What about our Marine in Mexico?
— TeaPartyNewsNetwork (@TPNNtweets) September 5, 2014
The main event at #UnitedWeStand – cheering on @SarahPalinUSA with my friend @HustonEnvSer at @gcu @960ThePatriot
— Senator Kelli Ward (@kelliwardaz) September 5, 2014
.@SarahPalinUSA: Obama… when are you going to ask muslims to stop clinging to guns and religion?? #UnitedWeStand
— 960 The Patriot (@960ThePatriot) September 5, 2014
.@SarahPalinUSA: Not that I can predict anything that is going on in Russia..(takes jab at SNL) after all I can see it from my house. #tcot
— TeaPartyNewsNetwork (@TPNNtweets) September 5, 2014
.@SarahPalinUSA: We're not going to go along with that 'political correctness' that tells us to sit down and shut up! #UnitedWeStand
— 960 The Patriot (@960ThePatriot) September 5, 2014
.@SarahPalinUSA: Nothing stops a bad buy with a gun except a good guy with a gun. I carry a gun because a cop is too heavy. @UnitedWeStand
— TeaPartyNewsNetwork (@TPNNtweets) September 5, 2014
.@SarahPalinUSA: Said to a grp protesting her in Oregon, Hey, at least I eat organic, too. I just go outside & shoot it first! #teaparty
— TeaPartyNewsNetwork (@TPNNtweets) September 5, 2014
.@SarahPalinUSA “Everybody has a role in turning this country around.” #UnitedWeStand
— GrandCanyonPlanning (@GrandCanyonPlan) September 5, 2014
You know Sarah I wish Chuck had pulled out of Sally in the spring of 1963 and Todd pulled out of you in the winter of 1989-90 and fall of 1993.
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