Yes I'm gonna gloat!

From Fecebook:

C’mon now, guys. This gloating among establishment Republicans calls for the same reprimand we parents offer 12-year-olds who scuffle on the playground. I often remind my young daughter, especially, after her ball games, of the importance of being considerate and gracious in both victory and defeat.
Congratulations to candidates in yesterday’s small pool of state primary elections who will now move on to their respective general elections. Now, knock off the gloating. The GOP establishment must ratchet any kind of arrogance way down and get in touch with independent, constitutional conservatives who build the base of the party. They do the thankless work to put boots on the ground for your campaigns, and they show up to vote if you give us good reason to vote. Anything less and we will not secure victory for America this fall.
Surely, politicians and high paid D.C. consultants, you realize we all need to work together after these valuable competitive primaries that offer good debate and clear awareness of candidates’ positions, right? It’s extremely off-putting to witness post-primary smugness. Well-funded campaigns that rub a victory in the face of primary challengers’ supporters sure don’t endear the winning campaign to voters who are beyond tired of the selfish political games that have gotten the country into the mess we’re in. Your gloating causes apathy, if not downright disgust, among concerned citizens who want to remind you: “It’s not about you.”
You’re perpetuating an “us versus them” mentality with this gloating. That does our cause of defending our republic and all our freedoms and opportunities no good. Are we not on the same side, standing firm on all platform planks that empower the people instead of growing government? The people you’re mocking comprise the base of your own party, remember? To paraphrase the great Ronald Reagan: Rein it in and humbly learn how much we can accomplish together for America when we don’t care who gets the credit.
Bottom line: Politicos, more friends are needed leading up to the general election. Poking potential friends in the eye doesn’t earn the allies needed to win.
Piper and her schoolgirl friends would tell you as much.

The candidate she is referring to is Taylor Griffin who was running for Congress from North Carolina.

What does that make Sarah now in the 2014 midterms, 0-2?  Bwahahahahahahaha!  And yes I'm gonna gloat!

And no Ronald Reagan was no humble winner.  He took jabs at Jimmy Carter and Walter Mondale every chance he got.

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