Teabagger: let's sue teh gayz!

From Talking Points Memo

"Peter, the whole issue of a class action lawsuit, you and I have talked about this a little bit," Scarborough said. "I just wonder if you’ve explored that, talked to anyone about it. Obviously, statistically now even the Centers for Disease Control verifies that homosexuality much more likely leads to AIDS than smoking leads to cancer.

"And yet the entire nation has rejected smoking, billions of dollars are put into a trust fund to help cancer victims and the tobacco industry was held accountable for that," he added. "Any thoughts on that kind of an approach?"

"Yeah I think that’s great," LaBarbera responded. "I would love to see it. We always wanted to see one of the kid in high school who was counseled by the official school counselor to just be gay, then he comes down with HIV. But we never really got the client for that."

This has to be the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard! Rick Scarborough is an idiot.  But since we are at it, let's sue the following:

Tea Party Republicans for obstructing Congress and shutting down the government

Sarah Palin for inciting racism.

The Quiverfull movement for popping out too many kids and causing havoc on the earth's resources

The Catholic church for their stand against birth control and abortion, which drains our resources as we are stuck with kids no one wants.

STFU Rick!

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